Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (478 - 480 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#480 Zero-length files transfer but stay in queue rkcarter

My local machine is Windows 2000 running FileZilla 2.2.1a. Remote machine is RedHat Linux 9.0 with all latest patches.

I transfer a batch of files from local to remote. The zero-length files stay in the queue (though it looks like they actually transfer). This is a problem for two reasons:

1) The obvious wrong data

2) If I have, say, 10 simultaneous transfers, when I get to the 10th zero-length file, all other transfers stop.

#481 Extremely slow startup anonymous

I experience very slow startuip of FileZilla on my laptop. It takes about 40 seconds to FileZilla window to appear after I clicked the icon.

Configuration is following:

HP omnibook 6000, PIII-850, 512MB Windows 2000 SP4

On my home PC it starts quickly.

#482 Reconnect does not preserve timezone [2.2.1a] mhavila

When I use the Reconnect command, FileZilla does not preserve the timezone settings of the connected site, so the time of files are shown incorrectly after reconnect.

I'm using FileZilla 2.2.1a, Windows 2000 Professional.

Batch Modify
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