Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (328 - 330 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#332 Cannot cd into subdir if dir is a .lnk mbabuskov

The problem is with filezilla server.

I don't know how to access files on different partitions (I tried cd d:

but it didn't work)

So I created .lnk file in my C: root, that points to my D: disk.

I can do cd DiskD.lnk

from ftp client, but I cannot cd into any subdir...

I hangs for some time, and then it outputs that directory isn't found.

#333 .ink files not flagged as executable by owner... nilsoncain

In Filezilla Server, when you check the option for enabling .ink files to be resolved, they are not flagged as executable by the owner. .ink files are not able to be resolved unless they are flagged as executable by owner.

#334 Server 0.8.3: Folder name problem Tim Kosse booboobird

I found that filezilla server had problems with folder names of Chinese characters. But rather, it's not just a DBCS (double-byte character system) compatability problem. I could enter those folders in question and get the file list normally, but when I started to download files in those folders, filezilla server reported "550 file not found" for each file. I tried to use the same Chinese characters as file names and those files could be downloaded normally. This problem occurs only with folders (with Chinese name), not files (with Chinese name), and only while downloading files in thoese folders. Looks like filezilla server has some problem handling folder names on action of file transfer.

Although not all Chinese characters cause this problem, it occurs very often. In my experience, 2 folders out of 4 exhibited this problem. It is probabily a bug ranther than a Chinese character compatability problem.

I tried two different clients, filezilla and windows xp built-in ftp, and confirmed that this problem was at server side. (The server was executed on windows me)

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