Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (415 - 417 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5004 duplicate Autoset permission for folders and files Heikki Ylipaavalniemi

In our work place we have an unix server which has very strict file and folder permissions for new folders and files.

It would be great if FileZilla could have a setting where user can set the default permissions for new folders and files. For example in our server I would like to set the default permission 755 for all new folders and the setting 764 for all new files.

#10317 fixed .DBF file arrives damaged with 3.10.2 IC2

Since we upgraded to 3.10.2 DBF files arrive damaged. After a few records the content and fields seems shifted somehow. Additional problem is that we can't go back to an earlier version of Filezilla easily as the passwords are now crypted (good thing...) but in the previous version they weren't. See the damage in the picture, from record 81. The original DBF is attached too; you should be able to read it in Excel for example.


#5091 outdated command-line option for connecting to multiple servers at statup elgringo79

I think it would be great to have a new command-line option to tell filezilla-client to connect to multiple servers at startup - each server opened in a different tab. Now that filezilla has this tab-feature it would be an useful implementation.

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