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Results (382 - 384 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10165 fixed Proxy ignored for SFTP connections (Regression from Gravewish

Since version 3.10.0, connections through SFTP always ignore any proxy settings I might have configured. 3.9.6 and older do not.

I've got it configured to use a HTTP proxy, over port 443. The "Bypass Proxy" setting for the connection I use is not checked.

The console shows the following lines (after enabling detailed output):

Response:	fzSftp started
Command:	proxy 1 "" 443
Command:	open "" 2222

But then it actually does a direct connection instead. I confirmed this by looking at my firewall's network connections view, netstat, and by the fact that I'm no longer speed-limited by the proxy.

I've downgraded until the issue disappeared, and found that the proxy 3.9.6 and older versions do not have this issue.

I assume it's caused by the "Updated SFTP components from PuTTY" change introduced in 3.10.0-beta3, but I might be wrong.

#8228 duplicate FileZilla 3.5.3 Mac Version - Folder with äöü on not shown Gregor Mucha

Folder on a FTP Server with äöü/ÄÖÜ (German umlaut) in Foldername aren't shown on FileZilla Client 3.5.3 for Mac. I tried the Windows FileZilla Client 3.5.3 and recognized, that there is no bug. It Is only a Bug at the Mac Version 3.5.3.

#3989 duplicate Right Click on File -> Copy URL to Clipboard GreyHound

Often you upload a file and then want to post the link to the world. Currently this is just annoying. Would be creat if it was possible to define a web adress to the host like and then get the correct file link by right clicking.

Smartftp has this pretty nice.

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