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Results (397 - 399 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2987 Add "Prompt for Username & Password" to Site Manager and CLI Alexander Schuch quarky42


I would like to be able to create a shortcut to FileZilla that launches an FTP to an address specified within the shortcut.

FileZilla already does this partially, however I need to have the user enter their username and password every time. I cannot store the username in the shortcut and I cannot save usernames/passwords in the site manager.

So in the shortcut I would like to have something like this as the command:

"c:\program files\FileZilla FTP Client\FileZilla.exe" address -f

Where "address" is the address of the ftp server that I put into the shortcut and "-f" or some other switch tells FileZilla to prompt for the username and password before connecting to the server.

This would allow me to deploy a shortcut to all the machines that I use that will connect for any user to a given FTP server, but it will prompt them for their information upon the initial connect each time.

Thanks for your consideration,


#3988 duplicate Add "Use Current Directories" button in Site Manager/Advanced/Default directory locations Jeremy Wray

It would be really usefull to be able to just add the current local and remote directories you are browsing, to the default directory locations found in Site Manager/Advanced under the headings "Default local directory" and "Default remote directory".

Currently you need to close Site Manager (SM), and go and copy your current location, come back into SM/Advanced and paste it into the relevant fields. You need to do this twice, once for the local and once for the remote locations.

If there where a button within SM/Advanced saying "Use Current Directories", which would then populate both the local and remote location fields respectively, this would cool.

WS FTP has such a feature.


#8654 duplicate Add "copy http url to clipboard" Steve Wilson

Copying an ftp url is not as useful (to as many) as copying an http url for the file. Having to edit the copy is a pita.

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