Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (493 - 495 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5650 fixed Alias don't work after a restart server or reboot


When im setting some alias, it's look like good.

But when i restart the server or i reboot my OS, it doesn't work.

If i go back to check the configuration, nothing have change...

If i delete the user and do the same configuration with the alias, it will work until i restart again...

Thank for the support !

#2809 rejected Aliases cube8

When adding a shared folder, other than the home folder, the user should be forced to enter a name and the vitual FTP path. The way it is now (v0.9.24), adding a shared folder without an alias, is meaningless, since it doesn't appear in the client's list.

#10320 outdated All UserName and Password Information Lost (Site Manager) Kate Blauwkamp

After the last update of File Zilla, all of my UserName and Password information is no longer in FileZilla. It looks to have defaulted all of the file transfer information to blank. My three co-workers are also having the same issue for the files that they are trying to send.

After you reenter all of the information it seems to be saving now, but we now need to track down all of the information that is missing.

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