Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (310 - 312 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7877 duplicate since update to Filezilla 3.5.3 users can not connect to our server : FTPS over explicit Gonzalo Ortega

SERVER : vsftpd (2.0.7) Linux Red Hat 5

Error : GNUTLS error-12 : A TLS fatal alert has been received

We have a lot of partners connecting to our ftp every day and it's a very critical issue. With older versions of Filezilla we do not have any problem.

#3711 duplicate simultaneous connections/ tabbed connections Anthony Baker

Allow multiple connections simultaneously which are navigated through with tabs. I've seen another feature request for this that was closed because it was a dupe of another request however I cannot find the current request that pertains to this so I am submitting again to be absolutely sure that this gets documented.

#2174 outdated simultaneous (synchronous) directory change (directory "follow me") cybot_tm

with an option in the toolbar enabled

the remote folder should change simultan when i change the local folder, and vice versa

with relative paths

for example:

local folder: c:\htodcs\web\images

remote: \www\domain\images

changing localy to: '..\' would result in:

c:\htodcs\web \www\domain

and changing localy to: 'images\thumbs' would result in:

c:\htodcs\web\images\thumbs /www/domain/images/thumbs

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