Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 8171)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2117 Allow local filesystem to be another ftp server Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would love to see if the "Local filesystem" on the left hand side could be another ftp server. This way I would be able to transer files from one ftp server to another ftp server without having to down load and then re upload the files.

I believe that this can be accomplished in non-passive sessions.

Filezilla would connect to server a, and server b.

Issue the transfer command to server a but specify server b IP, then issue server b to port command to accept server a's request.

I do not know if this is too complicated and if it is only available to ftp. At minimum it would be nice to connect to two ftp servers and have filezilla maintain "tempory" files while the transfer is happening.

#2118 Allow to switch off or hide local view Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

It would be a nice improvement if one could switch off local view so that only remote view remains visible.

This is quite useful when using drag and drop with Windows Explorer to upload and download files or when just organizing files on the server.

Then, the local view is unnecessary and it would be nice if it would be possible to switch it off (including local tree view, of course).

#2125 Remember remote site paths per site Feature request normal FileZilla Client worksforme


It would be very useful for FileZilla to remember the "remote site" drop down per site, between sessions. This is so if you regularly navigate to a number of remote directories all the time, FileZilla will remember these for each site you connect to.

Perhaps FileZilla could remember the last 10 or 20 remote paths, say, per site, and also allow the ability to "pin" some remote sites in the list so they act like favourites.

Thanks, Andrew Weiser

#2128 Stopping server connect before LIST should disconnect Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the FileZilla client, when a user attempts to connect to a server, if the user aborts the connection before or during the LIST command, FileZilla should disconnect from the server. The user most likely wants to cancel connecting to the server entirely. Also, without the remote file/folder list, there is little the user can do (without manually refreshing the remote list, which requires such intuition) except upload to the default remote folder or enter raw FTP commands.

#2129 Retry Time Countdown Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


One feature (apart from timestamps :-)) that FileZilla is lacking is a countdown showing how long it will be until the next reconnect.

eg. I may have the settings set at retry 999 times every 90 seconds, but at 72 seconds I may want to connect by hand. This isn't possible with the current build of FileZilla.

Speaking of retries, I tried to set my retries to unlimited by entering 0 but it didn't work so I assume this isn't implemented either? An unlimited retries option would be nice :-)

Thanks for a great FTP client!

#2130 number of simultaneous file transfers -> per-site setting Feature request normal FileZilla Client

hello, Normally I have the "number of simulataneous file transfers" configured to something higher than "1" - E.g. when I'm connected to an SFTP server. By setting it up to something like "5" or "10", I usually get shorter transfer times and very important: I can continue browsing directories while still downloading.

But then it happens to me that I connect to a normal FTP server which has a limited number of simultaneous connections (often only "1"). Therefore with every file which newly starts downloading from the queue, filezilla attempts to open another connection and causes the FTP server to produce an errormessage like "530 You are already logged in maximum times." Then I temporarily have to change the "number of simultaneous file transfers" in the general settings manually, which I often forget to change back to higher values for the next SFTP transfer. Furthermore some FTP servers tend to kick or ban users when they attempt to open more than 1 simultaneous connection.

My suggestion would be:

Create in the site manager for each site a new field which stores a "manually setted number of simultaneous file transfers" for each site. if left empty, it will be setted to the default number in the general settings dialogue.

thanks again for this excellent software! bye, stephan loh

#2133 cr-lf translation between win and linux Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I am moving this to this area (was incorrectly posted on the support request area, sorry).

The line ending bytes are different for text files on windows and for those on linux type os [cr vs cr,lf]. A nice feature some popular ssh and ftp clients have (, FTPExplorer) is to translate appropriately these text files when ASCII file transfer (either Auto based on extensions or Forced) is in effect. This makes it possible for almost all text browsers on both win and *x side show the file correctly on the respective os.

Please add this feature to FZ file transfer. If such an automatic translation is not desireable for some users, then may I suggest adding another preference setting to do this translation. Thank you!

#2135 View/Edit to keep temp files until prog exit Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I use FZ for loads of things, but one task I do more than others is to read lots of log files. The view/edit facility throws this into my favourite editor - ultraedit.

Ultraedit itself can open files by ftp but the file browser is clunky. But when a file is passed to UE by FZ, FZ then appears to delete the file. UE notices this and pops up a warning message - file has gone, close it?

Contrast this when doing the same 'view' operation using WS_FTP. Nasty interface, but the temp file stays there until WS_FTP is closed, and then it cleans up. You don't get any warning messages pop up while loading logs & reading.

It would make life easier for some text viewers if the cleanup was able to be switched between per-file and per-session.

Thanks for the great program anyway.…

#2140 comand line run and shutdown... Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

To be able to, from the command line, run a saved download, it goes to a time/datestamped folder, and then it shuts down. This would make for scheduled site backups.

#2141 ask login detail Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I use Filezilla at work I must connect to the same ftp server with different login. So I must create in connection manager different site configuration (one per user) with only user name different. It's usefull to have a login question when you press a connection definition, so you can declare ftp server with a predefinited user and when use this definition the client prompt you for user (with default) and password.

Thanks and bye.

#2146 who's the owner/group of a file? Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to know who is the owner of a file when I

change its permissions. And the group would de nice too. Bye.

#2148 Enhancement to logging Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

I would like to see the the logging feature enhanced to include the following information upon the successful completion of an upload or download: date/time stamp at completion, file name transferred, the total number of bytes, the time it took and the transfer rate. In a corporate environment, this information in invaluable when you are asked to prove that an upload was completed successfully.

#2152 More debug for sftp failures Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It's great that FileZilla automatically retries, and resumes file transfers. But there are an unusually high frequency of sftp failures which I don't see as often when using's "SSH Secure Shell for Workstations". If you could add some additional debug/trace information, maybe we could get the putty/psftp folks to fix this.

Status: Starting upload of D:\My Pictures\p15.png Command: PUT p15.png D:\My Pictures\p15.png FALSE Response: Uploading D:\My Pictures\p15.png to p15.png Error: FzSFtp.exe was closed, terminating connection. Error: Upload failed Error: Disconnected from server

#2154 FTP server to FTP Server Transfers Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like see an option to have two remote connections to transfer between. Is this possible?

#2159 Tabbed instances Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

Maybe I'm not fully aware of the intricacies of FileZilla but it appears that when you log on to a site to download (for example) you need to open another instance of FZ to head to another site (I'm a heavy pipe user :)) It would be great if you could implement a tabbing feature so only one instance of FZ needs to be open but I can log into multiple different ftp's simultaneously. My screen gets somewhat cluttered and it is not always clear what site I'm looking at when I expand the instances from the tray.

thanks Mike Smith

P.S. Love the SW. Been a user since version 2

#2161 Support other FTPS PROT command options Patch normal FileZilla Client rejected

Per RFC-2228 supports four arguments to PROT:

C - Clear -neither integrity nor privacy S - Safe - integrity without privacy E - Confidential - privacy without integrity P - Private - integrity and privacy

As of release 2.2.8c of FileZilla, if you specify a remote site as server type "FTP over TLS (explicit encryption)" (or "over SSL") the client sends "PROT P", specifying to encrypt both control and data connections. There should be an option in the client to choose the level of protection you desire. Some FTP servers (such as WS_FTP Server) now support allowing a clear command channel after authentication for compatibility with FTP application gateways/proxies found in firewalls and NAT devices.

#2162 Output Negotiated Cipher Suite for TLS/SSL Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

It would be very helpful to have the negotiated cipher suite for TLS/SSL included in the logged output for the client server communications. This would help to diagnose encryption level requirement compliance.

#2168 Support Ipswitch WS_FTP Server CCC Command Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected

Ipswitch WS_FTP Server 5.0 introduced a new command "CCC" ("Clear Command Channel") which is issued immediately after authentication to signal that the command channel should no longer be encrypted. This allows for secure authentication via explicit FTPS, while also allowing firewall FTP application gateways/proxies to correctly handle passive connections (as they can now see the passive response from the FTP server behind them). Currently, only Ipswitch's WS_FTP Pro client supports this command.

#2172 File Extension Conversion Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The ability to setup a file extension conversion list in FileZilla would be really useful. EG if FileZilla could change all .cpp to .C extensions for windows to unix ftp's.

#2174 simultaneous (synchronous) directory change (directory "follow me") Feature request high FileZilla Client outdated

with an option in the toolbar enabled

the remote folder should change simultan when i change the local folder, and vice versa

with relative paths

for example:

local folder: c:\htodcs\web\images

remote: \www\domain\images

changing localy to: '..\' would result in:

c:\htodcs\web \www\domain

and changing localy to: 'images\thumbs' would result in:

c:\htodcs\web\images\thumbs /www/domain/images/thumbs

#2181 Time Conversion feature Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please consider adding code to display the file date on the remote machine in local time.

By default some ftp deamons such as proftpd display the file time in UTC. it would be nice to be able to automatically convert that to local time.

this would need to be on a per server basis

#2182 feature requests Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


FTP Navigator ( has some very nice features FileZilla ought to imitate. (Meanwhile, FTP Navigator has proven to be unstable in my use, hence my interest in FileZilla.)

In FTP Navigator, when you open the program, you're presented, in the right pane, with a list of all your servers. You can click on a server to establish a connection, or you can highlight a server and change its properties.

Here's where it gets good: In the properties for a server, you can specify both a starting remote path and starting local path. That way, when you click on a server to connect, the appropriate directory on your local machine opens and your preferred default location on the remote server opens. This is a very nice time saver -- and I can't imagine it would be hard for FileZilla's excellent developers to incorporate.

In FileZilla, by contrast, you have the option to have the program remember your last location on the local machine, but you can't associate different starting locations on the local machine with different remote servers.

I also prefer having the servers right there in the right pane when I open the program, rather than operating the quick connect pull-down provided in FileZilla.

Another nice feature in FTP Navigator. There's a text file containing all your server connections and the properties for those connections. That way, to transfer your connections and properties from one computer to another, you just take that text file and copy it to your other computer, and put it in the appropriate place in the program folder. This is great for synching your desktop with your laptop -- especially if you have lots of server connections to keep track of.

Regards, Ryan

#2184 site manager demands I put in user name Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I dont want to put in my user name in the site manager. I want the option of leaving it blank and entering it myself.

please fix this..

#2189 FTP Search Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please put a feature to search for different type of files like (jpg, mp3, etc.) through all the ftp servers, So that we can find files even if we don't know ftp server's name.

#2192 DAV support!! Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please Please Please add DAV support. There are already 2 other requests for that. DAV is way better than FTP in most cases, it's only missing a good win32 client ( I got all the great clients I want on Linux ).

I would even sponsorize the implementation if someone was to do it. It's just a matter of compiling libneon in and hooking it up to FileZilla's internals..

#2193 Custom location of site manager xml Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Just a thought, but it would be quite handy if I could share a single site manager xml file with multiple users on a network drive.

Unless I'm very much mistaken, there doesn't seem to be any option to specify the location of the sitemanager XML file though, either in the app or the settings in the registry.

#2202 Host type support Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I was using ws-ftp pro trial and when you setup a site you can cofigure in it the host type(in my case unisys a-series).

So if possible implement a way to configure the host type so you culd conect in various plataforms.

When you conect in a-series usinf filezila it doesnt works well, in fact the ws-ftp is the unique win-ftp client that I now that supports a-series.

#2208 queue -> use multiple connection issue Bug report normal FileZilla Client outdated
  • "Queue" -> "use multiple connections" is checked

always when starting up fileZillA, even if I deactivated it in the earlier session. My suggestion: Put this feature to the Site Manager -> Advanced: on/off checkbox

#2209 remember column width Feature request normal FileZilla Client
  • remembering/saving the column width (filename,

filesize, date, time, local filename - everything) on exit would be good!

#2214 file exists overwrite option (different filesize) Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi! It would be really nice if you could add another overwrite existing file option: overwrite if filesizes are different. Thanks.

#2215 add "su" dialog for sftp Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected


when root login is disabled in the remote ssh server sshd_config (PermitRootLogin no) you need the "su" command to get access to folders which need root privileges. As you can't login as root, you can't d/l with the "download as" dialog for obvious reasons. Please implement an "su" (substitute user) dialog.

Thanks for this great program


#2221 Allow time zone specification Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I normally use the option "overwrite if newer". When I connect to a server in a different time zone, that server uses its local time as the date of the file. FileZilla compares that timestamp with the timestamp on my machine and often makes a wrong decision about which file is newer. If I could associate a time zone with each site I would be able to trust the overwrite option without having to remember what time zone a site is in.

A "time zone differential" setting for each site would also be useful, but only so long as I was using FileZilla from my home or office, not while I am traveling and using my laptop.

If FileZilla already has such an option, it is well hidden and not indexed in the help file.

#2223 Execute custom FTP-commands on connect Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be great if one could set commands to execute directly after a connect, similar to the <Server->Enter Raw FTP Command> feature. This setting should be available per site.

The reason is that some servers demand custom settings (for example for the encoding) and it'd be nice to have them set automatically. It could also be used for the umask commands.

#2225 File Sort Folders on Top Feature request low FileZilla Client

When sorting files by date, folders appear at the bottom of the list. In WS_FTP, when you sort by date you have the option to list folders first. I would like to request a feature that would allow folders to be listed first when sorting by newest file date.

#2227 Saving file/folder list in txt Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

It would be nice to be able to save folder/file list in txt file similar way: drwxr-xr-x 6 root users 4096 Nov 17 07:44 DISKAS_160GB drwxrwxr-x 4 odeta users 4096 Jan 3 17:15 DISKAS_200GB drwxrwxr-x 4 root users 4096 Feb 27 12:26 DISKAS_40GB drwxr-xr-x 6 root users 4096 Nov 25 18:33 DISKAS_80GB drwxrwxr-x 4 root users 4096 Nov 18 17:46 SKELBIMU_LENTA ... ... Also, please, take a look at note in "[ 771591 ] remember the folder entered". Thanks

#2229 Copy URL to Clipboard Feature request normal FileZilla Client


When I try the "Copy URL to Clipboard" menu item under Server, I get a return in the format: <login>@<ftp server address><current directory>

I was under the impression this would create an actual URL, something like: http://<ftp server address><current directory>

While on this topic, it would be VERY nice if the remote file context menu would offer an option of "Copy URL to Clipboard" and put into the clipboard this kind of line: http://<ftp server address><current directory><selected file(s)>

#2234 Move remote file/folder and browse file over a network Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Some features I'd like to be seen in next FileZilla's version:

Browse/send/receive files through a network computer.

Now it's only allowed hard drivers and removable drivers

Move files/folders on the remote server

#2235 Whole size of all directories and files Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

My idea: A feature to display the whole size of all directories and files on a remote server and at last count them all.

Bye Nameless

#2236 Does FileZilla support Clear Command Channel (CCC)? Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Using the CCC Command, we would like to initiate the following...

One way to allow the NAT operations of your router to continue to function when using an SSL secured FTP connection is by using the CCC command. CCC stands for Clear Command Channel. It is a command issued by the FTP client to the FTP server that indicates that the command channel should be unencrypted. Data transfers remain encrypted after issuing this command, so all files transfers and directory listings remain secure. However, with an unencrypted command channel, your router can still follow the FTP transaction and perform its NAT operations to assist with data transfers. In order for CCC to work, the FTP server you're connecting to must support this command. Our server

#2238 Command Line - Start Queue Processing Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Suggestion; FileZilla.exe -pq "c:\myqueue.xml"

Program Procedure; Startup FileZilla Process Queue "c:\myqueue.xml"

Result; In combination with the build in Scheduling Program in Windows, a scheduled transfer can be done.

User Instructions;

  1. Build a Queue in FileZilla
  2. Export Queue to a xml file.
  3. Go to the Windows Control panel and find the

Schedule program there, and add the above command, and schedule the tranfer to whenever. Close and forget, the computer do the rest.

#2241 Don't add address to Quickconnet list on connection failure Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This way invalid item will not be added to the list if it is typed incorrectly or given wrong port number.

#2242 Upload upon File Change Feature request low FileZilla Client duplicate

It would be nice to have an option to have it the local directory be monitored for changes and if there is one made to a file then upload it to whatever directory is listed in the remote section.


#2243 File Type Assignment Option: Auto (Windows) Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently, for edit/view files we have the option to set a global editor (e.g. notepad) and, on a seperate list, per file extension (e.g. "gif") a own editor. I would enjoy a option

[x] Use Windows file type assignments for unknown files

If this option is checked, and I want to edit/view the files for which no special assignment is made, the windows file type settings are used.

I do not want to administrate all file settings for all file types, e.g. multiple graphics format, .php, .php3, twice (in windows and FZ). Of course windows settings does not always match, but then they could still be overwritten by creating an assignment in FZ.

#2244 Up one level button Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When using the standard local and remote views, I always have to scroll to the top of the list to press the .. button (up one level) I would suggest locating a Up One Level button to the right of the local and remote site path combo boxes.

This feature has shown up in other FTP clients and when I don't have it, I greatly miss it.



#2248 Option to Force Server IP for PASV Mode Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When connecting to a NAT'd server, the server is not always aware of the external IP that has been used to access it. In a PORT transfer, this should not be a problem. However, in a PASV transfer, the server will send the NAT'd IP to the client.

SmartFTP has an option "Force Server IP for PASV Mode". I think this would be a nice feature to add to FileZilla.

#2249 Time scheduling Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

There could be a possibility to schedule queue processing at later time. It would be good for scheduling large file transfrers to a night or weekend time, when the line is not so busy...

#2251 Total progress bar Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The only thing keeping me from adopting FileZilla as my FTP client of choice is the lack of a total file progress bar (most other clients I know of have one). I tend to download multiple files at a time, but FileZilla only shows %done and time left for each individual file (not the whole set). Having a separate area (or perhaps a tab) that contains a progress bar with %done and time left of the current file + %done and time left for the whole set of files being downloaded currently would be a big benefit and would make sure I tell everyone about FileZilla :)

#2254 Ftp sites passwords Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Is there a way to view ftp site password? When i export ftp sites list in xml, i can't see real passwords , but why can't they be like normal passwords?

#2258 pressing RETURN key should react same way then double click Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed


(i dount really know this should be a bug or feature request...)

i set up filezilla to view/edit a file when double clicking. however this works, but when pressing return key i expected the same action as if i double clicked it... this lead to quite a lot too many files downloaded... please change this! :)

-Dominik Weber

#2259 Smoother interoperability with Pageant Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Do not require password on SSH2 connections.

Even when Filezilla uses Pageant to obtain the user's authentication credentials, it still pops up the "Enter Password" dialog. Moreover, you actually have to type something in order to click OK, because the UI does not accept empty passwords.

#2274 proxy config Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Many companies uses particular proxies which are not compatible with FileZilla.

Would it be possible to add a "generic" choice of configuration of the proxy? The users could "build" the model of the chains of connection in two text boxes (one for the login and the other for the password) by using parameters such as RemoteID, RemoteHost, FireID, etc...

Ex.: FireID@HostID@RemoteHost, for the login

and FirePwd@HostPwd, for the password

Thanks in advance.

#2275 move file Feature request normal FileZilla Client


there should be a "move file" option from the context menu, because always having to drag&drop files is very anoying :)

-Dominik Weber

#2276 SSH Key base auth Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be really nice if FileZilla started supporting this, some other clients do (including Putty which you guys use for the ssh portion of the client).

#2277 master password Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

it would be great for FileZilla to ask for a master password (once per session) to 1) connect to a saved site, 2) modify an existing site or 3) add a new site.

I think something like this would fix some other password requests that I have read, such as showing the actual password versus *. Firefox does something similar for its stored passwords.

Thanks for a great product and considering this feature request!

#2279 Two FTP browsers Feature request normal FileZilla Client


In my company we work with unix servers, and we will often transfert files between their.

I want to replace local brower with another ftp browser.


PS : Sorry for my French english

#2280 Minor Request: About dialog Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Add a text like "Compiled on May 29, 2005".

Add a link to:

Maybe add a fancy frame/border. ;)

#2281 Tooltips Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Some tooltips for buttons on the toolbar and in the settings dialog would be great.

#2282 Disable enter command Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When you are not connected to a server, then disable or gray out the "Enter Command" feature.

Also maybe add a hotkey for it such as CTRL+R.

#2283 ASCII file types Feature request normal FileZilla Client


.ini .py (python source code)

to the list of files to be transfered in ASCII

#2284 Interface Improvements Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Save the actual size of the windows, if I close the window of FileZilla when is maximized it should be remain like that, because when I start again FileZilla it go to it original state.

In others words it not save the change I made to the interface, remove some toolbars, resize the windows and other things, is a little buggy resize the window again...

#2287 Raw Command Line Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Under "View" add "Raw Command Line" when click on it, it appears a kind of like "Remote Treeview" but smaller where you can type in a raw command to send to the server.

#2289 linux version? Feature request normal FileZilla Client

i use FileZilla on windows, but id love to see a version for linux

how about it


#2290 Site Manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have more than 100 ftp sites in filezilla "site manager", long list. When i tried to reduce my list, i created folders in "site manager" and replaced part of sites from root to folders, but i found that this decision is very unusable, because my list became larger than was before. Can "site manager" show folder content only if user will ask about this? i mean, if i will click on folder, i will see all folder sites, but not on the start of work with the filezilla / "site manager"

Is there any solution for this problem? thanks.

#2291 ASCII file extension in Options too short Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In Options, you can set several file extensions which should be treated as ASCII files. However, this field is limited to 10 positions. On the system I need to administer, extensions are used longer then 10 characters (for instance, foo.MailReceiver) In the current situation it is not possible to add these types as ASCII.

Please enlarge this field to , say, 255 positions??

#2294 FTP custom BOOST-mode in FileZilla client (like QWIX) Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FTP boost mode in FileZilla Client (like QWIX)

Avalaunch (a homebrew dashboard for modded Xboxes) has a built-in custom FTP-server that has a very nice feature called BOOST mode. Boost mode only works if both the FTP-server and the FTP-client supports it. What boost mode does is basically send a list (from the client to the server) of all files from the transfer-list making new connection/session for each file unessesary, resulting in a much faster overall transfer speed when transfering many small files (like example a complete and large website, or text files, or even loads of MP3 files over a fast connection). Team-Avalaunch the makers of the Avalaunch dashboard also make a FTP-client called QWIX which supports this boost mode.

Team-Avalaunch has made the specifications of this BOOST mode open source to enable others to implement support of it into their FTP servers and clients, found here:

Team-Ava's website:

From Avalaunch FAQ (a bit old now as more supports it): Q: What is Boost Mode? A: Boost Mode is an improved FTP protocol that is currently only supported with Avalaunch. It can make transfers push the limits of your 100Mb connection, and is especially helpful with transfers that contain a lot of small files."

PS! Some others that supports this boost mode is: SUXX, UnleashX, C-XBOXtool

#2296 Multiple remote sites Eirik Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would love to be able to have multiple remote sites, like tabbed windows. I have to connect to 7 or 8 machines at a time, but those windows clutter the desktop..

Other than that, this is the best ftp client I have used.. Fast reliable and easy to use.

#2300 choose which connection to use for each site Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I need the ability to choose which connection to use for each site.


always use LAN connection for site A always use DIAL-UP connection for site B

It would also be nice to have client auto-dial for sites that are only accessable via dial up internet connections.

#2301 "Send QUIT on/to disconnect"-option Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As you probably know FileZilla does not send a "QUIT" command to end a session upon clicking "Disconnect". I'd like a option to activate this.


#2303 Layout queue/log next to each other. Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated

I'd just like the ability to put the queue and log next to each other. Especially for widescreens it makes sense.

#2304 List Site Manager sites in a menu Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Right now, you have to open Site Manager for quick access to anything other than the Default Site. I want to get rank novices going with FileZilla, and I will give them three or four different sites they need to go to. It would be much easier to say "pick Foo from the Preferred Sites menu" than "Open Site Manager from the File menu, pick Foo from the list on the left, then click 'Connect'". This could easily be done with another option in the Site Manager called "List in Preferred Sites menu".

#2305 Confirm on exit Eirik Feature request normal FileZilla Client

If you are connected to a server, then my suggestion is that it says "You are connected to a server. Do you really want to close FileZilla?" and then Yes and No button.

#2306 Disconnect button on the toolbar Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think there should be a "disconnect from server" button on the toolbar.

#2307 Use Windows default program to view files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think there should be a way to use the Windows default program to view, and possibly edit, files, without redefining all my associations in the options box or resorting to cryptic hacks like "cmd /c". For example, I would use an image editor to edit pictures, a text editor to edit text files, etc. For more info, see my forum post at

#2308 Right click get remote file URL Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When right click on a remote file, the menu poped out has a "Copy URL to clipboard" function. When chose, it will generate a url in clipboard as: ftp://username:password@<ftp server address><current directory><selected file>

This will be very handy when use with a download tool

such as Flashget.

Maybe this request is like 1156460, 485836.

#2309 Support multi-threaded multipart downloads Feature request high FileZilla Client rejected

FileZilla is really great software, but the feature I am missing most is the ability to actually download ONE file using multiple parallel connections. Many FTP servers (including the one of the company I work for) limit the bandwidth per connection, very often this limit is in the 20kB/sec range. I was using LeechFTP before that supports multi-threaded multi-part download (using multiple parallel connections) but development has been discontinued and it does not support any security (SSL). Whenever you have a high-speed internet connection and need to download a large file (e.g. CD image) I was able to cut the download time by over 75% using this feature.

Would be great if you could consider this for a future release.



#2310 log file size limit Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed


There should be a way to limit the log file size limit. I don't want to have to prune it automatically.


#2312 Remember WIndows Size Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It seems, that FileZilla on Windows does not remember the previous Window Size and always opens in some too small Window. (This is rather a bug report than a feature request imho.) Thanks!

#2313 Update Feature Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice to have an update feature, that updates all changed files in a directory (recursing through subdirectories) without looking at the server files.

Changes should be detected since last update by local file time stamps. This, of course, means to save some log file of previous updates. Thus this reature may require a little bit of work.

To make everything run properly, there must be a file filter to exclude or include files from updating.

Reason: Looking up each file stamp on the server is much slower. For large directories, looking at the local file stamp would speed up things considerably.

Even if you do not want to remember previous updates and stick with the server file stamp, an "update" button for directories using file filters would be a good idea, I think.

#2317 Command line features Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would be great if I could invoke Filezilla from command line to do some copy, e. g. like following:

To backup some files: filezilla.exe --copy "MyConnection" /backups/*.* e:\backups\

Or to publish files: filezilla.exe --copy "MyConnection" e:\website\*.* /cygdrive/c/inetpub/wwwroot/

#2320 Full row select Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would really like full row select on local and remote fileview. As it is now, it's often a bit hard to double click the ".." folder wich have a really small click-area. So make the full row, even the date, filesize and such, clickable, at least put in a option for that and make it default.

#2321 Bookmarks Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

One suggestion here was about "follow me", this is something similar but much simpler. Seen in FlashFXP.

The ability to bookmark folders. The button should be on the remote side. When bookmarking the remote folder is saved with the local (the current folders are written in the fields but you can browse for others), you might also name the bookmark. Then when clicking on a bookmark both remote and local folders change.

The bookmarks are site-specific of course.

Easy deletion and editing of the bookmarks.

The bookmarks should be saved in an XML for easy backup.

#2322 Site startupfolder Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the site manager there should be option for local startup folder and remote startup folder for each site. This is the folders FZ will navigate to when connected.

I have many FTP-sites and all use different folders, and I switch alot between thoose sites. So it's a small hell to do this without the auto-folder-stuf.

If a folder doesn't exist, then the root should be showned.

#2323 Uploading to write only directory Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to be able to connect to a write only directory and post a file there. e.g. folders that are intended for upload only that don't let user see the contents of that folder.

I can do this w/ other ftp tools but Filezilla seems to want to get a directory listing before it will upload a file.

#2325 Preference to make site "read-only" Tim Kosse Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When we create a site where we have read/write access, we should have a preference for "read-only" access if we don't want to risk accidentally modifying files, and we only need read access to the server. In that case, the Filezilla client would deny sending and deleting files even if the server would have otherwise let us.

#2327 Lock local and remote views Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I propose a button/menu check which when selected causes opening a folder on the remote view attempts to open a folder of the same name on the local view and vice-versa. Similarly for moving up the folder structure. Essentially, when the user wants, the remote and local views are locked together to allow quicker navigation when for example managing a website.

#2328 Synchronizing views Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be useful to have a feature to for Filezilla to note which files in the local folder and its subfolders are not on the remote server or are newer than the remote server copy and then upload just these files, overwriting as necessary.

If I update my website locally, I want the changes to appear on the remote server. Sometimes however, I make changes on the remote server and then need them in my local copy later so that I am hacking on the most up-to-date version.. Therefore the synchronization needs to work both ways.

#2329 Search for files. Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to have a feature added by at least the new version of filezilla. The feature I would like, as well as others probably would, is to have the ability to search for a file.

Thanks :-)

#2330 Common Windows local treeview Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to use the more common Windows local treeview in FileZilla instead of just the local drives? Imo navigation to files would go a bit faster if e.g. Desktop, My Document and My Network Places are included in the treeview. Now My Computer is the root of the treeview but it would be highly appreciated if Desktop is going to be used as the root.

#2331 possibility to work with hidden folder Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I try to work on an ftp server which protect its access using hidden folders. every user has a private directory in "/incoming" but AFAIK, "/incoming" does not have read access to hide the folders name, only traverse access.

when I try to connect to my own directory I get this: filezilla do CWD, but as PWD is not allowed up from "/incoming" it gets an error and then, re-display the "/" directory content

if I have an manual ftp session, I can get a list of the hidden dir without any problem. it seams that the PWD error prevent filezilla to work with the hidden dir

Status: Connecting to ... Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 FTP server (Digital UNIX Version 5.60) ready. Command: USER anonymous Response: 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password. Command: PASS * Response: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Command: FEAT Response: 500 'FEAT': command not understood. Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: Digital UNIX V4.0 (Rev. 1530) Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (xx,xx,xx,xx,16,117) Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (,0). Response: 226 Transfer complete. Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD /incoming/hiddenfolder/ Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 550 getwd: can't open ... Status: Directory listing successful

#2332 Password for proxy authentication Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

I use proxy authentication with filezilla, it works well but I have to enter my password in the configuration settings.

The feature that I want to have, is a pop-up asking the password for the proxy authentication when the password field in the proxy settings is empty.

Why do I ask for this new feature ?

In my network environnement the users have to change their proxy password every two months for security reasons. When they change it they always forget to change it in Filezilla and lock their account.


#2334 Preventing local file list from refreshing Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed


I'd love to have the option to prevent the local file list from refreshing (see Chen-hsiu Huang's patch that was first included in FileZilla 2.2.12).

The text editor I use, jEdit, creates temporary files that are backups of files that I've edited but haven't saved. When I do save the original files, the temporary files are removed. The creation and removal of these temporary files causes the local file list to be refreshed every time I save a file. The process of refreshing the local file lists has a duration of roughly two seconds. So when I save a file, I must pause before uploading it. I'd prefer to not have to do this.

Thanks for your time.

#2336 Lockstep Folder Navigation Feature request normal FileZilla Client


My coworker uses CuteFTP Professional, and that FTP client has one feature that I wish FileZilla had. It's called Lockstep Folder Navigation, and it allows users to "navigate simultaneously through local and remote folder directories that share the same structure. This makes it easier to compare the two when synchronizing content" [1].

So, for example, if one were to open the /images directory in the local file list, the remote /images directory would be opened in the remote file list.

Thanks for your time.

[1] See

#2337 Transfer type indicator Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated

There is no visible indicator of the transfer type: ASCII or BIN.

#2339 Meaningful system tray tooltip Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The system tray tooltip should display the estimated completion time for all transfers and queue size. This would avoid having to constantly reopen the window to check on the transfer progress. If a transfer error occurs, the icon should change to indicate this.

#2340 conversion ANSI to ASCII Feature request normal FileZilla Client


is there a possibility to convert between ANSI and ASCII?

Some FTP-clients do have such options.



#2341 Remote File Edit Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to be able to view/edit/save a remote file without having to save it locally first.

I have looked for a request for this feature (I can't believe I didn't find one!) and hoped to find this feature already implemented. Other than the absence of this feature, FileZilla is the king!

#2342 FlashFXP looks Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected

It would be great if FileZilla could have an option to select a FlashFXP-like layout. Most people really like that layout, but miss that in Filezilla. This could draw even more people to use Filezilla (they even installed it permanently on my university as default FTP program)

#2347 Preserve date/time of uploaded files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Great software, easy to use, fast and does the job.

It would be very useful for me if FileZilla client could timestamp the uploaded files with the date and time of the original file, just as it already does with downloaded files.

I frequently update files in several servers, the timestamp is my "version control", but current FileZilla client (2.2.16) leaves the upload time instead of the original file time.

It could be an option like the one already existent: Edit>Settings>File transfer settings> Preserve date/time of downloaded files

Actually, when I saw that one for the first time, expected to see the "uploaded" option next to it.

Thank you for your excelent job.

#2348 Like to see Desktop from Local Site Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I would like to view my DESKTOP (all folders, shortcuts, and files) from FileZilla > Local Site. Thank you.

Travis Nguyen

#2350 Overwrite read-only files Feature request normal FileZilla Client


It would be great if there was an option to Overwrite read- only files.

In actual version (2.2.16) the following status message is shown when FileZille tries to Overwrite read-only files:

"Too many retries"

Maybe this option could be at "File already exists Dialog Box" and/or at "File Transfer Settings".


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