Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (481 - 483 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11924 rejected Windows 7 System Tray Bug nydude

After a transfer has completed, the filezilla icon appears in the Windows 7 System Tray and displays a bubble indicating the transfers have completed. After you exit the application, the icon still remains visible in the system tray. To get rid of it, you need to mouse over it.

#11922 worksforme Issues loading directories in Filezilla Pro 3.42.1 mac Denis

when trying to open any other directory other than desktop in filezilla pro for mac version 3.42.1.

when trying to load something like the download folder i can't even see anything in my parent folder. i have tried to locate the folder my manually typing in /Users/*NAME*/Download/ or /Users/cadetbester/Music/ both of which do not show the files that should be there.

#11919 worksforme Filezilla only tries 3 Pageant Keys, i have 6! Anton Fries

Failing connection:

Status:	Verbinde mit
Trace:	CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Trace:	CSftpDeleteOpData::Send() in state 0
Trace:	Going to execute C:\gwprog\filezilla\fzsftp.exe
Antwort:	fzSftp started, protocol_version=8
Trace:	CSftpDeleteOpData::ParseResponse() in state 0
Trace:	CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Trace:	CSftpDeleteOpData::Send() in state 3
Befehl:	open "" 22
Trace:	Connecting to port 22
Trace:	We claim version: SSH-2.0-FileZilla_3.42.1
Trace:	Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.5p1-hpn14v12
Trace:	Using SSH protocol version 2
Trace:	Doing ECDH key exchange with curve Curve25519 and hash SHA-256
Trace:	Server also has ssh-rsa host key, but we don't know it
Trace:	Host key fingerprint is:
Trace:	ssh-ed25519 256 ca:4a:0f:57:65:5a:b9:ef:8e:c3:11:a6:db:b5:48:05 F+/xA2MKVmuM6S6wtudIawC32THUaL8Orw65ZAQhcos=
Trace:	Initialised AES-256 GCM client->server encryption
Trace:	Initialised AES256 GCM client->server MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
Trace:	Initialised AES-256 GCM server->client encryption
Trace:	Initialised AES256 GCM server->client MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
Trace:	Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
Trace:	Pageant has 5 SSH-2 keys
Trace:	Trying Pageant key #0
Trace:	Server refused our key
Trace:	Trying Pageant key #1
Trace:	Server refused our key
Trace:	Trying Pageant key #2
Trace:	Received disconnect message (protocol error)
Trace:	Disconnection message text: Too many authentication failures
Trace:	Server sent disconnect message
Trace:	type 2 (protocol error):
Trace:	"Too many authentication failures"
Fehler:	Server sent disconnect message
Fehler:	type 2 (protocol error):
Fehler:	"Too many authentication failures"
Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::OnTerminate without error
Trace:	CControlSocket::DoClose(66)
Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)
Trace:	CSftpDeleteOpData::Reset(66) in state 3
Fehler:	Herstellen der Verbindung zum Server fehlgeschlagen
Trace:	CFileZillaEnginePrivate::ResetOperation(66)

After i manually remove some upper keys in pageant, which i need somewhere else:

Status:	Verbinde mit
Trace:	CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Trace:	CSftpDeleteOpData::Send() in state 0
Trace:	Going to execute C:\gwprog\filezilla\fzsftp.exe
Antwort:	fzSftp started, protocol_version=8
Trace:	CSftpDeleteOpData::ParseResponse() in state 0
Trace:	CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Trace:	CSftpDeleteOpData::Send() in state 3
Befehl:	open "" 22
Trace:	Connecting to port 22
Trace:	We claim version: SSH-2.0-FileZilla_3.42.1
Trace:	Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.5p1-hpn14v12
Trace:	Using SSH protocol version 2
Trace:	Doing ECDH key exchange with curve Curve25519 and hash SHA-256
Trace:	Server also has ssh-rsa host key, but we don't know it
Trace:	Host key fingerprint is:
Trace:	ssh-ed25519 256 ca:4a:0f:57:65:5a:b9:ef:8e:c3:11:a6:db:b5:48:05 F+/xA2MKVmuM6S6wtudIawC32THUaL8Orw65ZAQhcos=
Trace:	Initialised AES-256 GCM client->server encryption
Trace:	Initialised AES256 GCM client->server MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
Trace:	Initialised AES-256 GCM server->client encryption
Trace:	Initialised AES256 GCM server->client MAC algorithm (in ETM mode) (required by cipher)
Trace:	Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
Trace:	Pageant has 4 SSH-2 keys
Trace:	Trying Pageant key #0
Trace:	Server refused our key
Trace:	Trying Pageant key #1
Trace:	Server refused our key
Trace:	Trying Pageant key #2
Trace:	Sending Pageant's response
Trace:	Access granted
Trace:	Opening session as main channel
Trace:	Opened main channel
Trace:	Started a shell/command
Status:	Connected to
Trace:	CSftpDeleteOpData::ParseResponse() in state 3
Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
Trace:	CSftpDeleteOpData::Reset(0) in state 3
Trace:	CFileZillaEnginePrivate::ResetOperation(0)
Status:	Empfange Verzeichnisinhalt...
Trace:	CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Trace:	CSftpListOpData::Send() in state 0
Trace:	CSftpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 0
Trace:	CSftpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 1
Befehl:	pwd
Antwort:	Current directory is: "/"
Trace:	CSftpChangeDirOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1
Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
Trace:	CSftpChangeDirOpData::Reset(0) in state 1
Trace:	CSftpListOpData::SubcommandResult(0) in state 1
Trace:	CControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
Trace:	CSftpListOpData::Send() in state 2
Trace:	CSftpListOpData::Send() in state 3
Befehl:	ls
Status:	Listing directory /
Trace:	CSftpListOpData::ParseResponse() in state 3
Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)
Trace:	CSftpListOpData::Reset(0) in state 3
Status:	Anzeigen des Verzeichnisinhalts für "/" abgeschlossen
Trace:	CFileZillaEnginePrivate::ResetOperation(0)

Unfornatetely i can't determine the position of the keys in pageant.

Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.