Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (337 - 339 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12289 worksforme Would like FileZilla Client to list files in numerical order Anthony Grigor-Scott

I would very much appreciate learning if it is possible for FileZilla 3.50.0 to list filenames in numerical order. The Church has 1127 Newsletters on site numbered nl001 to nl1127. The index on FileZilla does not list them in this order as you will note from the attachment FileZilla.jpg

Than you very much for your assistance. You have a wonderful program.


Kind regards,

Anthony Grigor-scott

#12286 rejected Clamd Files? TrilbyB

A new file has been added to all of my websites on the server side called "clamd". Has this file been added by Filezilla, or have I been hacked? I removed the file from each website and changed my password, but it has reappeared, so I wanted to check with your company to see if it has come from you before I figure out what to do next.

#12284 duplicate No counter anymore on Tabs "Failed/Successful transfers" - screenshot kklepper


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