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Results (487 - 489 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11616 rejected After upgrade to 3.33.0 downloading XMI file from z/OS to PC data is corrupted. Jim Kyriakakis

I just upgraded recently to 3.33.0 and at the end of the month I download an XMI file from z/OS which is an unloaded PDS file. I then run a check after the download using a tool called XMI Explorer to confirm the file is readable. Today the file is not. I then used standard DOS FTP to download same file and was ok. So what has changed in 3.33.0 that caused the corruption in the XMI files? I tried 6 other XMI files that worked in previous versions of FileZilla and they were corrupted using 3.33.0. I asked a colleague to try it as well and they too had the issue. The files are 39 meg so I can't attach to this record.If there is anything you need me to do let me know.

#1002 After using sftp:// a plain address does no ftp connection Alexander Schuch claudionieder

A filezilla user asked me to report to you this bug:

He sees an inconsistency on how the address field is handled. When you type in just a host name, filezilla makes an FTP connection.

But in this sequence of events things are different (note: you need to use for a host which supports FTP but no SFTP):

  1. Start up FileZilla version 2.2.17a
  2. Fill in an Address like s
  3. Discover, that does not support

SFTP, so Click on the STOP icon in the Toolbar.

  1. Remove the sftp:// prefix in front and try to

connect to instead. It still will not connect.

This happens, because filezilla still tries to establish connections to port 22. You would need to extend the address to to get a connection.

This is irritating to unexperienced users, because for them it looks like the situation in step 4 is the same as if they had gone through this sequence of events:

  1. Start up FileZilla version 2.2.17a
  2. Fill in an Address like
  3. An FTP connection is set up.
#1081 After using view/edit, Filezilla doesn't upload changed file geeknik

After doing a view/edit on a remote file, Filezilla would normally prompt you to upload the file back to the server. I'm now running FileZilla 2.2.23 on Windows XP Pro (SP2) w/ ZoneAlarm Security Suite 6.5.677, and it no longer asks to save the file and upload the changed file back to the server.

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