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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5108 worksforme working directory mohammed a.rahman

hi, when i type filezilla in terminal it opens unstable and terminates with "Segmentation fault" stderr; i know i could chroot and set W/D to /user/lib/filezilla3 ( though never tried that )

just an unexpected behavior, not a bug

#9706 outdated won't upload large mp3 files that worked with earlier versions scribe20

Today (7-31-14) I upgraded to the latest version of filezilla and was unable to upload a 13.4 mb mp3 file. It uploaded about .25 mb and quit after a couple of minutes. I tried changing various settings, but nothing helped. It kept stopping the upload and cutting the file way short, a tiny fraction of what it should have uploaded.

I uninstalled Filezilla and installed an older version, and the upload completed successfully, working as it has in the past.

The file is being uploaded to an Apache server that is set to limit uploads to five minutes, but I've been able to routinely run uploads on this server that take upwards of half an hour. Upload speed is quite slow, averaging only about 11kbs, so the 13.4mb upload today took 20 minutes.

#2416 windows treestructure file view (Desktop) and shortcuts onix4man

I'd like to have current user's Desktop at top of local treeview. It's what you find in almost every filebrowser in windows softwares (Save/Load dialogs for example).

I find quite bothering going through Local HardDrive / Document and Settings / <user> / and at last Desktop to locate quickly the desktop.

Support for Directory shortcuts in local view would help too. Double-click in that kind of shortcut should lead you to the destination directory in treeview instead of uploading the .lnk file ;)

I use FileZilla everyday! Keep up the good work. :)

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