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Results (52 - 54 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3720 fixed Crash on corrupt quickconnectbar.xrc zantoy

In the quickconnectbar.xrc file:

  • if the IP element is hidden (ID_QUICKCONNECT_HOST), there is no problem. The default IP or the IP specified in command line is well used.
  • if the Port element is hidden (ID_QUICKCONNECT_PORT), the application craches! I need to hide the 2 elements and I don't understand why we don't have the same behavior. Is it possible to fix this problem please?

Thank you for your support.

#3633 incorrect translation in Italian version zandor_zz

The Italian version lists among the download/upload options the following entry: "Sovrascrivi se dimensione più recente" ... which would sound in English like "Overwrite if dimension is more recent".

It should be corrected to "Sovrascrivi se dimensione different", i.e. in English "Overwrite if dimension is different".

#3672 Rough Italian translation Tim Kosse zandor_zz

After my previous post on that same topic, I found things improved, but not to an acceptable level yet. In the modal dialog where overwriting options are listed, we read in Italian:

  1. "Sovrascrivi" <-> "Overwrite"
  2. "Sovrascrivi se più recente" <-> "Overwrite if more recent" ;
  3. "Sovrascrivi se dimensione differente" <-> "Overwrite if different size" ;
  4. "Sovrascrivi se dimensione differente o più recente" <-> "Overwrite if different size or time" ;

I tried to gave the correspondent English forms. While 4. might sound good in English, it is rough in Italian, where one might understand that the dimension might be different or the dimension (again!) is more recent.

In order to avoid ambiguities, I suggest what follows then:

  1. "Sovrascrivi" <-> "Overwrite";
  2. "Sovrascrivi se file é più recente";
  3. "Sovrascrivi se dimensione é differente";
  4. "Sovrascrivi se dimensione differente o file più recente";

Thanks for patience,

Alessandro Rosa

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