Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (418 - 420 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12089 fixed SFTP broken after version 3.46.0 BB

Can't use SFTP on any version after 3.20.1 to the Lenovo ix2-dl NAS.

Status:	Connecting to
Response:	fzSftp started, protocol_version=9
Command:	open "" 1977
Command:	Pass: ********
Error:	FATAL ERROR: Remote side sent disconnect message
Error:	type 11 (by application):
Error:	"Unsupported protocol sequence"
Error:	Could not connect to server

Note: 1977 port is forwarded to 22 on router.

Works fine with 3.20.1 and below. Also tested with latest versions of other ftp clients such as CyberDuck and FireFTP and they work fine.

#12081 rejected Virus in FileZilla 3.46.3 pengc99

Downloading the installer triggers an antivirus warning on Windows 10 security

I understand that the installer has a spyware / adware installer that can be bypassed by not agreeing to the terms, but in the past this was categorized as a Adware, not Trojan.


The MD5 is 7223E53696865C0728AB2971009C4DA9

See the VirusTotal here:

#12078 duplicate Upgrade from v3.45.1 to v3.46.3 corrupts ability to use SFTP EdB

Port 443 SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol works perfectly on v3.45.1 but once we upgraded to v3.46.3 (newest) it does not.

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