Custom Query (8170 matches)


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Results (3401 - 3500 of 8170)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2408 lower case filenames Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see the option to have only lower case filenames on the server remote side. I used to use WS_FTP and this was a useful option that I used.

#2409 Include use of Novell Border Manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Can you please enable the use of Novell Border Manager as one of the FTP proxy type settings. By default, it uses dollar signs and not the 'at' symbol.

USER FireID$RemoteID$RemoteHost PASS FirePassword$RemotePassword

The FireID is normally a long context-sensative string like ''.

#2411 upload-only ftp sites Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

Many FTP servers are configured to allow uploads only. This means that the LIST command fails. It would be useful to be able to disable the use of LIST, and grey out the remote file list pane(s), for these servers.

#2412 usability excited Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

i like to see my desktop on the local site and dont always need to klick through the c:\documents./.../ User/desktop

this would be a great feature for the next version

#2415 file transfer settings Feature request normal FileZilla Client

would be also nice to widen up "if file exists" menu to add: overwrite if smaller, resume if smaller. most windows based ftp server realizations fail very often, giving you zero sized files.

#2416 windows treestructure file view (Desktop) and shortcuts Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to have current user's Desktop at top of local treeview. It's what you find in almost every filebrowser in windows softwares (Save/Load dialogs for example).

I find quite bothering going through Local HardDrive / Document and Settings / <user> / and at last Desktop to locate quickly the desktop.

Support for Directory shortcuts in local view would help too. Double-click in that kind of shortcut should lead you to the destination directory in treeview instead of uploading the .lnk file ;)

I use FileZilla everyday! Keep up the good work. :)

#2420 Mirror folders, Automate, Schedule Feature request normal FileZilla Client

First let me thank the developers for a product that is effortless to use & works flawlessly right from the start. Just terrific...

I'm just re-iterating the need to "schedule" transfers or "mirror" folders. I'm currently backing up my application server to an (off site) ftp server manually with FileZilla.

Hope you can build it into a future update, keep up the great work!

#2421 Mac OS X Support Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Compile for Mac OS X please.

#2425 Favourite Paths Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Allow common paths to be recalled on a per-site basis. (ie. favourites)

#2427 local filename window copy/paste Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Right mouse click on a file i the local filename window should have a copy and paste feature

#2428 window position movement Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

For ANY correction or patch to FileZilla at ANY time!

For users like me, who like to download files from FTP sites, it would be nice if I, and other users of FileZilla could change the window positions, instead of "side by side", the local and remote windows could be "one atop the other", if THAT were done, we could, for instance, use MUCH longer PathNames for the Local and Remote Directory Trees, too, ok?

Give the user the ABILITY to put the remote window ABOVE the local window, or vice versa, make it a configuration choice in the "settings", IE, the user would have 4 choices,

"left local and right remote", "left remote and right local", "bottom local and top remote", "bottom remote and top local".

Please also make this a setting that could

be "permanent", retained in the "XML file" with other permanent settings, so, anytime I need to change it, I can, then it will be that way next I run this program.


#2429 Progress bar in tray icon Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I think it would be great to have a progress bar or percentage shown as the tray icon for filezilla. It should show % complete over all downloads. Many other FTP clients out there do it, and it's quite a useful feature.

#2432 Directory Browsing Sync Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When you navigate to a directory, local or remote, the other pane should attempt to navigate to a directory of the same name. If there is not a directory by that name, the feature turns off.

#2436 Synchronize folders option Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Provide a checkbox "Keep folder movement synchronized" If checked, any change-of-directory on one side would attempt to perform the same change on the other side.

Since users generally set up equivalent start points, this would mean they could easily ensure they were always in equivalent places in both windows, guarding against uploading or downloading the wrong version of a file. (Especially useful where filenames repeat, such as index.html or index.php, etc.)

#2439 Reduce flickering while downloading Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I haven't noticed if this also happens when you upload. But when you download alot (10+ files) of files the FileZilla-client flickers alot. Perhaps it's because the OS I run (Win XP) or something, but it seems as if this is programmed into FileZilla.

So, when I download files the local folders update themself for every file. If the folder is full of files this takes a few milliseconds thus showing a white screen for a while until the files are listed again. Also the remote server updates like this. If this is removed (the updating of the filelists) by default then it would be much more easy on the eyes.

Also, the queue flickers alot because the current file drops down a row with uploading status. Perhaps put that progress somewhere else, probably best att the current files filename background. This would reduce the flickering from the queue shrinking after completed upload then increasing because of a new upload in progress.

#2442 Use multiple connections per file while downloading Feature request critical FileZilla Client

Use multiple simulataneous connections per file while downloading. A comparison of Filezilla v/s DAP reveals that Filezilla's speed is extremely slow as compared to DAP. I am sure that the reason behind this is that DAP uses multiple simultaneous connections per file being downloaded.

I would give this the highest priority for Filezilla from whatever I have seen from Filezilla.

#2448 Safety query before deleting a ftp preferences site Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I think it should appear a safety query, if you try to delete a ftp preferences site.

Bye Nameless

#2449 Windows safe filenames Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A lot of times when I use filezilla to download some stuff, it'll get confused by the unix / linux filenames.

As a result, it'll get confused by the directory names and try to overwrite stuff it just downloaded. Either from the same directory (similar filename) or from another directory that has similar contents (but perhaps a different version.)

Or worse, it'll create the directory or file, but it wont be accessible under windows. Things like NUL, CON, etc. Those and more are reserved under Windows. They date back to DOS, but are still a problem in windows.

Perhaps Filezilla should have an option (enabled by default) to create Windows safe filenames.

#2460 Find option Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please add find file in server option.

#2464 Select all Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Guys, a "select all" option when uploading files (maybe on right click menu?) would be really usefull. I have directories with hundreds of files in them, it is the files inside not the directory as a whole I want to upload. A select all feature for a open directory would save me having to hold control and click every file individually - which is a real pain. Or who about like WS-FTP where you can hold control and scroll down a list of files automatically highlighting them as you go? Other wise nice FTP client -thanks!

#2467 FileZilla Server Setting or Detection Patch normal FileZilla Client outdated

I am requesting a capability for the FileZilla Client that was actually working (maybe not by design) in Version 2.2.8b. I use FileZilla Client to maintain a z/OS system that has MVS files and Unix files. In previous versions the client would auto-detect the type of server based upon the default directory that I set up the the site in the Site Manager. In later releases, this capability is no longer available and I can NOT use the FileZilla client to maintain my Unix files. This is the majority of my work! I am requesting this type of functionality (again), OR the ability to specify the type of server in the Site Properties.

This is a GREAT product, but I am forced to use earlier versions of the client(or a different product) to perform my maintenance tasks.

Also, if the capability to specify servers is provided, I'd like to propose adding z/VM to the list. I still maintain files in VM/CMS as well. Other products offer this functionality (I've had to use WS_FTP Pro, or FTP from VM/CMS to the FileZilla Server on my desktop.

Thanks for a great product. I hope you can come up with a new/improved version that I can use.


FileZilla Client - MVS and USS

#2468 Queue list sorting Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Il will be useful to be able to sort the queue list by column name click.

#2469 Filter upload Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Need to avoid uploading directories by mask. Don't upload directories named '.svn' for example. Or files named '*.keyfile'. Want to set this in my preferences or at least on a per task basis.

#2470 Unicode Info Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Want to know how to upload unicode (utf-8, ucs-2) source files. Set as binary or ascii? How about a unicode setting? This also depends on the server connected to. So would like any information available on what server software the client is connected to. This info will be non-uniform. Emailing the site admin, however, can take days to get a response.

Perhaps this info is also embedded in the protocol being used. That is, FTP vs SFTP. I don't know about that. Give the client user a hint.

#2471 Folder Changing Bruno Ramos Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

A right clickable option in the windows version to move a file to another folder would be very useful in folders containing so many files that dragging a file to another folder would involve about two minutes of scrolling. The alternative at the moment for speed seems to be deleting the file in question (or leaving a duplicate) and reuploading to the desired folder.

#2472 View Desktop into LOCAL VIEW Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello, first of all thanks for what you did untill now. Up to me it will be very usefull if it will be possible to see files on the DESKTOP from LOCAL VIEW panel.

Thanks Claudio

#2473 Suggestion - bookmarks Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A nice-to-have function i Filezilla: the ability to add bookmarks. Both for server-side and client-side.

Why? Because they make uploading easier. I am uploading files every day to the same server, but to different folders. Now I have to; either "click" my way to the correct folder, or use different site entries with a different default remote directory, which make the path history vanish.

#2476 More Target Overwrite Options.... Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

If the target of a file transfer already exists, you can specify a default:

Overwrite if size is different Overwrite if newer and size is different

#2478 Folder synchronization Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There is already a request like this one but I didn't understand what he wanted so I post mine.

What I'd like is a "Synchronize folder" button that scans the local and remote folder (and subdirectories - maybe in options) and generate a list of files that changed and start uploading them.

I'm tired of spending a lot of time uploading a entire folder with subfolders and +300 files just to update a dozen. And I'm too lazy to try to find them :).

It may exist in 3 modes : local -> remote, local <- remote and local <-> remote. But at least local -> remote, I think it's the more useful.

This feature exists in WinSCP ( but I like FileZilla and I prefer to use only one tool to do almost the same thing.

Thank you !

#2479 Full row select Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In the list of files an option so you can click anyway on the line select a file/directory.

#2480 double-click "Do Nothing" option Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I request that an additional feature be added to the double-click options that causes nothing to occur when a file is double-clicked. Right now, under the Interface Settings tab, you can choose a "File doubleclick action" of Transfer, Open, or Add to queue. "Do nothing" is an option that is supported in most FTP programs I have used.

#2481 MD5 Checksum Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I request a new feature of being able to calculate an MD5 checksum, or some other adequate checksum, on both local and remote files for file equality comparison. Remote files would need to be downloaded to a temporary location to compute the checksum. (or calculated 'on the fly' without actual physical storage locally) So you should be able to select one or more files and choose "Compute Checksum", and the values would be displayed as one of the optional columns for those files. The values would need to be erased if the file is re-uploaded or re-downloaded. It would be nice if the values were remembered as long as the directory wasn't changed, but they are really only needed for a moment's comparison and can then be forgotten. Optionally, or additionally, it would be nice to be able to select two files, one local and one remote, or perhaps even two local, or two remote, and choose a "Check Equality" button that computes the checksum of each file and tells you if the files are equal, or not. If you could select more than one file locally and remotely and have all of the equally named files compared, that would be nice, too.

#2483 Proxy type USER fireID@RemoteID@RemoteHost Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Another popular category of FTP proxies uses

USER fireID@RemoteID@RemoteHost

and then sends the password as FirePass@RemotePass

Please consider adding this - which would be simpler than the more general 1209840 proxy config feature request (which would also solve this)

#2488 DESKTOP folder Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would be nice find the DESKTOP into the Local/Remote View to be able to download/upload from there without scrolling to desktop folder under c:\...\..

Thanks Claudio

#2492 Independent spec. of simult. uploads and downloads Feature request normal FileZilla Client


Thanks for the fantastic software. Really: I love it!

It would be nice if I could independently specify the number of simultaneous uploads and downloads that happen. For example if I have a queue full of various up and downloads, I'd like to perform one upload *AND* one download at a time. Currently, I can only specify the total number of simultaneous transfers regardless of what they are, hence performing only one upload *OR* one download at a time. Using traffic shaping software, one could then readily saturate both the up and download streams and save a lot of time.

Just a thought. Thanks again!


#2493 Only show 220 responses Feature request normal FileZilla Client rejected

Could there be a restriction option to the messages window, that only "Response: 220 msg,msg,msg" are displayed? The reason is, my users are unable to see the messages I give them because there is so much information in the messages window. Thanks! PS: Maybe an option to list only specific response codes. ie. I type in 220 into an editbox and hit the "add" button, and then repeat that for messages 550 and 230. Thanks again

#2495 Multiple connections setting in Site manager Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I suggest a setting in the site manager to set if the server allow the multiple connections, or the number of connections allowed by the FTP server.

#2498 CHMOD Files and Folder Seperatly Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be realy nice if there whas an option to chmod only folders or only files within an folder or subfolders.

Now i have to browser to every folder manualy.

PS: Mabye as an extra feature, but not realy needed, is to do this for specific file types.


#2501 Formatted numbers for transmitted data in transfer queue Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I find it difficult to distinguish between

1258463539 bytes and 125863778 bytes

when reading the figures in the transfer queue, especially as the figure is changing all the time. It would be very helpful, if this figure would be show in a formatted way using seperators like

1,258,463,324 bytes and 125,863,756 bytes

which immediately give you better impression about the figure you are looking at.

#2502 Passive mode IP and DHCP Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently (2.2.24b), if I instruct FileZilla to use an IP adress (for passive mode) it is stuck until I remember to alter it.

Could it be an option that passive mode IP adress is obtained when the box in question receives its IP from DHCP server.

#2504 Command line - no Site Manager Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Could you please, if appropriate command line arguments are provided, NOT pop up Site Manager.

A side effect of which is it is off trying to connect, and failing, but one has to have the presence of mind to kill the site manager in order to get to the stop symbol.

Or, provide an option that avoids Site Manager (letting one immediately to Quick Connect).

#2505 Better Userinterface Feeling. Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hey there, iam using the latest CVS sync of the linux version of FileZilla (FileZilla3). I Update several times a day. However i didnt come here to say that, i better get to the point.

From what ive seen on the userinterface we have something similiar to this...

1) Window Style...

### LOCAL ############---############ SERVER ### [Tree view of location] [Tree view of location]

!!!Below this treeview Window we have a very similiar Window...!!!

[Icon view of location] [Icon view of location]

!!! I have uploaded a image showing what i mean You can acces it by this Link - !!!

For some reason i find this pretty a waste of space in the Client window, i browse for folder in one Window and choose the icon to upload/download in another. This could be solves by just having one Window (a Icon view style) Would save more space, and would be much nicer =D

If you feel like that you really would want these two styled windows, Would it then pe possible to add a feature in the preferences dialog, Where you can choose to either just have the IconView mode, or the mode FileZilla is using right now.

2) Icons... Another thing i saw on the forums where that you are going to make your own Icon theme for FileZilla. May i ask why? cant it just use my native GTK icons? Like all other GTK applications does, and same on Windows they will also get their natiev icons.

This is also great for users who is having other GTK Icon themes, due they will get their native icons, and i think all would want that =D

If you also dont like this sugesstion, would it then be psosible to add a feature in the preferences dialog where i can choose to let FileZilla use my native Icon theme.

However FileZilla is one of the best FTP Clients ive ever used, iam really glad to see that the linux users also can use this really nice piece of work.

Please dont see this mail as a complaining or trolling of any style. Just see this as a few sugesstions from a user =D

P.S Excuse me for my limited english

Regards Peter Johansson

#2506 Store User Settings In the Application Data folder Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd like to suggest that Filezilla store user data (such as configured FTP sites) in the Application Data directory.

This has the following benefits:

  • Follows Windows Logo Requirements
  • LUA users (users running as non-admins) will have

write access to this directory.

Thanks. Phil

#2508 Notify in any way when transfer queue empties Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice to include an option to notify when transfers finish (event would be = onQueueEmptied or onTransfersFinished)

  • show a message
  • play a sound
  • execute a program
  • send a winpopup msg
  • etc.

Thanks a lot in advance.

#2510 Handling time skew for updating files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When dealing with a UNIX server in a different time zone, the "overwrite if newer" option loses meaning. A server in a time zone 2 hours earlier will not update any files within the two hour window, while a server in a later time zone will always update, regardless - the client files are always that much newer regardless of how many times they are transferred. Therefore, for each registered server, the user should be able to set the time skew. Thus a client in Seattle can compare the time of the local file with the time on a server in Chicago, adjust 2 hours, and determine correctly that the local file is or is not newer.

#2511 xftp and remote text editing Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would there be any way to have FileZilla do xftp or something similar to that?

Also adding the feature that I miss from CuteFTP, remote file editing with it's build in txt editor.

#2512 Enabling filezilla operations by batch file script Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It will be very useful to be able to start filezilla operations (as an example to download from a specific site configurated in the site manager) automatically by means of a batch file or from the "scheduled task" utility of windows.

#2513 Keep date time stamp Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please provide a feature to keep the download files with original datetime stamp from FTP server.

#2518 Mac OS X support Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Maybe via Wine or X11... but try making it possible to run this amazing program on the mac... we need it ;)

#2519 user login at connection time Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I would like FZ to do the following, at connect time :

  • to supply the username in the "Enter your Password"

dialog box. even if it cannot be modified. I use dozens of servers, with different users, and I cannot guess which user password FZ is asking me for.

or the username could be an optional field in the site manager "Site Details" panel. And then the user would supply at connect time both the username AND the password.

I just need to know which user's password I must supply the dialog box with. And I think most of users would.

Thanks for your great work.


For info These feature requests ask for similar functionality. 1006513, 1065486, 679524, 617076

#2520 adding file searching feature for remote & localdesktop dir. Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I am using Filezilla for quite some years and in the recent time I am feeling that one very useful feature is missing: THE SEARCHING BUTTON FOR SEARCHING A FILE / DIRECTORY FROM THE filezilla WINDOW, BOTH FOR THE REMOTE DESKTOP & LOCAL DESKTOP. I hope this will be useful to the majority of the users and wish to see the feature in the forthcoming versions.

#2522 Interface improvements Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Interface is already quite good but there could be some little tweaks added to make it even nicer

  • a "download" and "upload" button, to help newbies
  • ability to put panels one on top on another so we can

have [distant tree][distant files] [local tree ][local files ]

  • add an option to lock the panel splitting when

displayed by 4 (2 columns/2 rows) so that in the former example [local tree] always has the same width as [distant tree] and the same height as [local files]

  • make some nicer icons (winxp style) or possibility to

change them.

#2523 Tabbed Local/Remote Sites Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I always check on FileZilla, and it is my favourite free FTP application. Yet, I keep going back to my CuteFTP for its ability to open multiple sessions to FTP sites in a tabbed format.

If FileZilla could allow a user to connect to several FTP sites in tabbed format, this would be a really great addition. Furthermore, having several "local site" directories open which a user could tab through would also be a great addition.

I hope to one day see these features in FileZilla.

#2524 procedure when is error occured Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I have same suggest when in transfer que append

messagge "Transfer Error #x, "Trying again later". A program automatic delete this file from qou, and you don't see after some time which file are upload,

If this fila stay in que, user can retray to upload this file. This is problem when you have a more then few files.



#2525 Copy on Right Click Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like Filezilla to have the following feature. When I copy the file / folder from the windows explorer and try to paste it in the filezilla it doesn't happen. please consider this feature

#2526 Open With ... in local file list Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This feature would allow us to choose a program to open a file with locally without having to change the default program. It comes in handy for files like web pages, documents, etc.

#2527 if default remote directory is not exists Feature request normal FileZilla Client


I have several items in "FTP cite manager" which is used for fast reconnection. But, if default remote directory is not exist clients behaviour is not obvious.

After connection remote directory panel is empty. Exist way to check log and change settings for default remote directory. But that is not obvious for beginners. :)

Could you implements next: if default directory is not exist then go to root directory?


#2528 WebDAV support Feature request low FileZilla Client fixed

Just as you added ssh/sftp support via putty libraries to FileZilla please consider adding WebDev support too.

An example implementation is cadaver . Once the protocol exchange occurs, then the command line version of cadaver found in Cygwin acts just like a normal ftp. This appears to make Webdev support a natural fit for FileZilla.

FileZilla is a nice tool. Thanks for developing it. I recommend it to other people who are looking for a gui ftp client on MS Windows.

Thanks, Greg

#2530 Desktop - My Documents Shortcut Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see a Desktop and/or My Documents Shortcut on the local site side. It is slow to go down the directory tree to get to the desktop or my documents.

#2533 File Modified popup on top window Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Using MS windows the 'file has been modified upload Y/N' popup appears above the filezilla window not above the topmost window. This drives me nuts as I make a code change, run the code and then realize I haven't checked the confirm popup. After years of using Filezilla I still get caught by this several times a day.

#2534 Place message log in a column next to site column Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The message log window is important for me to see more than just a few lines. But the remote/local site windows are also important to have large so I don't simply want to exapand the message log window.

Therefore it would be great to have the possibility to place the message log next to the local/remote site window (so you have three columns).

Might look strange for some users but Widescreen monitors are becoming more and more pupluar that enables you to run wide resolutions such as 1650x1050.

#2536 http URL support like Bulletproof FTP Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Bulletproof FTP allows you to paste a URL into it, and have it download the file over port 80 as an HTTP request. I miss this feature in FileZilla.

#2538 Order by date: first directories, then files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Since files and dirs are different objects, it would be better to group them appart when reordering (at least by date). That would make it visually easier to synchronize with files in FTP server.

#2539 Auto change local folder when connecting Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be really great if FileZilla would automatically change to a defined local folder when connecting to a bookmarked server. This is especially useful if one maintains several different websites. The folder could ideally be set in the Site Manager.

#2540 Select changed files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be great if FileZilla would select all files that changed (locally or remotely) since last up-/ download. Could be done by comparing the timestamp.

#2541 download failure recovery queue Feature request normal FileZilla Client

feature similar to leechftp: a failure recovery queue. if the download fails for any reason (partial download, etc), the download is moved into the queue. if not that, at least the ability to repeat/recover/finish the download up to a certain number of times. I find that it's best to move an item to the back of the queue because retrying immediately just gives you an error again. for some reason, letting some time lapse by between retries actually fixes things a bit.

this feature has been missing for a long time, and it would really be nice to have. downloads fail. and what indication from filezilla is there that things failed to complete?

#2543 Add ability to use paswordless logins Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Example: You have a shell account on You have generated a set of keys (ssh-2 rsa for example) and uploaded the public key to and added it to the list of trusted keys so you will be able to login without a password. Private key caching facilities are already available on Windows and Linux, such as Pageant or the keychain tools.

PuTTy already implements this (to take an example). It would be nice if you could specify a public key.

Thanks. Vladimir

#2546 Maintain a 'Favourite Folders' per Site. Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Allow the user to enter in favourite/frequent folders in the site setup 'Advanced' area. So that when the user connects to that site the MRU dropdown will be prefixed with said folders.

#2549 Drag and Drop Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Such a simple idea, but I regularly want to drag a file out of an email and blast it accross FTP - Can this be added??

#2551 sftp client filename encoding conversion Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

I am using FileZilla 2.2.27 in WinXP Simplified Chinese edition. Currently, if I upload Chinese filenames to the sftp server or create Chinese filenames, the filenames ends up in GBK encoding on the openssh sftp server.

I hope it's possible for the sftp client in FileZilla to convert filename encoding. For example, when uploading files, convert filenames from GBK to UTF-8; and when downloading files, convert from UTF-8 to GBK.

#2552 Show status in taskbar? Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

I've been using FlashFXP and I'm testing out FileZilla. I like almost everything about it and want to switch, except for the fact that I don't see any options to show transfer % or rate or any information about file transfer when minimized in the taskbar. I want to be able to see what the status of my transfer is without restoring the application from the Windows taskbar.

Is there any way to to do this?

#2553 integrated port knocking for security/firewall access Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please implement and integrate a GUI for port knocking to make PK easy and convenient to use. PK adds a simple but effective layer of security.

I imagine the PK GUI to be able to use/add/edit/delete a list of port knocking "sequences." Each sequence has one title, one host name, and then an arbitrarily-long, ordered list of port numbers and protocols (TCP or UDP). So, a sequence might be:

Title: The office LAN Hostname: #1: UDP 12898 #2: TCP 62181 #3: TCP 9999

You could also design the UI for the sequence as a string...e.g. udp:12898 tcp:62181 tcp:9999

Several applications have integrated port knocking clients. For example, Enhanced TightVNC has it, and it will also be in an upcoming AlmostVPN (for Mac) and WinSCP.

I'd like to find a way for people at our office to access our Linux file server from home using their Windows computers.

#2554 directory delete in new thread Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

Some directory recursive deletion takes several minutes. I think if we have another menu like "delete (new thread)" will be help people a lot.

Naming could be ... "Delete in new thread" "Delete in background" "Recursive delete" ......

Thank you for your respectable effort on this great program.

#2556 Settings for single site Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be nice to have a settings that would allow you to change the multiple connections for each FTP server you have bookmarked. The default settings for transfer up to 2 files at a time is nice, but some servers will actually block you if you keep trying to connect more than once. I would like a default option such as the one that's in settings and then an option if you want to change for an individual site.

having FXP transfers would be really nice, which I did a search and believe I read it will be offered in version 3.

#2557 Multiple Servers At Once Feature request normal FileZilla Client

i'd like to be able to have Multiple Servers At Once.

#2560 Recursive permission changes Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be extremely useful to have an "Apply changes recursively" option or similar when changing file permissions on directories. This would then automatically apply the same change on all files and subdirectories.

Doing this operation manually is obviously a chore.

#2561 A cut and paste Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I don't see a feature to copy or even cut and paste, and I as wondering how hard that would be to impliment. That's the only thing that seems to be holding this great FTP client back and if it was possible to do that, I'd be very happy. I searched back some requests and didn't find it. I hope I didn't just double this. Sorry if I did.

#2565 File comparison Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Like within old Leetch FTP client, the function to compare LOCAL and DISTANT directories will be very usefull to check the up to date of files. Is it on plan ?

#2566 Adding a general password Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It seems me that it's dangerous to store directly all passwords. Is it possible to add a general password for more security ?

Sorry for my english, I'm french. Filezilla Client and Server are real good stuffs !!

Don't hesitate to delete this request if it isn't followe d posting rules.

#2567 Mac OS X UniversalBinary Build Feature request low FileZilla Client outdated

Not realy important feature. Only save your time (one file instead of two)...

#2569 scroll wheel should scroll the window hovered Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Scroll wheel should scroll the window hovered and not the window currently selected/active.

For example the cursor is above the directory listing but the path drop down is selected - using the scroll wheel should now scroll the directory listing and not the path drop down.

I think this would be the intended behavior - mouse should always act where it is positioned and not on the element with the current focus.

But i don't request to auto-switch the focus to the mouse hovered window. Focus should stay where it is.

A good example is the textarea form element handled in Firefox, scrolling the textarea or the window depends on the position of the mouse cursor and not if the text cursor is in the textarea or not.

And thanks for a great piece of software!

#2570 Favorite buttons access Alexander Schuch Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I need just a simple thing. I have several web domains with several installations in several pathes. It would be a very nice thing to have somthing like a customizable fast access panel, where it is possible to jump with only one click into a defined directory.

#2571 On Mouse Over information on system tray icon Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be excellent if the minimized FileZilla system tray icon would display some information about file download/upload progress, download/upload speed and stuff like that.

#2572 FileZilla Auto-Update / Update-Check Feature request normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla is one of the most active project/software, so we can often find a new minor release fixing bugs. Could you add an auto-update feature? Maybe with a manual or scheduled update-checking?

ThanX a lot for your work! (like oxygen)

#2573 Filezilla - Local Site to follow windows shortcuts correctly Feature request normal FileZilla Client duplicate

If I have a windows shortcut to a folder on my desktop, when I doubleclick on the shortcut in the local site pane it should follow the link rather than open it as an external windows folder.

#2575 Showing speed when minimized Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When Filezilla is minimized it could show some information about transfers. For example the title could scroll some text like "1 download (135KB/s), 1 upload (75KB/s)". So if I want to see whether the file transfer is already finished, I don't have to switch into it's window (text "FileZilla" could be only shown when there is no transfer or FileZilla is not minimized)

#2577 TCP Window Size Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

Option to specify TCP window size, similar to the -w: argument in the bundled WindowsXP ftp.exe:

-w:WindowSize Specifies the size of the transfer buffer. The default window size is 4096 bytes.

This option allows much faster FTP transmissions over high-latency WAN links - up to 600% speed improvement.

A default window size of 64 Kbytes is recommended, as per RFC1323. See also

This may also be implemented in FileZilla Server.

#2579 Exclude Files Feature request normal FileZilla Client

a great feature would be an "exclude files" function where you can specify files/directories you down't want to upload like .svn or .cvs.

#2582 Need to Recover Passwords Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I have perused the multitude of postings regarding passwords and the relevant issues of security. Nowhere have I found a simple solution to recovering/displaying passwords.

I have 57 sites/unames/pwords in my FileZilla XML file. For my security reasons I don't keep a printout of everyone's data.

Now, however, I am moving from PC to Mac and I need a way to recover all of this data as FileZilla is not Mac-patible.

Yes. I am using 2.2.29. Yes. I have gone through every possible setting.

Any ideas that don't involve downloading and installing hacksoft?

#2583 import of sites from ver.2.2 Feature request normal FileZilla Client

import of sites from ver.2.2

I have used ver. 2.2.14a for a while and was trying the 3.00beta2 and I misses a possibility to import sites from previous versions.

#2584 Make "Remember window size" the default behavior Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I had used FileZilla for over a year before I found this feature. It is standard on almost every other program I use.

#2585 Auto-connect for "default" location Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I'd love to see an auto-connect to a default location upon startup.


#2586 Minimize to tray Feature request normal FileZilla Client

or arrow up down server trafic.....

#2587 command_line feature request: full path and filename Feature request normal FileZilla Client


i tried it with my opera-browser: use all ftp with filezilla (btw. in firefox i don't know how to do this) - but filezilla complained, that the directory couldn't be listed.

so i assume: filezilla gets the whole path and doesn't check if the path leads to a file or to a directory but it instead assumes it could only a path to a dir.

is this right?

if "yes": it would be wonderful if filezilla would check if it is a file or a dir, if a file, find the appropriate dir, list files, check if file exists, if yes, begin with donwload (best: asking first if the download-dir already listed would be the right one :-) ).

what do you think?

greetings zuhans europe/austria/salzburg

#2588 Modify -s to handle sites inside subfolders Feature request normal FileZilla Client

-s works great, but I'd like to see it modified so that you can connect to sites described within sub-folders, not just sites directly under "My FTP Sites".

Perhaps use a slash, i.e. filezilla.exe -s "work sites/site one"


#2590 Rename dialog should default to current filename Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When you are downloading/uploading a file that already exists at the destination and you select the "Rename" option, a dialog pops up asking you for the new filename. It would be very handy if the text input in this dialog defaulted to the current filename, instead of being blank. This would make it much easier to type in a suffix (like (1), .1, .backup, etc.). If the user doesn't want to add a suffix and instead wants to specify an entirely new name, they could easily erase everything in the textbox.

#2591 Put download link (FTP, HTTP) for file to clipboard Feature request normal FileZilla Client fixed

Example: I'm connected to via . Filezilla lists in the directory /store the file log.txt . I would Filezilla with a right click item should copy to clipboard the URL . It can be done putting in Site Manager the value "Domain URL".

#2592 Drag& Drop we want it back Feature request critical FileZilla Client

It do not know why Drag&Drop is no longer existant at the 3 Releasebeta´s but i (and i think the most others) want it back.

Without Filezilla is nearly unusable. :-/

#2593 Doubleklick on files to open them Feature request critical FileZilla Client

It do not know why Doubleklick on files to open them is no longer existant at the 3 Releasebeta´s but i (and i think the most others) want it back.

Without Filezilla is nearly unusable. :-/

#2594 Choose Default local Path from Options Feature request high FileZilla Client

At the 3 Beta´s Filezilla allways starts at the Programmfolder of Filezilla. This makes no sense.

Please give us a simple Option at the Menu to change it to a path that we want.

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