Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (370 - 372 of 8171)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4775 lggraphix rejected Logging In / Connecting to Server

I recently downloaded the new upgrade of FileZilla and now I get an error everytime I attempt to login. Upon logging in, I get 2 errors. First error states "Critical Error". Second error states "Could not connect to server". I never had a problem before upgrading and I am not doing anything differently.

#4786 bviktor rejected filezilla chunks a few bytes with certain files/hosts

this is really strange. when i upload files via ftp (sftp doesn't seem to be affected), they get smaller on the server after upload. but this doesn't happen with all types and on all hosts. i've made a few tests:


  • txt
  • html
  • (no extension)

doesn't chunk:

  • ctt
  • exe
  • ods
  • rar
  • log
  • conf

i couldn't find other file types which trigger this error. version it fails on, and godaddy free hosting but it doesn't on's ftp service.

i've tried to find out where the bug originates from. 3.0.1: fails with html and txt, doesn't with extensionless 3.0.2: fails with all 3 and since that version, the same result with the few releases i've tried.

i can give you an ftp account to one of the failing hosts in case you need it.

the really strange thing is that if i upload a txt, it displays as a smaller file than the one on my pc. if i then download it via http, or download via ftp with total commander, it really downloads a smaller and different file. BUT if i download the 'smaller' file via ftp using filezilla, it downloads the original bigger file (shasum matches).

if i upload files with total commander, the size is correct and it downloads the same file in all three ways (ftp@filezilla, ftp@totalcmd, http).

any ideas?

#4802 beebeach duplicate Click becomes click-drag with Wacom tablet

It's almost impossible to use Filezilla with a Wacom tablet and pen, since clicking anything in the file structure almost always is misinterpreted as a click-drag (since you tend to move the pen slightly while clicking.)

This results in the "Source and target are identical" error message, forcing tablet users to solely use the keyboard for navigation.

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