Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (355 - 357 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2787 Easy way to show/hide local hidden files Alexander Schuch fhimpe

FileZilla 3 is missing an option to easily show or hide hidden files on the client side. There should be a toggle option in the right click menu on the server and client view.

#2790 proxy SOCKS5 Alexander Schuch ssauvage

FileZilla does not manage "PROXY SOCKS5" connections (like in FileZilla 2.2.24b for example). Thus connections does not work with proxy configured in SOCKS5. Is it possible to implement this functionnality (which existed in FileZilla 2.2) in FileZilla 3 ?

#2793 Local navigation mirroring Alexander Schuch billthetailor

Since my remote folder structure often is identical to my remote folder structure, a feature that mirrors local navigation on the remote site would be a huge timesaver. For instance:

Local folder: c:\myFolder remote folder: /mySite/myFolder

Double click on local folder "images" under "myFolder"

Is there an "images" folder under /mySite/myFolder?

  • Yes: open the "images" folder
  • No: do nothing

Double click on local folder "animated" under "images"

Is there an "animated" folder under /mySite/myFolder/images?

  • Yes: open the "animated" folder
  • No: do nothing

I have considered writing an FTP client of my own just for this feature alone, but just don't have the time.

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