Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (3401 - 3500 of 8171)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1540 More than one download Feature request normal Other

Hi, great Program so far, but one improvement would be nice:

Is it possible to add functionality to download/upload more than one file at a time??

Like in leechftp. ( There are up to 16 threads for transfers. This speeds up transfer sometimes.

Would be nice..


hackman 2001

#1544 Last Connected Site on Site Manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As with everyone else who has posted on this forum, I agree, your program is amazing! Seriously nice work!

Two features that I think would be nice is to have the site manager, instead of having a default site, remember the last site you connected to via the site manager. And finally, it would be cool if instead of a list box, the site manager was a tree view that allowed you to categorize the sites into directories.

Keep up the great work Tim! FileZilla is awesome.

#1545 Queue-level Overwriting Feature request normal Other

When I drag multiple files to be uploaded or downloaded, it would be nice to be able to select an action (such as overwriting, resuming, skipping, etc.) that will apply to only those files selected. Instead, now if I select Overwrite and check "Always use this action when a file already exists" I have to restart the program in order to see the "File already exists" window again.

Does that make sense?

#1547 Request directory filters Feature request high FileZilla Client

It can be really useful as a web developer to have filtering capability for directories. This allows you to specify a file extension(s) you want to view and ignore other extensions, so that you can look for gifs and ignore the html pages, for example. This makes it easier to synchronize development and production directories.

#1554 More info on remote window Feature request low Other

There needs to be an option in the remote side window to add information on each files of the "file owner".

#1555 Connect to default site on startup Feature request normal Other

Nice program, replaced my CuteFTP on the day I got it =)

It would be nice to have an option to let the program to connect to the default site on startup, rather than bringing up the site manager and pressing "connect" each time.

#1556 File overwrite option Feature request high Other

The overwrite option needs another option.

The "overwrite if newer" seems to do the job for me the most time but files like "index.shtml" can be found in many places, thus may overwrite different ones if wrong folder is chosen.

Like in CuteFTP, "overwrite if upload" option is very nice to have.

Keep up the good job :)

#1558 move files within remote area Feature request normal Other

It would be nice if has feature to move files on current directory view to any folder that visible or to parent directory by dragging selected file and drop over directory name or icon...

#1559 move files within remote area Feature request normal Other

It would be nice if has feature to move files on current directory view to any folder that visible or to parent directory by dragging selected file and drop over directory name or icon...

#1560 Copy URL to clipboard Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Keep up the good work!

'Copy URL to clipboard' (as a button) will be a good thing for wintegration with download managers!

#1561 Compiling error?? Feature request normal Other

D:\FileZilla\FileZilla\source\stdafx.h(25) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'htmlhelp.h': No such file or directory

Compiling error??

#1562 Changing Password Feature request normal Other

Something that I find that not to many clients have is the ablity to change your password. I only know of one client so far. I think this would be an ablity that would be valuable.

The command to change your password if it is not to well know is:

SITE PSWD "OldPassword" "NewPassword"

#1563 FTP Searching Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected

I find that went browsing FTP sights for file can be very time consuming and lengthy. The ablity to search a FTP sight is a valuable one.

SITE INDEX filename.ext


SITE INDEX filename.*

#1564 Duplicate timestamp of downloaded files Feature request normal Other

The remote sites I've encountered are notoriously bad at keeping their system clocks accurate. Although my local Windows clock may be correct, I cannot use the "Overwrite if newer" feature with the mismatch between the remote's site clock and my local clock.

I propose adding an unix-like touch feature to the code to synchronize the timestamp of the downloaded file with that of the file on the remote ftp site. In this way the files downloaded will use the timestamp of the ftp site regardless of when they are downloaded, and use of the "Overwrite if newer" feature will be enhanced.

For the GNU licensed code of a touch for windows see: and see the attached upload

Keep up the great work, FileZilla is the best!

#1565 custom welcome message Feature request normal Other

it would be great to have a custom welcome message for the filezilla server to give the user a few informations about the system or the max. number of possible connections. thx :)

#1566 set passive mode for each site. Feature request normal Other

I want to set whether using passive mode for connecting the ftp server. each time I need to go to setting page to change it among login to different sites. thank you

#1567 Choose password for anonymous login Feature request normal Other

It would be nice to be able to set the password sent to remote server when doing anonymous logins. However, the default anon@<local address> is fine for most sites

#1568 Choose font for message log window Feature request normal Other

Currently the message log window has a font the user cannot change, Arial I think. But it would be nice to be able to change it, for example to a fixed width font.

#1569 Remove from Queue Feature request normal Other

In the remote window an additional menu-item on the right mouse button pull-down menu "Remove Frome Queue" would edit out any entries from the queue having the path of the selected directory (or file), mark, the directory (or file) as having been excluded in the remote window and prevent the opening that directory. This would be a time saver over having to remove items from the queue manually and allow the user to select a secific branch from a directory tree and then prune away any unwanted sub-branches easily.


Jeff Peters

#1570 Column Widths Not Saved Feature request normal Unknown

FileZilla does not save the widths of columns in either the remote or local panes.

Every time I restart FileZilla and connect it sets the column widths back to default. And the default wastes tremendous space in the date, time, and permissions columns, resulting in horizontal scroll bars. Every time I have to manually change the column widths back, which is annoying.

This has been around since 1.6 or before, and it doesn't seem like it should be hard to add. It would be VERY helpful.

#1571 Toolbar and QC Bar on Same Line Feature request normal Unknown

It would be very nice if the toolbar and quick connect bar could be on the same line, like Windows does with toolbars in Explorer and Internet Explorer. On high- resolution screens there is a lot of wasted space next to the toolbar, and the QC bar would fit in that space just fine. As it is now I don't even display the QC bar because it takes away valuable space in other parts of FileZilla.

#1572 Show hidden files (.) Feature request normal Other

It would be really nice to add a "show hidden files" option that shows files beginning with a dot so for example I could manage my .htaccess files with that.

#1573 Drag n Drop support on connected server. Feature request normal Other

It would be nice if you could drag and drop files and folders within the remote file list.

#1574 Site Manager Drag and Drop Feature request normal Unknown

A really handy new feature would be the ability to drag and drop the different ftpsite into different folders. What do you think?

#1575 a few small things Feature request normal Other

Hi guys, great work

Here's a few things I noticed in the couple of hours I've been using the program and I'd like to see (preferably all implemented as options rather than as hard-coded settings)

  • is it possible to have the option to change the

double-clicking action on a local file? I do this and I expect to view it but FileZilla tries to upload it

  • can you make the file properties for transferred

files immediately update? When I upload/download the new file size is shown as 0 or ??. It would be better if it would automatically register the copied file's size

  • as someone else mentioned, sizes in bytes are good,

sizes in Mb are not very helpful

  • I would like to see an option for displaying the

password rather than showing . I am the only one using my machine at home and it is annoying trying to remember what the password was when I need to get the site details

  • a bug (I should mention it on the other page I

suppose...) The Host textbox on the site manager appears to be disabled-like. You cannot copy from it and the cursor does not blink when you focus on it.

  • the commands that FileZilla sends to keep the

connection alive could be shown in different color to the ones initiated by the user. For that matter, you could extend this to all the commands issued by the program

Thank a lot!

#1576 ... and a few more while I'm at it Feature request normal Other

Hello again,

Have been playing with the program a little more since the last message and would like to ask for the following:

  • choose a wav file to play when the program connects

to a site. Similarly, choose a sound to play for disconnecting and for completing an ftp session

  • I found an inconvenience: on the Site Manager,

pressing DEL will erase the currently selected site even if all you wanted to do was to delete a character when editing one of the fields. Deleting a site should only be executed if the site tree has focus

  • when connected to a site, the program's title bar

should display the name of the site instead of "FileZilla version xxx" (or at least have it somewhere on the title)

  • on the Site Manager again: new folders are sorted

aplhabetically, but they should appear at the top of the list, before individual site entries. Also, have an option to sort or not sort the entries

  • another thing there: when creating a new folder, it

is not possible to drag existing entries into it, so I have to manually copy them - not convenient really

Once again, thanks for this great program - I'll probably be back for more wishes...

#1577 ...... here I go again Feature request normal Other

Well, further on with my adventures I noticed the following:

  • the estimated remaining time seems to be calculated

on the transfer rate of that particular instance and as a result it jumps up and down wildly, at least in the early stages. Averaging the transfer rate of the last, say, 5 seconds would make it look more smooth

  • on the Site Manager, would it be possible to have

some text space for each site where one could simply record a few notes?


#1578 ...... here I go again Feature request normal Other

Well, further on with my adventures I noticed the following:

  • the estimated remaining time seems to be calculated

on the transfer rate of that particular instance and as a result it jumps up and down wildly, at least in the early stages. Averaging the transfer rate of the last, say, 5 seconds would make it look more smooth

  • on the Site Manager, would it be possible to have

some text space for each site where one could simply record a few notes?


#1580 Use more than one ftp proxy Feature request normal Other

I work for more than one customer and I have to use a different ftp proxy for each one. Is is really boring and prone to mistakes changing the settings each time. The ability to use a differnt proxy for each connection would be usefull in my case. If the effort is small and enough people are interested it would be a nice inprovement :-)

#1581 An option to leave a desktop shortcut Feature request normal Unknown

I've tried tons (well, mb's)of ftp clients, I'm currently using 1.8 version, the one that has the slight refresh problem, Well to get to the point. I would think it great option to be able to have at the users request, a desktop shortcut for a particular ftp account, ie. ftp.netscape.??? on the desktop to auto open that site when clicked or, to open my personal domain directory. Thanks, Mercedes Lopez

#1582 Automatic subdirectory support Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think a really killer feature would be to add a Dreamweaver-like automatic subdirectory support.

Dreamweaver allows you to view the content under the site root in a tree-view fashion. When you choose to upload a file, it automatically uploads the file in the corresponding directory in the remote site directory hierarchy.

I'm telling this because I'm dealing mainly with applications. I upload lots of asp, php and java files but don't need Dreamweaver editing features. I'm almost forced to use it because no other app I know supports it. I think FileZilla offering that could be a real killer app.

#1583 up-dir Button Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be very nice to have a "up-dir" button next to local site and remote site label. If you click this button you will get to the parent directory (same as "cd ..").

#1584 site management Feature request normal Unknown

Make the ability to move sites from one subfolder to another in the site manager.

#1585 Possibility to view files Feature request normal Other

It would be really useful for me to have a way of viewing a file directly in FZ.

Maybe a selection in the pop-up menu for 'View file'.

This could either send the file (through a temp- directory or something) to windows default file- viewer, or an editor of the users choice, or just a very simple text-viewing window.

This would save me alot of time, and is a real showstopper for us.

Thank you in advance.

#1586 display hidden files option Feature request normal Other

it would be nice if filezilla would support this feature.

in sitemanager there should be an option to display files starting with . for every ftp entry like .htaccess (those files are invisible on unix machines)

it's not possible to delete these files or directories with include such a file with filezilla.

#1587 Filezilla Sever - Run as a service Feature request normal Other

It would be great if Filezilla Server could run as a service.

#1589 Connection retries Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Connection retry count and delay in settings would be nice. Nice work, anyway.


#1590 Timezone settings Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In Site Manager in the Site Details group there should be a way to specify the time zone of the server. Also under general settings you should be able to specify the time zone of the client. This way the time offset can be calculated and timestamps can be properly checked to see if you are overwriting a newer file.

An alternative implementation would be to specify the time offest directly in Site Details.

#1592 Disconnect when transfer complete Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'm often away from my computer when a long file transfer is happening, but I don't like sitting idle after long transfers are complete and idling out, or staying online sending keepalive commands.

Could an option be added in the Queue or Transfer menus to automatically disconnect from the server when the queue has finished been processed? Naturally, the default would be off.


#1594 Support for SSH tunnelled ftp. Feature request normal Other

Could I suggest that the FileZilla Client ignores the IP address returned by an FTP server in response to the PASV command, and just uses the port number returned with the original IP address for the connection? Or that this is at least an configuration option??

This would enable to use SSH port forwarding to connect to an ftp server behind a firewall in passive mode with all traffic encrypted.

(This does assume that the ftp server concerned has a small defined range of ports it uses for passive mode.)

eg, Suppose I have a SSH link between Box A and Box B, with port 21 and the defined range of passive ports port forwarded from A to B (ports 4096-5000 say). Suppose Box B has an internal IP address of

On Box A, if I connect to 'localhost:21', everything is fine until the PASV command, when Box B returns: 227 Entering Passive mode (192,168,3,47,16,0).

If FileZilla ignored the IP address returned, and just used the IP address of the original connection (in this case with port 4096 (as returned by the passive command) then everything would be really cool, and ftp over a ssh forwarded connection would work!


#1596 8 Improvements/Perspective of WSFTP User Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Although FileZilla is a superior program to WSFTP in many ways, for the meantime I'm going to stick with WSFTP for a while. However, FileZilla shows so much merit that I thought I should take the time to point these issues out to you:

  1. I wish FileZilla would show me somewhere on the screen what remote system I'm connected to. For example, WSFTP's top bar says, "WSFTP95 LE ftp.WhereYouAre.Com" The "ftp.WhereYouAre.Com" is very useful information for people who sign onto multiple similar systems. And this is even more critical when multiple systems are logged onto simultaneously. FileZilla's top bar says "FileZilla version 1.9.4". I looked high & low, but I don't see anywhere that it tells which system that I'm currently FTPing to. And so if I'm logged onto 2-3 systems, just to be safe, I have to close all copies of FileZilla & then reinitiate each window -- else I risk doing the wrong thing on the wrong system. This would not be necessary if the program would simply tell me which system that this particular window is connected to. It doesn't seem that "expensive" to make this change -- at least to print it on the screen somewhere. And it is critical for people who use lots of systems, so I thought I'd make it number 1.
  2. Note that the "top bar" text also appears in the small box of the "task bar" at the bottom of the screen when FileZilla is minimized. However, "1.9.4" may never appear in the small block at the bottom of the screen because the word "version" takes up that space, but is of less use than the actual version "1.9.4". So at the least, I'd suggest you remove the word "version" which would move "1.9.4" over to the left. Note that depending on the resolution of the monitor, and the size of the fonts, and the number of windows open, the "1.9.4" may never have a chance to appear at all. That said, it would be even better (I think) to put the host name or FTP address on the top bar, such as "FileZilla Ftp.WhereYouAre.Com". Because that way if you have 2-3 copies of FileZilla opened, you can see on the task bar which one to click on to open it and/or bring it to the front. At any rate, as stated in #1 above, I think it would be safer if the site connected to appeared "somewhere" on the screen.
  3. I wish the program would save the width of the columns that the user chose. That way columns wouldn't need to be resized each time FileZilla is started. Keeping in mind that some people have chosen large fonts, or they may commonly work with long file names, or files that are "100,000,000" bytes vs "100" bytes. That way they can size the columns to the widths of their liking and they won't have to resize these columns each time they fire up FileZilla.
  4. A lower priority would be to let the user choose the font displayed in the "details" window. For directories, I prefer a fixed width Font, such as Courier. On a similar note, if the "month" and "day" were zero filled, they would line up like soldiers & be easier to debug in the "details" window. Because when a variable width font is used, "I" is narrower than "M" in the file column. And for months, January "1" takes up less space than December "12" in that column.
  5. I do miss the ability to click on the left and right arrows of WSFTP, keeping in mind that I'm converting from that program. In other words, after highlighting the file(s) to copy, I clicked on the left arrow when I was copying from a remote system to my local Windows PC. And I clicked on the right arrow when doing the opposite.
  6. I also miss the ascii, binary & auto radio buttons which appeared on the main screen, as opposed to the Settings/Connection/ASCII-Binary dialog box to do that.
  7. I also miss WSFTP's ability to "view" an ascii file on the remote system by double-clicking on it (note this required a config change, which was dangerous if not done on all PCs I use because simple double-clicking on it would just copy the file from the Win PC to the FTP system, or vice-versa. However, with FileZilla, on a "local" file, I can right-click on it & choose "open".
  8. However, clicking on right-click, then "open" launches the application rather than viewing the file. So for example, if you click on a .html file, it will launch your browser, rather than view it. So since there is no way to view it, what I do is change the file name to end with .txt, then view it. Then when I'm all done, I (dangerously) try to remember to remove the .txt file to change it back the way it was. When all I really wanted to do was view the file in notepad.exe.

Thanks for taking the time to listen. I know it sounds like what I want is WSFTP, but I'm in the process of leaving all "pay" software behind. And FileZilla looks like it has the most merit by far. It's hard to believe that it all fits in 1.1mb.

#1598 rename in remote site manager Feature request normal Other

It would be very handy to be able to rename a remote site in the site manager.

#1599 SSL for FileZilla Server Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Please add SSL to the filezilla server !!!

#1602 Urgent Dialog Box connection timesout Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

I like FileZilla in the background, but I need an "Urgent Message" dialog box to pop-up to the front, when the connection timesout, or file/que download finishes.

Timeouts need a complete fix (see other's recommendations), but an optional dialog box would reduce my surprise that I had not noticed timeouts.

0) Dialog that pops up to front of current app on top. 1) Make ONLY optional! (but useful e.g., 650Mb ISO downloads, select "urgent message" dailog box) 2) If the FTP clears status and reconnects after a e.g., 30 second wait, clear the dialog box, to avoid thousands of boxes. 3) Don't spawn a new dialog box each time a problem occurs, 1000 dialog boxes is a hassle. Create one, and update it if need be. e.g., "Connection timeout: 7th timeout on 3:30:23s PM, Tuesday, April 23, 2002."

and best yet, "Download complete: 7:32:41s PM, Tuesday, April 23, 2002"


#1603 Map a FTP-site to a drive letter Feature request low Other

I would like to be able to map a ftp-drive to a drive letter (e.g. h:) so I can edit files on a FTP-server directly without manually having to download file, edit file, upload file.

In this way my favorite FTP-sites will also be directly accessible to me from various programs.

See also for a commercial program that does just that.

#1604 Edit files on a FTP-site directly Feature request normal Other

I would like to be able to right-click from within FileZilla and then select "edit file" thereby opening the relevant editor. When my editing is finished the edited file will automatically be uploaded to the FTP-site.

#1607 Multi-theaded upload Feature request normal Other

To upload as quickly as possible (reducing the telephone bill), please provide the ability to upload several files (eg 5) concurrently. Similar to LeechFTP (abandonware).

Thank you

#1609 FileZilla Client Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Two feature request!

Integration/Remote File Editing Make on-the-fly changes to your documents without having to download your file.

Right-Click Change File Attributes (CHMOD) Brings up a graphical user interface for easy modification of file attributes.

Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Thank you very much!

#1610 save setting in a file Feature request normal Other

I think it would be better to save the setting and ftp configuration in a file instead of in the registery

#1612 Ability to Drag Files Onto Folders Feature request normal Other

It would be very nice if you could drag a file from the local or remote panes onto a folder icon in the other pane to upload or download to it. As it is now, you must chdir to a directory before you can upload a file to it. If that directory has a lot of files in it, it can take a long time to download the directory listing. It seems like it would be relatively simple to implement. Other FTP clients, like Bullet Proof FTP, let you do that.


#1613 More option for overwriting wanted Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla, which I gave up couple months ago but got very good recently and I'm now back with it.

But I have 1 little gripe that wants to be fixed. The option of filezilla to overwrite are

overwrite overwrite if newer resume rename skip

but I want "if upload" and "if download". Usually uploading can be overwritten without asked for me, but downloading without asking may cause my newer files get overwritten, so those options are quite necessary.

It will be perfect if you can mix "if upload" and "if newer" combinations just like it had with CuteFTP. SmartFTP did have "if upload" but not with the combination.

FileZilla, I have been thinking of one of the best FTP software is getting close to the best choice for me. Great work.

#1615 current server name in title Feature request normal Unknown

It would be nice to know to which server I'm currently connected that is to say display the name (from SiteManager) or the address (connected via QuickConnect) in the title bar of the main window.

#1616 drag'n'drop from remote to desktop Feature request normal FileZilla Client


For us ex-WSftp users it would be great if you could drag a remote file to your desktop (or of course other open folder)


#1617 Local history of folders per remote site Feature request normal FileZilla Client

hi Local history of folders per remote site in a drop down menu would be great


#1618 Reconnect on refresh (F5) Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated

If the connection to an FTP server has been lost (due to timeout for example) it would be convenient if pressing the F5 refresh button would re-establish the FTP connection. I know there's a toolbar button for this, but I've got used to using F5 to re-establish connections with other client programs!

#1619 Advanced Refresh Feature request normal FileZilla Client outdated

In the last release the Refresh option refreshes both the local and the remote folders. It will be nice to be able to refresh these independently, for exemple with the right mouse button.


#1621 Bandwidth Limiting Feature request normal Other

Any chance of bandwidth limiting? Its the only major thing I can see that may be needed. On my CM connection I'd like to restrict my download speed so I can do other stuff at the same time.

#1623 SSL for server? Feature request normal Other

Is it possible for you to put in the SSL for FileZilla server?

That would be a great feature, seems how you already have it in the client

#1624 SSL for FileZilla server? Feature request normal Other

When will you implement this into the server? It's already in the client, it would make a good pair

#1625 sound on login Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I know its only a small nitpicking thing, but a sound on successful login would be a godsend. For when you are trying to login to a busy server and want to know when you finally do.

#1626 Virtual Path for FileZilla Server Feature request normal Other

A virtual path is a good attribute when using "Show relative paths". I'm trying to use this, but when "Show relative paths" is checked I can only see my HOME DIRECTORY. With virtual path I can set c:\other to be /other or /anything in my ftp tree. The "Resolve windows shortcuts" only works when the link is above my home path. With Virtual Path we can map other paths not above the home path.

Thanks for FileZilla Client and Server. Good softwares.

#1627 synchro Feature request normal Other

ARe you going to add file synchronization?

#1628 Job automation => Command line support ? Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Will filezilla support the command line operation mode ?

It will easily to do job automation and conjuction filezilla into our scrips.

#1629 Startup changes Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected

Can the order for startup events be changed to give immediate user feedback. I frequently operate on a Windows machine that has an occasional VPN connection.

There are usually 7 remote directories defined that

are only VPN reachable. When the VPN is not active, Filezilla spends about 1 minute waiting on timeouts before it displays anything. This leads to doubts about whether it has been clicked properly, etc. Which leads to double and triple starts of Filezilla and that just makes things worse.

Possible solutions:

1) Put up a splash screen immediately. All I need is

some indication that things are starting.

2) Put up the basic Filezilla display structure, but

with neither the local nor the remote directory information populated. That plus a cursor wait icon would be enough to know that things are working.

3) Provide an option to eliminate partitions from the

local directory structure. This would suit my use since I only use one partition for transfers. It might not suit other people very well.

Creating and removing these network devices for every startup and shutdown of the VPN is not a practical solution. They must always be there. Windows eventually times out when you attempt to use one when the VPN is not running, so the problem is the long delays from programs like Filezilla that attempt to check every single mounted partition during startup.

#1630 Browse shared folders in local window Feature request normal Other

The ability to download files also on shared folders. The local site window could show additionnaly to the local PC the neighborhood (and why not even the desktop) like the windows file explorer does. Similarly it should be possible to enter paths like 'PC_NAME/Folder in the local path window.

FileZilla is a great program !

#1631 drag & drop from remote to desktop Feature request normal FileZilla Client

to drag a file from the remote server to your desktop (or any local folder) would be a great feature.

#1632 dropdown menu with local locations Feature request normal Unknown

a dropdownbox for the local site (with the most recent locations) would be much appriciated.

#1633 upload problem Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I just testing FileZilla. I think it's a very good application for me. I need to upload from a PC to an Unix system. My problem is that file on Unix keep upper case. Is it possible to add an option to force lower case upload for the filename (like in ws-ftp).

Thank you

Jean Morlet

#1636 Enable drag-and-drop to desktop Feature request normal Unknown

The only thing I'd really like to see is the ability to drag a file to the desktop and have it download it to there, and vice versa (drag a local file to the remote file list and have it upload where I drop it). If I could drag a file out of the Filezilla window to the desktop I'd consider the program just about perfect.

By the way, thank you for a great product! Even without any changes it's absolutely fantastic - thank you for making it available!

#1638 welcome message tag list Feature request normal FileZilla Server invalid

with %v and %% being the only things noted i wonder if you could put together a little list of other % tags.

#1639 Filezilla with "Multithreading" Feature request normal Other

gFTP has a nice feature: "Multithreading"

It simulates Multithreading which means that you can download some files and in the same time you can freely browse through the FTP-folders. In the background gFTP stops the download while you are browsing and then it resumes the downloads automatically when the user does nothing.

At this moment you have to open Filezilla a second time and you have to create a second connection to the server.

#1640 Intefface (menu, etc) in other languages Feature request normal Unknown

It would be great to have the possibility to translate (I prefer from Eng) to other language (in my case Italian) to have menu, messages, labels in the preferred language other than English or whatelse.

cheers, Lorenzo.

#1641 DELAY & RETRY options Feature request normal FileZilla Client

can you add more options in the 'site manager' ???

usefull options will be :

  • retry count
  • delay between retries

i have found nothing to set these parameters.......

#1644 Button for transfer type(auto/ascii/bin) Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

Greetings, It would be very handy if I could see which tranfer type is set. Now I have to go to the menu (transfer->Tranfer type) to see which is selected. Buttons on the toolbar to change the tranfer type would be handy. Ther could be 3 buttons (one for each type).De color of the button could indicate if that trnafer type is selected.

Still, this is one great program. Thanks. Gerard

#1645 Multiple User Home Directories Feature request normal Other

It would be nice if you add the feature to assign more than one home directory to a user! Example: If you have more than one HD and someone requests a file on the other HD you always have to change the home directory. thanks ~1nSaN1Ty

#1646 Translation to other languages Feature request normal Other

I speak Spanish, I can help to translate a Spanish version?

#1648 Site Manager sites on QuickConnect Feature request normal Other

Any chance we could get a drop-down menu somewhere on the GUI, with a list of all sites in the Site Manager, for a "quick-connect" option that doesn't involve opening the site manager?

I would most prefer to see it integrated into the existing "site manager" button on the toolbar, with a drop-down arrow to the right of the button, similar to how Microsoft groups buttons in most of its products.

Next preference would be on the quick connect toolbar, perhaps over top of the current "Address" box. Although the quick connect bar is pretty wide already, so adding much to it may be a problem.

Related to this request, if the Quick Connect bar could remember the last few most recently used addresses (and usernames most likely) it would be even more handy, if for example I'll be connecting to the same set of sites for a couple days and then never again...

Thanks, --Kevin

#1650 raw commands Feature request normal Other

Some FTP programs let you send raw FTP commands. This often comes in very handy.

#1651 FXP - Server 2 Server Transfer Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected

It would be a helpful feature to get FXP support in the client


#1652 Custom "anti-timeout" command Feature request normal Other

I would be great if there would be an option to setup the "anti-idle-timeout" command.

Commands like REST 0 and PWD fail. I get an "No transfers for over 300s" timeout anyway.

E.g. I can setup "Flash-FXP FTP-Client" to automatically retrieve a directory listing every 200 seconds. And I don´t get these timeouts anymore.

#1653 Custom "anti-timeout" command Feature request normal Other

I would be great if there would be an option to setup the "anti-idle-timeout" command.

Commands like REST 0 and PWD fail. I get an "No transfers for over 300s" timeout anyway.

E.g. I can setup "Flash-FXP FTP-Client" to automatically retrieve a directory listing every 200 seconds. And I don´t get these timeouts anymore.

#1654 Convert illegal filename characters Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Convert filename characters that would be illegal on the destination platform to some other character. For example other ftp packages rename the file, converting ":" (colon, in the source filename) to "_" (underscore, in the destination filename) when transferring to DOS/Windows, which does not allow ":" in a file's name.

Currently, when I use this package to transfer such a file, the destination filename is truncated at the point of the invalid character and the file contains 0 bytes. The package claims the file was transferred successfully, but it wasn't. So this is also a bug.


#1656 FileZilla Server: Registry control Feature request normal Other

An option to store all user information and settings under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE rather than HKEY_CURRENT_USER. This will help if you were to make it a windows 2000 service as well :)

P.S. If you need a programmer to work on the 2000 service code feel free to contact me at ecco@2nd-

#1658 Save window state Feature request normal Other

Suggestion -- save window state, size and position between sessions.

#1659 Remember past paths in the local view Feature request normal Other


It has been implemented in the remote view to remember the paths you have visited. It would be nice if a drop down list is also provided for the local sites.

Furthermore, I also hope filezilla have "desktop", "my documents", etc in the local tree view just like in Win2k explore. It would be handy as I often download files to these places.



#1660 Conection retries Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be great if you can add a "Conection Retry" in FileZilla (controlled with a timer), in the site manager and in the QuickConnect mode.

#1661 French version Feature request low Other

I wish a French version of FileZilla. I can undertake the translation. Thank's for this very good soft.

#1663 Remember window size, position Feature request normal Unknown

A couple additions:

  1. Remember the window size that Filezilla was at when

closed for the next session.

  1. Remember if the display was modified. E.g., the

Queue section stays closed.

#1664 Windows XP Visual Styles Support Feature request normal Other


I'm currently using a manifest file to add visual style support to filezilla in Windows XP, but I would like to see it be incorporated into the binary.


#1666 Two Remote Views at the same time Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'm desperately in need of transfering a heap of files in misc folders (serverside) to other folders (serverside).

I need TWO views of the *same* server.

That way files can be dragged and dropped from folder to folder on the same server. I have found only ONE program that can do it and it's a commercial buggy memory hog...

#1667 Remote File Type Feature request normal Other

Display the file type on the remote server. So you can sort by the type.

#1668 Number of file Up and Download limit Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Change the Number of files limit to 2 limit values

I have a 16K upload and 128K download. This then means when I want to upload and download and the same time it is quicker to set these values to 1.

I can then upload and download at the sametime and only loose a small part of the upload speed.

#1669 Number of file Up and Download limit Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Change the Number of files limit to 2 limit values

I have a 16K upload and 128K download. This then means when I want to upload and download and the same time it is quicker to set these values to 1.

I can then upload and download at the sametime and only loose a small part of the upload speed.

#1670 Automatic upload of edited files Feature request normal Other

I can now (2.0.0a) right-click on a remote file and open my relevant editor. Cool. But I would like FileZilla to automatically upload the edited file to the ftp-server (in the background) each time I save my changes. That is not yet possible as far as I can see.

This request is actually the second part of my previous request: 548950

Respect and Kind Regards Søren

#1671 show number of files/selected files in status bar Feature request normal FileZilla Client

it would be nice if at the end of each site window (local and remote) there will be a file count. or just display the number of selected files by right clicking on them. thanks to who have contributed to this great software.

#1672 Move files on the server side Feature request normal Other

Hello, Very nice product. It would be nice to be able to move files on the server side (from one directory to another). Even if this command is not handled with a drag&drop action. Regards Rafael

#1673 Log Feature request normal FileZilla Server outdated

I would like to be able to have a txt file log off connections, ip addresses, and what downloaded/uploaded.


#1674 Local treeview use Desktop as root Feature request normal Other

For the FileZilla client, would the root of local treeview default to Desktop? It can let users to fast access the desktop and my document.

#1675 Support for public key authentication Feature request normal Other

Support for public key authentication for SFTP connections.

It would also be nice to have the ability to pull those keys from a key agent such as Pageant (

#1677 Show number of files and dirs Feature request normal Unknown

It could be very useful if FileZilla showed the total number of items (files and dirs, separated) in both local and remote dirs. So I could spot if anything is missing from one side or the other, when putting a web site in sync with local mirror.

When some items are selected, it could change to show the number of selected items.

Thanks for the effort in this continued development!

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