Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (400 - 402 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12122 rejected Unable to download Manuel Garrido-Lecca

Until a couple of days ago I was able to upload and download files without any issues. The day before yesterday, FileZilla Pro simply could not download any files from the servers I usually work with. It started showing “Fail to open …”, “File Transfer failed…”, etc. messages. I bought FillaZilla Pro from the App Store and I noticed that I was working with version 3.46.3, (the only version currently available at the App Store). After noticing that I went to the FileZilla site and downloaded version 3.47.1 and all the issues were resolved, I was able to upload and download without any problems. After 48 hours of using version 3.47.1 the application simply “disappeared”, (there was a big translucent “?” superimposed over the FileZilla icon), and that version of the application was not operational anymore. I am assuming that has to do with some type of “payment” issue, (buying the application from the developer’s site and not a third party distributor like Apple), so I went back to the App Store, I downloaded their version and the “File Transfer failed…” problem instantly came back. Is there a way to authorize the latest version of FileZille Pro, (downloaded from the FileZilla website), and continue to use it normally? How can I solve this problem since the App Store does not have the current version and it is almost impossible to contact them? I really need to fix this issue because my work involves uploading and downloading files from FTP servers on a daily basis.

#12118 fixed Minimum requirements jumped 2 os's up Rombout Versluijs

I noticed today i cant run the newer version no more. As ive seen others post about the update frequency, it also seemed to be missing minimal requirements in the history.

Last time it showed this was in 2019; 3.43.0-rc1 (2019-06-19)

I dont understand why it made this big jump in a couple months and also why this is nowhere stated?

#12116 rejected Priority Settings added doesn't work while downloading files. nisha_2687

Priority Settings added doesn't work while downloading files.

If priority of a one file download is set at highest and another is set at lowest then highest gets downloaded at lesser speed then lowest priority one. This should not happen otherwise there seems no other use for this field

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