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Results (373 - 375 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5546 fixed 0.9.35-0.9.36 cannot show Chinese characters correctly in upper log window of Admin Interface Goldie

I noticed the changelog:

FileZilla Server 0.9.35 released
New features:
   * Administration interface is now Unicode enabled.

After I updated from 0.9.34 to 0.9.35 and 0.9.36, 0.9.35+ cannot show Chinese characters in upper log window of Admin Interface, but correctly in lower connect-threads window, log files and client. And everything works but log window of Admin Interface.

FileZilla Server 0.9.35 & 0.9.36 Windows XP Professional SP3 AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ (2.2G)

Here are some screenshots:

#5551 fixed filetype associations being ignored Tim Schlueter

I have .log files assigned to be opened with Notepad++, but the latest versions of FileZilla open all .log files in plain Notepad.

I am running windows 7 professional and it is worth noting that from what I can tell, this was introduced in the 3.3.4 series of releases. In FileZilla version 3.3.3 and earlier .log files opened as expected in Notepad++.

I have also tried to manually set the filetype association in FileZilla's settings. Also, I have .bat files set to be opened in Notepad++ (in FileZilla's settings) instead of run but in the 3.3.4 series it is run when I select to open it.

#5563 fixed Wrong filesize shown (2 GB for a file of 1.079.192 bytes) BurninLeo


I recently wondered that a file that should be around 1 GB was shown as "2 GB" in the FileZilla Client v3.3.4.1. After downloading from the Linux/Debian server, the file also had "2 GB" on the local disc - according to FileZilla Client. However the Windows Explorer is quite sure that it actually only has 1.02 GB.

If I change to more than 0 decimals in the settings, FileZilla shows a size of 1.03 GB. Therefore I guess FileZilla rounds up the filesize in a suboptimal way.


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