Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (400 - 402 of 8171)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#5015 Brett duplicate wrong folder's name is editted when switching folders

I am using the mac version of filezilla.

When i click on a folder it sometimes opens up the dialog that allows me to edit the name of the folder. But if you leave that dialog open then double click the same folder it takes you to that folders contents and the folder or file at the same position as the previous dialog is still open, deselected that folder makes the name change. Thus saving the file/folder with the incorrect name.

#5037 chris rejected [Win7 x64] Client hang on getting list (not on Win XP)

Please read the following situation:

  • 2 PCs one with win7 x64 and one with XP Pro. x86
  • 1:1 FTP Config on both computers
  • more than 5 ftp servers, which work on both PCs

The Problem:

  • one ftp server (vsftpd) work only on Win XP !
  • one both computers ftp on browser works with this vsftpd ftp server...

That mean ftp://user:pw@host works

  • the problem occurs at different networks

So you see the problem is filezilla :(

Antwort: 230 Login successful. Befehl: OPTS UTF8 ON Antwort: 200 Always in UTF8 mode. Status: Verbunden Status: Empfange Verzeichnisinhalt... Befehl: PWD Antwort: 257 "/" Befehl: TYPE I Antwort: 200 Switching to Binary mode. Befehl: PASV Antwort: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,4,101,108,36) Status: Vom Server gesendete Adresse für den Passiv-Modus ist nicht routingfähig. Passiv-Modus fehlgeschlagen. Befehl: PORT 141,70,82,221,195,127 Antwort: 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. Befehl: LIST Fehler: Zeitüberschreitung der Verbindung Fehler: Verzeichnisinhalt konnte nicht empfangen werden

#5067 krog fixed Already Connected dialog should include option to set choice as default

The Already Connected dialog is klunky and bothersome because it nags every time the user uses the quick connect feature on an existing connection. The reason the user is using the quick connect feature (the little down arrow on the Site Manager button) is to save clicks... Only to be repeatedly confronted with the same question over and over again: An "Already Connected" dialog asking if the user wants to change the existing connection or start a new tab.

The dialog should include a checkbox "Set as default (can be changed in Edit -> Settings)", The user should have the option to check the box, setting a default, and should be able to change or remove the default in preferences.


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