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Results (307 - 309 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12368 rejected program lock when used with the screen reader: NVDA. Marcel

when i want to: upload files to the server, the program: FileZilla_3.52.0.5_win64 crashes and my files can no longer be uploaded and some have failed. I also need to restart the screen reader, FileZilla in order to make my system usable and to be able to interact with the computer. With another screen reader: JAWS, the same thing doesn't happen everything works perfectly and I have no problems, but I have problems with: accessibility. I want to mention that with the screen reader from: Microsoft still has the same problems as the NVDA reader. The NVDA version is: 2020.3 and 2020.4 beta 4, I tried beta 4 because I thought it might work, but it didn't work. Please: make FileZilla accessible is a good program, but it is difficult to use in some cases with screen readers.

#12365 fixed New version of FileZilla does not preserve file timestamps Opticote

After installing the latest version of FileZilla client, the file timestamp data is no longer preserved on the transferred files. Verified that the option is still set in the transfer options.

#12363 fixed File corrupted when uploading via updated Filezilla Cristiano


We just updated our Filezilla Pro ( and sent a compressed file in WinRAR format (.rar) to an S3 bucket on AWS. The upload is successful and the download is successful, but when trying to extract the file it gives an error. We repeated the process several times and it doesn't work, and the compressed file on the source computer is unzipping normally. The problem is when we send the file. Since we sent and downloaded it through the AWS web interface and the file unzipped normally at the destination.

Please check.

I look forward and thanks.


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