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Results (466 - 468 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5 Assert during resize. Tim Kosse anonymous

Just bringing this to your attention. In the debug build of FileZilla 1.1 I get an assert during the resize of the application. This occurs when the ftp view pane has the focus. The assert comes in a call to GetActivePane. It's not a big deal because it doesn't really break anything, and is ignored in the release build, but I thought I would bring it to your attention if you didn't already know.

#6 Ciekawostki ze świata Tim Kosse donky

If I have for instance, 9 large 250 meg files in the queue, the last cell in the status bar has a negative number for the total filesize of all the files in the queue.

#7 Wały napędowe i krzyżaki Tim Kosse donky

Basically, the problem is that FileZilla just doesn't seem to handle a queue of files to download that well. If I have a queue of files that I can order and the client is reconnecting to continue downloading after timing out, I want it to finish the file at the top of the queue before moving onto the next one - not throw the file to the bottom of the queue.

Additionally, in the latest version (1.4?) FileZilla tends to stall on a timeout detected somewhere along the way through the queue. Rather than continue downloading. 1.0 is much more reliable in this regard and will handle a timeout much better.

If this is unclear or you want more details, let me know :)

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