Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5687 outdated Not creating initial remote directory with local directory upload Bakka

I am seeing a problem where the client is not creating the initial remote directory. Example: I want to upload c:\foo to the remote location of /home/user/foo I select foo directory on the local end and user directory on the remote end. I then select add to queue of the local foo directory and then attempt to process the queue. The queue will timeout trying to upload the files as it does not create the initial /home/user/foo directory when it performs the first CWD /home/user/foo. Attached is a log of an actual attempt at this. If I manually create the /home/user/foo directory prior to processing the queue then the upload will work fine and subdirectories will also be processed ok.

I am also using the latest rc1 candidate

#9308 worksforme Directory and File Sorting Case Sensitive Brent Wilson

Currently sorting directories and files on the Local side of Filezilla Client results in Upper Case directories being sorted above lower case directories. I have attached a screenshot to show. This also happens for files.

#4355 outdated ftp corrupted during upload James Foerch

Some but not all of the ftp files I upload to my webhost become corrupted. When downloaded by Firefox into Adobe Reader the latter throws the error "File does not begin with %ftp-", and when I check the uploaded file, it doesn't. The files I'm sending do start with the correct code.

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