Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (382 - 384 of 8171)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4892 U Klingbeil rejected double download

After being downloaded some files have twice the size of the original and indicated size such as 30.2MB instead of 15.1MB. These files work normally, if exe or zip or pdf files but they are excessively large. During progress report the % indicator arrives at 100% downloaded when the expected file size has been transferred but the transfer process just continues while the progress indicator remains at 100%.

The issue has been haunting me for a while but not from the beginning. At some update the issue first disappeared but then returned. I just updated to but that didn't help.

OS: Win XPPro/SP3

Thanks for your help

#4893 David worksforme Security on public computer - feature request

It would be great if there were an option (when the program is installed!) to automatically clear the history when the program is closed. This would be very helpful because the option could not be changed by any user because they can't install software, and each person's personal information (connect password etc.) would be safe as soon as the program is closed.

I work at a school and this feature would be great. The reason I'm asking for a high priority is that it's currently a security risk for students to access one another's personal drive space if they forget to clear their connect info.


#4910 Panduranga duplicate Connecting to multiple Hosts


My name is Panduranga, I am from Bangalore, India, working as technology manager.

FileZilla is excellent software, I am using since its first version.

My feature request as follows: Can it be modified to handle multiple Hosts, in one instance? Currently if you need to connect to second host you need to kill first connection.

Best regards, Panduranga (

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