Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (3101 - 3200 of 8171)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1183 Start menu items not in all users Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When we install filezila 2.2.x, the start menu items go into the user's profile, instead of in all users.

Therefore, if I install the application as "Administrator", when the user logs in, there is no way the user can start the application without going manually into C:\program files\filezilla.

#1187 rights upload problem Bug report normal FileZilla Server

I use Filezilla server 0.9.19 (I have installed the lastest version today) and Windows XP pro. I have two accounts. Admin a Power User. I installed filezilla as admin and I use it in Power user account. Sometime when somebody upload me a file, I don't have right to delete it from my disk. I need to login as admin and delete it.

#1190 Cannot use Chinese in user description Bug report normal FileZilla Server

I'm using FileZilla Server v0.9.20 on Windows XP SP2. In "Shared Folders", I can use Chinese in both directories and aliases. However, if I add a new user in "Users", type some Chinese characters in the description and click OK, then I get the following error message and the user is not added.

Protocol error: Invalid data, could not import account settings. Could not change account settings

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open FileZilla Server Interface
  2. Go to Edit -> Users
  3. Add a new user
  4. Add "中文" to the description field
  5. Click OK

If I modify "FileZilla Server.xml" directly and restart the service, I get the following message when I want to enter the "Users" setting.

Retrieving account settings, please wait... Done retrieving account settings Protocol error: Invalid data

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open "FileZilla Server.xml" in an editor
  2. Add an user manually.

<User Name="test"> <Option Name="Pass"/> <Option Name="Group"/> <Option Name="Bypass server userlimit">0</Option> <Option Name="User Limit">0</Option> <Option Name="IP Limit">0</Option> <Option Name="Enabled">1</Option> <Option Name="Comments">中文</Option> <Option Name="ForceSsl">0</Option> <IpFilter> <Disallowed/> <Allowed/> </IpFilter> <Permissions/> <SpeedLimits DlType="0" DlLimit="10" ServerDlLimitBypass="0" UlType="0" UlLimit="10" ServerUlLimitBypass="0"> <Download/> <Upload/> </SpeedLimits> </User>

  1. Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services and restart "FileZilla Server FTP server"
  2. Open "FileZilla Server Interface"
  3. Click the "Users" icon in the toolbar
#1191 Certain clients disconnect or stall Bug report normal FileZilla Server

I run an FTP server with FileZilla Server (currently on 0.9.20 on Windows Server 2003 SP1). Users use a great variety of clients to connect, and I have found that some have trouble with the service FileZilla offers. Sometimes, for little apparent reason, a client will not be able connect after it issues a PASV command. It appears to hang, as though it is expecting something further from the server.

One such client is Bulletproof FTP 2.58 under Windows. A trial version can be downloaded from .

I have attached the logs that I have on the server end and what the client reports.

After connecting and authenticating, the client issues PASV and then hangs. The server reports that it disconnects, but the client behaves as though it is still connected and is expecting a response to the PASV command.

#1192 Failed to retrieve directory listing with SSL/TLS using PASV Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Failed to retrieve directory listing with SSL/TLS using PASV

When SSL/TLS is enabled, FZ fails to retrieve a directory listing from vsftpd behind NAT.

I noticed the following difference between normal and SSL/TLS mode in the returned message from the PASV command.

Normal: [00:29:19] Command: PASV [00:29:19] Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (72,32,40,237,6,74) [00:29:19] Command: LIST -a [00:29:20] Response: 150 Here comes the directory listing. [00:29:20] Response: 226 Directory send OK. [00:29:20] Status: Directory listing successful

SSL/TLS: [00:30:22] Command: PASV [00:30:22] Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,237,6,83) [00:30:22] Command: LIST -a [00:30:43] Error: Transfer channel can't be opened. Reason: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. [00:30:43] Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

However, the same vsftpd config works with FlashFXP.

I wonder why FZ isn't able to pick up as it could when using normal FTP as opposed to SSL/TLS.


#1193 ftps don't list folders Bug report normal FileZilla Client

ok, I wanted to use filezilla (2.2.29) to connect to ftps (ftp over TLS explicit, note that my server only supports this options for secure ftp) I am able to connect, but after that it tries to list the root folder and times out (the last command it sends to the server is LIST, and then times out)

I thought the server had problems, I contacted the support, they tried to troubleshoot, they even downloaded filezilla, but they couldn't replicate the issue. at the end I thought this could be a problem on my network, so I tried fireFTP (firefox extension), and it worked fine..

after that, I'm assuming this is a filezilla bug.


#1194 Empty directory listing Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am using FileZilla 2.2.29 to connect to an SFTP server based on commercial SFTP server code from Mocana (

When connected to the server, directory listings always show "<Empty directory listing>" in the remote site pane. However from the attached Filezilla log it would seem that the server is sending a perfectly good listing.

Other SFTP clients (openssh, WinSCP and psftp) can list files on the server without this problem.

Any help would be much appreciated.

#1195 Directory list with file pattern odd problem Bug report normal FileZilla Server

I'm writing a piece of software that should do FTP(s) download/upload using /n Software's "IPWorks! SSL V6" and FZ (running the latest 0.9.20) Server as a test platform.

(There was an issue with the component not sending PROT in ImplicitSSL mode, which was solved by an undocumented setting in IP!Works. SSL)

Here's another one and I'm not sure if the problem is in IPWorks or FZ. From what I see in the FZ log I thing there’s a good chance that it’s actually a bug in FZ…

  1. The sample program connects, and reads the current directory.
  2. Then it tries to retrieve a directory listing with a file pattern that will not produce any results (like *.zip0 and there are no such files).
  3. Connecting to one remote server this fails right away. On a FZ server running at the local machine it will take numerous retries to end up the same way. The chance of reproducing it on a local server is greatly increased if a low speed limit (like 1kB/s) is set (though the abovementioned remote server easily pulls a steady 40-50K without a problem and does not have any speed limits set).
  4. The problem does not occur if a file, matching the pattern is found.

There's a snapshot from the console: (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:43 PM - ftpuser (> PASV (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:44 PM - ftpuser (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,117,48) (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:44 PM - ftpuser (> LIST *.zip0 (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:44 PM - ftpuser (> 150 Connection accepted (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:44 PM - ftpuser (> SSL connection for data connection established (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:44 PM - ftpuser (> 226 Transfer OK (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:45 PM - ftpuser (> PASV (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:45 PM - ftpuser (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,117,49) (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:45 PM - ftpuser (> LIST *.zip0 (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:45 PM - ftpuser (> 150 Connection accepted (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:45 PM - ftpuser (> SSL connection for data connection established (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:45 PM - ftpuser (> 226 Transfer OK (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:46 PM - ftpuser (> PASV (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:46 PM - ftpuser (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,117,50) (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:46 PM - ftpuser (> LIST *.zip0 (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:46 PM - ftpuser (> 150 Connection accepted (000021) 11/27/2006 16:20:46 PM - ftpuser (> 226 Transfer OK

Several “good” ones at the beginning and a “bad” one at the end. On the “good” attempts, between the “150 Connection accepted” and “226 Transfer OK” there’s a “227 Entering Passive Mode” line, which is missing on the “bad” one.

#1196 4 GB file limit Bug report normal Other

transfering a 9 GB file using port 21, I got a 4 GB (exactly 232) file. Start and destination computer are Win2K on Intel. Client is Filezilla 2.2.28 Server is 0.9.20 beta

#1197 Year bug Bug report normal FileZilla Server

As searching in summary and resulting in 0 matches concerning this bug, I'm going to postit:

under windows server 2003 and Filezilla server v 0.9.20

all downloaded files appears with CurrentYear-1 in datetime file properties in ALL windows OSes

It's like FileZilla decrements the year number in one??

#1199 Error displaying file list for folders with lots of files Bug report normal FileZilla Server

I've a folder with files named after iso-dates (yyyy-mm-dd). Filezilla server seems to serve well for listing the first 240 (around that) files. Then it never finish the parts after that.

#1200 Filezilla 2.2.9 Failure Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Runtime Error Dialog box heading: Visual C++ Runtime Library Windows message: This application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way.

#1201 trojan detection !! Bug report high FileZilla Client

I've dowloaded the installer FileZilla_2_2_29_setup.exe from sourceforge. When installing filezilla, avg antivirus detected a trojans (PSW.Lineage.PQ, )in the temporary file : InstallOptions.dll!!!!!

#1202 Empty local file window Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Version 2.2.8 and several versions before

During a compile a new version of one of my apps using mingw (which takes a few minutes), the local file window is refreshed and it after that shows nothing.

I suspect that FileZilla steps out once it cannot gain access to files within a certain time frame.

A manual refresh after compile has finished does not make the empty local file window go away. The local directory window remains the same before, during and after.

#1203 FTP Proxy vs Header Messages Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The passwords listed are local only and don't need to be secure.

Scenario: Connecting to (FTP SERVER) through a proxy server ( Filezilla doesn't work if there is a header message on the FTP Server (Windows FTP Server)

I am using the USER RemoteID@Remotehost method:

Proxy Host: Port: 21 Username: test Password: test

FTP Info: Address: User: test Pass: test Port: 21

Log file attached.

#1204 Cannot open folder with about 1200 files Bug report normal FileZilla Server
  • Running server 0.9.22 beta.
  • I have a folder with 1168 files in it.
  • All clients timeout when trying to open this folder (filezilla, IE, command line ftp).
  • I moved half of the files into a subfolder: loaded fine.
  • While loading with latest filezilla client, I see the bytes downloaded increase in 8k increments and freeze at 23360 bytes.
  • here is a sample log, with IPs removed

(000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> CWD inventory (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> 250 CWD successful. "/Inetpub/wwwroot/" is current directory. (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> PWD (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> 257 "/Inetpub/wwwroot/" is current directory. (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> TYPE A (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> 200 Type set to A (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> PASV (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> 227 Entering Passive Mode (SE,RV,ER,IP,15,201) (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> LIST (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:30 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> 150 Connection accepted (000011) 12/13/2006 18:58:33 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> 226 Transfer OK (000011) 12/13/2006 18:59:07 PM - jkealey (MY_IP)> disconnected.

The last disconnected is the filezilla client that disconnects after a timeout. Other clients like IE stay connected.

#1205 Can I create a separate thread when disconnecting? Bug report normal Other

Dear all,

I create a separate thread in the destructor of ControlSocket. But the server exited unexpectedly and I couldn't stop the server from the service console. Can I do something asynchronisely when the user disconnected with the server?

Thanks in advance and look forward to your reply.

#1207 read errors hang application with no report Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I use regularly your application to upload files from DVD's. I took me a while to identify that a read error coming from an external DVD drive connected with firewire, correctly detected by windows if trying to copy the file from the dvd to any place on the disk, would just hang filezilla for a while, and finaly report upload errors without clear information, erroneously leading to think that the uploaded server in misbehaving. I agree we are a little bit out of scope, but maybe this is a lead to a need for a beter information of the user when something is wrong on his side?

#1208 ip script web page don't work! Bug report normal FileZilla Server


I am unable to use passive recently. When using passive I get an IP that is not my external IP. I tried to open the script page on a web browser, and got an error. I tried to use an other page that shows my IP, but there was no change, so I guess the FileZilla server expects a certain FORMAT for this script result. I would suggest replacing such FORMAT with a regex search for a number of the format N.N.N.N or in other words "
d+", this way any page that shows the IP could be used.

Summary: A. fix the script page.

  1. fix the script interpretation
#1209 Chinese character bug Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla 3.0.0 beta4 Language: Chinese(simplifed) Quickconnect's menu->clear history In Chinese, phrase "clear history" is "清除历史记录" not "清楚历史记录" Thanks, over

#1210 Crash when creating too long filename Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla client 2.2.29 crashes when it tries to create on the client side a file whose path+filename is over the Windows filename length limit (which seems to be 256 characters excluding C:\ or similar in the beginning of the path).

The following log is from downloading files test56789012.txt and test567890123.txt to client directory C:\testdir01\testdir02\testdir03\testdir04\testdir05\testdir06\testdir07\testdir08\testdir09\testdir10\testdir11\testdir12\testdir13\testdir14\testdir15\testdir16\testdir17\testdir18\testdir19\testdir20\testdir21\testdir22\testdir23\testdir24 The first file succeeds (having path+filename only 256 characters long), but the second one fails (its path+filename being 257 characters long).

Status: Starting download of /test56789012.txt Command: TYPE A Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=24 OpState=13 caller=0x003f95b4 Response: 200 Type set to A Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(0, FALSE, 0) OpMode=24 OpState=13 caller=0x003f95b4 Command: PASV Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=24 OpState=17 caller=0x003f95b4 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (217,78,32,197,224,216). Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(0, FALSE, 0) OpMode=24 OpState=17 caller=0x003f95b4 Command: RETR test56789012.txt Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(446): OnConnect(0) caller=0x01107ccc Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=24 OpState=18 caller=0x003f95b4 Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for test56789012.txt (746 bytes) Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(0, FALSE, 0) OpMode=24 OpState=18 caller=0x003f95b4 Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(558): SetActive() caller=0x01107ccc Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(446): OnConnect(0) caller=0x01107ccc Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(518): OnClose(0) caller=0x01107ccc Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x01107ccc Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x01107ccc Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1969): TransferEnd(24) OpMode=24 OpState=19 caller=0x003f95b4 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(0, TRUE, 0) OpMode=24 OpState=19 caller=0x003f95b4 Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(96): ~CTransferSocket() caller=0x01107ccc Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x01107ccc Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=24 OpState=19 caller=0x003f95b4 Response: 226 Transfer complete. Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(0, FALSE, 0) OpMode=24 OpState=19 caller=0x003f95b4 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3988): ResetOperation(1) OpMode=24 OpState=19 caller=0x003f95b4 Status: Download successful Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(17852120, FALSE, 0) OpMode=0 OpState=-1 caller=0x003f95b4 Status: Starting download of /test567890123.txt

#1211 Installer violates GPL Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The installer flat out says you *MUST* accept GPL to install FileZilla 2.2.29. However, The GPL V2 states:

Section 0:

"Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted..."

And similarly, Section 5:

"You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it."

Could you look into rewording the license screen on the installer?


#1213 Can't retrive Dynamic IP Bug report normal FileZilla Server


I'm using FileZilla 0.9.19 Beta and in the Passive Mode Settings the link "" is not retriving the external IP, seeing that i have a dynamic IP i need this option, the SSL FTP only works from outside the local network after i manually put the external IP in the field "Use the Folloing IP".

What am i doing wrong? Is the link correct?

Thanks Jorge Maia

#1214 0.9.22 still doesn't do PASV behind a firewall properly Bug report normal FileZilla Server

I've seen similar bugs opened and closed in this bug tracking system, usually blaming the router, but I think that this is still a problem in the latest version of Filezilla Server 0.9.22. Here's what I did to demonstrate this.

Inside a router firewall, I set up two servers, one WinXP with Filezilla 0.9.22. The other was a CentOS server running vsftpd. The router was set up to pass ports 20,21 as well as ports 1024-1033, with the two FTP servers configured accordingly.

Outside the firewall, I had two Unix servers, one running CentOS, and the other running FreeBSD.

The FTP client on the CentOS system speaks PASV mode only. When the router was set to point to the CentOS system behind my firewall, then things worked -- the 227 response provided my public IP (of the router), and two port numbers, which when multiplied together, provided something in the specified range of 1024-1033. However, when the router was redirected with the same rules to point to the Filezilla server (differen LAN IP only), then I could log in, but I could not execute an 'ls'. Looking at the Filezilla server log, a correct 227 response to the PASV mode command was entered, but apparently never properly received by the CentOS FTP client. So it hung until the connection timed out.

On the other hand, the FTP client of the FreeBSD server outside the firewall speaks EPSV, which seems to work fine with both the CentOS and Filezilla servers behind my firewalls. With EPSV, the port number to use is transmitted premultiplied together.

If the router were to blame, it would not have handled the CentOS system behind the firewall properly either, would it?

A log file of the CentOS client trying to connect to the two server is attached.

#1215 2.2.30: Can't start SFTP process, FzSFtp.exe "missing" Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I recently upgraded from 2.2.29 to 2.2.30. 2.2.29 was working flawlessly before the upgrade. Immediately after upgrading, SFTP stopped working. Upon trying to connect, FileZilla would report in the log window:

Error: Can't start SFTP process. Please ensure that the file 'FzSFtp.exe' is in the same folder as 'FileZilla.exe' Error: Unable to connect!

It would then retry several times with a pause in between tries. All attempts would fail. I went to my FileZilla installation folder (C:\Program Files\FileZilla) and verified that the program FzSFtp.exe did exist. When I opened a command prompt in that folder and manually executed that command, I got:

C:\Program Files\FileZilla>fzsftp Program too big to fit in memory

No configuration changes were made between the working version of 2.2.29 and the upgrade. Downgrading back to 2.2.29 let FileZilla start working again, so I'm assuming something changed in 2.2.30 that broke FzSFtp.exe. I was able to reproduce this problem on two different systems (one XP Pro SP2, the other XP Home SP2).

#1216 if username have "%" the login fails Bug report critical FileZilla Client

If the user name has a character % the connection it gives error. Filezilla 3.0.0-beta4 for Linux

#1217 Permission denied bug Bug report normal FileZilla Server


i want append file, when empty file exist locally. error transfer occur, when permission set of R+ W+ A+ D- when i change permission to D+, transmission error disappears

log begin

(000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:03 - xxxxxx (> 230 Logged on (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> PWD (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> 257 "/" is current directory. (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> PORT 10,35,194,43,112,102 (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> 200 Port command successful (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> TYPE I (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> 200 Type set to I (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> SIZE Abc-( (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> 213 0 (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> STOR Abc-( (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> 550 Permission denied (000002) 12.01.2007 11:39:04 - xxxxxx (> disconnected.

log end

FileZilla Server.xml begin

[==skip==] <Group Name="pal"> <Option Name="Bypass server userlimit">0</Option> <Option Name="User Limit">0</Option> <Option Name="IP Limit">0</Option> <Option Name="Enabled">1</Option> <Option Name="Comments"/> <Option Name="ForceSsl">0</Option> <IpFilter> <Disallowed/> <Allowed/> </IpFilter> <Permissions> <Permission Dir="C:\Pal"> <Option Name="FileRead">1</Option> <Option Name="FileWrite">1</Option> <!-- bug line begin --> <Option Name="FileDelete">0</Option> <!-- bug line end --> <Option Name="FileAppend">1</Option> <Option Name="DirCreate">0</Option> <Option Name="DirDelete">0</Option> <Option Name="DirList">1</Option> <Option Name="DirSubdirs">1</Option> <Option Name="IsHome">1</Option> <Option Name="AutoCreate">0</Option> </Permission> </Permissions> <SpeedLimits DlType="1" DlLimit="10" ServerDlLimitBypass="0" UlType="1" UlLimit="10" ServerUlLimitBypass="0"> <Download/> <Upload/> </SpeedLimits> [==skip==]

FileZilla Server.xml begin

#1220 Remote directory listing using OpenVMS 7 is blank Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When using SFTP (SSH2) to connect to an OpenVMS 7 system using HP's SSH and FTP implementations, FileZilla does not display any items in the remote site location. Traces show that FileZilla is getting the file and directory listings, but they are not displayed in the Remote Site column.

#1224 "FileZilla Server.exe" crashes during Windows shutdown Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated


I'm using FileZilla Server 0.9.22 on WinXP Pro workstations and the service "FileZilla Server.exe" crashes during Windows shutdown with message "Instruction <xxxxxxxx> use memory address <yyyyyyyy>. Can't be "Read". I get this error on several machines, each equiped with "McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8" (I'm not sure it's caused by McAfee but it's the only software in common)

#1226 Encountering Hidden Directories Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The problem is we use a hidden unix directory to allow us to share a username/password, yet provide relatively private directories. It achieves the degree of security we require - after all, it is FTP :-)

/pub permissions are 555 (r-xr-xr-x)

/pub/hidden permissions are 711 (rwx--x--x) and it is owned by ROOT

/pub/hidden/whatever permissions are 755 (rwxr-xr-x) and is owned by the ftp account. This allows me to have full access to /pub/hidden/whatever, but (as intended) doesn't let me view the names of any directories in /pub/hidden.

Anyways, FileZilla seems to get stuck traversing down the directory tree when it gets to /pub/hidden, even though my initial directory is set to /pub/hidden/whatever. If I manually traverse down the tree, it shows the contents of the /pub/hidden as <Empty directory listing> & returns to that listing no matter what subdirectory I enter.

Please let me know if you think this is might be resolved in a future release. I would be happy to test any new version for you.

#1227 Site manager loses all sites Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I installed Filezilla 3 beta, I lost all my Site Manager settings. The weird thing is when I reinstalled 2, they all came back. I installed Filezilla 3 over the existing folder, instead of in a different folder, so maybe that's the reason. For instance, Filezilla.exe was replaced during the install of 3 (and subsequently re-replaced when I installed 2).

#1228 Problem with MAC Formated Files Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hello, we got a strange failure by uploading files which are created with a macintosh. Files like *.html or *.js shout be uploaded as ASCII, but when the format is from a mac, the automatic choosing ASCII or Binary mode for upload don´t work. Even when i open the html or js files and save them as windows or unix formated the upload work fine. Can be this a bug or do i have to change some settings?

P.S. when i have uploaded the mac formated files as binary, does it worked too.

Best regards Martin Bort

#1229 UTF8 on NT4(English) isn't work correctly Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Any filename with non-English characters in filename can't be downloaded from FileZilla Server on NT4 (english). On WinXP (russian) all is OK.

Log from NT4: (000111) 09.02.07 19:31:18 - nitr0 (> RETR Р СћР µСЃС‚.txt (000111) 09.02.07 19:31:18 - nitr0 (> 550 File not found

Log from XP: (000004) 09.02.2007 19:37:28 - anonymous (> RETR Тест.txt (000004) 09.02.2007 19:37:28 - anonymous (> 150 Opening data channel for file transfer.

Why on NT4 CP1251 filename is converted to UTF-8 normally, but UTF-8 filename can't be converted to CP-1251?

#1231 Client bug Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Look at the picture! I been loading up with v3 and the folder view says i´m not connected with server....

#1232 login popup misbehavior Bug report normal FileZilla Client


After I log into a server where my password will expire in XY days, the server sends back a notification which states so and ask me to press 'Enter' to continue. This causes the FileZilla client to popup a 2nd login dialog box and refuses to let me hit enter because I did not specify anything in the password input box (error: blank password).

This misbehavior has been present for as long as I can remember.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  • Using SSH client:

1) log into the server 2) enter userid and password 3) server sends this text back: Your password expires in 12 days. Please change it as soon as possible. Press Enter to Continue. 4) press Enter key to complete the login process

  • Using the FileZilla client:

1) Setup a SFTP connection to the server 2) Initiate a SFTP connection to the server 3) FileZilla prompts for initial password 4) enter password 5) Server sends this text back: Your password expires in 12 days. Please change it as soon as possible. 6) FileZilla pops up a "keyboard-interactive authentication" input dialog box 7) press Enter key fails the dialog box validation code resulting in an error popup stating "You have to enter a string!". 8) clicking on "cancel" button result in a connected session but nothing in the remote directory panel, clicking on the "refresh" option doesn't do anything.

Version Used:

FileZilla Client 2.2.30

#1233 Minor display issue Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When the main window is maximized, the red LED in the lower right corner is slightly cut off. This is under Windows 2000. On XP, it looks fine. See attached screen capture. (Note: the local drive contents have been blanked out for privacy.)

#1234 FileZilla.xml stored in incorrect location (2.2.29) Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The configuration file "FileZilla.xml" is stored in an incorrect location. Program data files should be stored in the location returned when using the flags "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA", "CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA", etc. It must not be stored in the same directory as the application itself.

This is particularly important for newer operating systems (ie, Windows NT onwards) that have the basics of user security enabled, it's particulaly important for correct Windows Vista operation.

This is the case in version 2.2.23. I have not checked if this bug is still in place in the new version 3.

#1235 Log file captures logs meant for next day Bug report normal FileZilla Server

When Filezilla generates the log file, the cutoff time incorrectly follows the UTC instead of the machine's local time. Hence the logs supposedly for next day's is captured in the log file for that day.


fzs-2007-02-12.log 1456KB Text Document 2/13/2007 7:59AM

wherein the last column is the last update date/time of the file. Time is at +8 GMT.

In line 133 of

"getsystemtime" should be "GetLocalTime"

Please refer to forum thread

#1236 Filezilla won't accept my password Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have control characters in my password. Filezilla won't let me enter them. (It just 'thunks at me when I try.)

It should at least allow any control characters that don't do anything else.

-- -billy-

#1237 Disk space full Bug report normal FileZilla Client

There is no error message when it tries to upload a file when the disk is full. All that happens is the status bar goes to 100%, and never goes away. Confused the hell out of me for a while o.O

Also I've been using Filezilla for a while now. Only thing I can suggest is making directories delete faster. Listing all the files, and then slowly deleting them all is painful to watch ;)

#1238 Incorrect year displayed Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla client connecting to AIX server via secure FTP shows the wrong year (2006) on certain files and directories. Those files and directories were created when the system date was rolled to test DST (from 02/27/2007:14:05:00 to 3/11/2007:01:00:00). The time then rolled at 01:59:59 to 03:00:00. Files created previous to DST rollover still show correct year. New directories dated after date/time was rolled back (to 02/27/2007:{current_time}), show the correct year if some files in it have a 2007 year (because files/directories were created before the DST time change).

An earlier reported bug may be related (1608370 "Year bug") but is not the same. When files are seen via another FTP client ("SecureFX") or with another telnet program ("PuTTy" or "SecureCRT" terminal), the year IS correct. So far, only Filezilla shows the anomaly.

#1239 Can't delete empty remote directory Bug report normal Other

Trying to delete empty remote directory named "Index_files". I get the confirmation message box "Really delete 'Index_files'?" and answer "Yes", but the directory is not deleted. The command box shows "/Index_files/: is a directory".

I've attached the log file.

#1240 wrong password can't be corrected Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After connecting to the server with a wrong password this pw is cached and can not be corrected. So Filezilla needs to be restarted in order to connect again. As Filezilla realizes, that the connection can't be opened, it should ask for the password again.

#1241 Failure to select available local port Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am using Filezilla v2.2.26a and I have set in Connections -> Firewall settings a range of available ports to be used.

However, if Filezilla tries to bind to a port which is already in use (I have another program which might use a port from the same range) it will fail and break the current operation.

Wouldn't be possible to have Filezilla try with another port from the range?

Thank you

#1242 File update time issue Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I have seen a lot of time update bug reports, but yet I found that no real solution has been addressed to this issue.

I am still not able to use the 'overwrite only if file is newer' feature of the program in V 2.2.31, which is my goal.

After looking up where the problem was, I come up with a solution to this: The uploaded file should not be set to the server's time, but to the client windows time. I believe that this is the only way to make this work properly.

If we consider that the source is always on the windows client's side (which is normally the case), then this can only be the real solution, because applying the server's time to the uploaded files will always cause a problem due to the fact that the server's time is always either higher of lower than the windows' time (even only a few seconds delay). This translates into some files not uploaded properly, but yet you edited them with a new time on the client's side.

Now I hope that the FTP protocol allows to do such a thing.

Any comment on this would also be interesting, but I really think that everyone is expecting the system to work the way I do understand it also.

Still thanks for the great job. This is my only current concern about FileZilla, the rest is perfect to me..

#1243 Exported Servers are lost Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If I export my settings in Filezilla 2.2.27 and then import them in Filezilla 2.2.31 all servers in the servermanager are lost.

#1244 v0.9.23 beta, Interface can't connect to Server Bug report normal FileZilla Server

When start Server manually is selected, the Interface can't connect to the Server until the Server has been started, and the Interface has connected while the Server is online. After this the Interface is able to connect to the Server when it is offline. However this makes remote administration impossible, if you want to be able to start and stop the Server manually.

#1245 Filezilla doesn't stop when .mkv file is already 100% Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When downloading .mkv files, it will not stop after 100% and it will keep going until hard disk is full.

I am sure it is a bug in filezilla because I can download the mkv files without any problem with cuteftp pro.

#1246 Russian translation is broken Bug report normal FileZilla Client

While selecting type of the authntication when I add new server, the option "Anonymous" hides option "Regular". On Russian it sounds "Анонимный" and "Обычный". So it is very hard to select "Regular" type of authentication.

#1247 File Transfer removing last slash Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Can anyone let me know how to fix this problem?

Problem: Last slash is removed from filename when transferring file via ssh (ftps). The file name is then combined with the last subdirectory name because the slash no longer seperates them.

I do not have this problem from a cygwin ssh session.

FileZilla will attempt the maximum retries and fail.

My temp solution is to go onto server and move files that I need to transfer to the ROOT '/'.

The ssh server is running on AIX 5.2.

FileZilla is version 2.2.30

Thank you.

#1249 special characters Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Hi, I use Filezilla server 0.9.23 beta on Win2000 server SP4. I have problem with "french" characters, I don't know the words to explain so here is an example.

here is a sample of the filezilla log.

(000018) 2007-03-21 17:55:04 - mrouillard (> CWD /Bases de données (000018) 2007-03-21 17:55:04 - mrouillard (> 250 CWD successful. "/Bases de données" is current directory. (000018) 2007-03-21 17:55:04 - mrouillard (> PWD (000018) 2007-03-21 17:55:04 - mrouillard (> 257 "/Bases de données" is current directory.

and this is what I see in my ftp clients, for the current directory.

/Bases de données

Is there a way to arrange that? I have tried with CuteFtp and Directory Opus, and Ie7.


#1250 Cannot get directory listing from z/VM 5.1 (implicit SSL) Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am trying to make a connection to an IBM z890 mainframe running z/VM 5.1 with implicit SSL/TLS encryption. After the connection is made, a 'LIST -a' command is sent to get the directory listing. '-a' is invalid on a z/VM server. Filezilla does not send a '-a' operand to a z/OS server with explicit TLS. Why is the '-a' used for FTP with implicit SSL/FTP? Is this some requirement of implicit SSL/TLS that IBM is ignoring?

Thomas Kern U.S. Dept of Energy 301-903-2211

Log: [13:01:18] Status: Connecting to ... [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5153): m_pSslLayer changed state from 0 to 1 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5153): m_pSslLayer changed state from 1 to 2 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5153): m_pSslLayer changed state from 2 to 4 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1001): OnConnect(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Status: Connected with, negotiating SSL connection... [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server hello A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server certificate A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server done A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write client key exchange A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write change cipher spec A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write finished A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 flush data [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read finished A [13:01:18] Trace: Using TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3: RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA [13:01:18] Status: SSL connection established. Waiting for welcome message... [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 220-FTPSSL IBM VM Level 510 at VM1.HQADMIN.DOE.GOV, 13:01:09 EDT FRIDAY 2007-03-23 [13:01:18] Response: 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes. [13:01:18] Command: USER xxxxxxxxx [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=0 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 331 Send password please. [13:01:18] Command: PASS [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=3 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 230 xxxxxxxx logged in; working directory = xxxxxxxx 191 [13:01:18] Command: SYST [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-14 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 215-z/VM Version 5 Release 1.0, service level 0402 (64-bit) [13:01:18] Response: VM/CMS Level 19, Service Level 401 [13:01:18] Response: 215 VM is the operating system of this server. UNIX list format is active. [13:01:18] Command: FEAT [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-13 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 500 Unknown command, 'FEAT' [13:01:18] Command: PBSZ 0 [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-11 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 500 Unknown command, 'PBSZ' [13:01:18] Command: PROT P [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-12 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 500 Unknown command, 'PROT' [13:01:18] Status: Connected [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3988): ResetOperation(1) OpMode=1 OpState=-12 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",1) OpMode=0 OpState=-1 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Status: Retrieving directory listing... [13:01:18] Command: PWD [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=0 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 257 "xxxxxxxx.191" is working directory [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=0 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Command: TYPE A [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=8 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 200 Representation type is ASCII. [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=8 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Command: PASV [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 227 Data transfer will passively listen to 205,254,145,35,73,119 [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Command: PORT 146,138,240,229,8,167 [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 200 Port request OK. [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(558): SetActive() caller=0x0128c104 [13:01:18] Command: LIST -a [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 550 '-a' not found [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3988): ResetOperation(4) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(96): ~CTransferSocket() caller=0x0128c104 [13:01:18] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x0128c104 [13:01:18] Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

#1251 MFMT does not accept time with hours == 0 Bug report normal FileZilla Server

FileZilla 0.9.23:

"MFMT 20070319003137 file.dat" fails with "invalid date" message. It appears, that it does not accept 00:31:37 as a valid time - if I replace the 00 by 01, for instance, it works. "MDTM file.dat", on the other hand, returns 20070319003137 if the file date has been set by other means (copying by explorer :-)). Thanks

#1252 Cannot get directory listing from z/VM 5.1 (implicit SSL) Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am trying to make a connection to an IBM z890 mainframe running z/VM 5.1 with implicit SSL/TLS encryption. After the connection is made, a 'LIST -a' command is sent to get the directory listing. '-a' is invalid on a z/VM server. Filezilla does not send a '-a' operand to a z/OS server with explicit TLS. Why is the '-a' used for FTP with implicit SSL/FTP? Is this some requirement of implicit SSL/TLS that IBM is ignoring?

Thomas Kern U.S. Dept of Energy 301-903-2211

Log: [13:01:18] Status: Connecting to ... [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5153): m_pSslLayer changed state from 0 to 1 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5153): m_pSslLayer changed state from 1 to 2 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5153): m_pSslLayer changed state from 2 to 4 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1001): OnConnect(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Status: Connected with, negotiating SSL connection... [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server hello A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server certificate A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server done A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write client key exchange A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write change cipher spec A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write finished A [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 flush data [13:01:18] Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read finished A [13:01:18] Trace: Using TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3: RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA [13:01:18] Status: SSL connection established. Waiting for welcome message... [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 220-FTPSSL IBM VM Level 510 at VM1.HQADMIN.DOE.GOV, 13:01:09 EDT FRIDAY 2007-03-23 [13:01:18] Response: 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes. [13:01:18] Command: USER xxxxxxxxx [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=0 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 331 Send password please. [13:01:18] Command: PASS [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=3 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 230 xxxxxxxx logged in; working directory = xxxxxxxx 191 [13:01:18] Command: SYST [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-14 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 215-z/VM Version 5 Release 1.0, service level 0402 (64-bit) [13:01:18] Response: VM/CMS Level 19, Service Level 401 [13:01:18] Response: 215 VM is the operating system of this server. UNIX list format is active. [13:01:18] Command: FEAT [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-13 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 500 Unknown command, 'FEAT' [13:01:18] Command: PBSZ 0 [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-11 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 500 Unknown command, 'PBSZ' [13:01:18] Command: PROT P [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-12 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 500 Unknown command, 'PROT' [13:01:18] Status: Connected [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3988): ResetOperation(1) OpMode=1 OpState=-12 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",1) OpMode=0 OpState=-1 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Status: Retrieving directory listing... [13:01:18] Command: PWD [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=0 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 257 "xxxxxxxx.191" is working directory [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=0 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Command: TYPE A [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=8 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 200 Representation type is ASCII. [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=8 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Command: PASV [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 227 Data transfer will passively listen to 205,254,145,35,73,119 [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Command: PORT 146,138,240,229,8,167 [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 200 Port request OK. [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(558): SetActive() caller=0x0128c104 [13:01:18] Command: LIST -a [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Response: 550 '-a' not found [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3988): ResetOperation(4) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x003bb32c [13:01:18] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(96): ~CTransferSocket() caller=0x0128c104 [13:01:18] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x0128c104 [13:01:18] Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

#1253 incomplete file listing Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated

I've found big prbs in filezilla server v0.9.23b(win) with the file listing. Filezilla fails to list all directories from a directory. This prb appears only when users access my server from internet. From the intranet this prb doesn't appear.

File listing becomes incomplete when in a directory there are more than 150 directories.

#1254 Posting error, moved to FZ 3 site Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am not sure exactly what is happening but I an a friend of my are having the following issue:

Configuration Info

We both have:

  • FileZilla 3.0 b7 installed
  • DLink DNS323 500GB RAID1 servers(Unix L8)on our respective networks configured for FTP
  • NATed networks behind Linksys Routers with MTU=1492
  • Running Windows XP clients
  • Have ports 21, 5000-5100(preferred by prior version of FileZilla, and 65500-65535(preferred by DNS 323 in PASV) forwarded on the routers
  • Set FileZilla b7 to use Servers External IP
  • We both are using DNS name server via because our ISPs change our IPs several times a week.

Whats Different

  • My access is 250/3000 Cable with Auto IP
  • His access is 600/6000 DSL using PPPoE
  • My client PC uses Norton Virus and Firewall SW
  • His client PC uses ATT protection for Yahoo SW
  • Note: We have tried disabling firewalls and Internet Secuity Setting with no affect on results

Issue Outlined

  • My client from my network has no issues connecting with and transferring files to and from his server either in Active or Passive Mode when using 3.0 b7 over his DSL/PPPoE based service.
  • His FZ2.31 client logs on to my server from his network in Active Mode without issues. Passive does not work because it needs servers external IP to work.
  • His FZ 3.0b7 client fails both Active and Passive connections to my server when he tries from his network. However,when he tried from his son's cable serviced network, he was able to log on and tranfer files both in Active and Passive Mode.

I am current thinking that the issue is somehow related to his PPPoE connection but why does FZ 2.31 work in Active Mode while FZ 3.0b7 fails to connect in either mode when he tries to connect to my server from his network. The trace shows that the socket closes as soon as the PASV command is issued and the disconnect then follows.

I have included the trace for Passive Mode. I do not yet have a trace for the Active Mode. I have asked my friend for it and I will add it when I get it.

Status:Resolving IP-Address for

Trace:ControlSocket.cpp(167): CControlSocket::ContinueConnect(011EBA10) m_pEngine=011FF008 caller=012100A8

Status:Connecting to (Servers ext IP):21... Status:Connection established, waiting for welcome message...


Response:220 NAS-500GB FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(52) Tue Jan 2 14:13:26 EST 2007) ready. Command:USER Bill


Response:331 Password required for Bill. Command:PASS *


Response:230-Welcome to my FTP site.


Response:230-Now is the time ==> Sun Apr 8 13:27:41 2007 Response: 230-The host name is NAS-500GB Response: 230-You are Bill Response: 230-There are 1 person in my site, now. Response: 230- Response: 230- Response: 230 User Bill logged in. Command: SYST

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()

Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Command: FEAT

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()

Response: 500 'FEAT': command not understood. Status: Connected

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0)

Status: Retrieving directory listing...

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0)

Command: PWD

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()

Response: 257 "/" is current directory.

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ListSend(0) Trace: state = 1 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SendNextCommand(0) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend(0) Trace: state = 1

Command: TYPE I

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()

Response: 200 Type set to I.

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferParseResponse() Trace: code = 2 Trace: state = 1 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferSend(0) Trace: state = 2

Command: PASV

Trace: CControlSocket::OnClose()

Error: Disconnected from server

Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)

Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#1256 Sites lost on export/import settings Bug report critical FileZilla Client

When you export then import settings all sites are lost :-(

#1257 Crashing on Vista Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla 2.2.31 crashes pretty regularly in Vista. It crashes on uploads and downloads, especially when uploading or downloading a lot of files. It seems pretty random but happens frequently.

#1259 FileZilla crashes Windows Bug report normal Other

I am transfering a copy of the Joomla CMS ( from my local development server (Windows XP, Professional, all updates, service packs) onto an FTP-Server (I think Proftpd, some Linux).

This is a regular FTP transfer (port 21), no SSL, no SFTP etc..

Fyi, the files I am trying to upload total 18 MB and they include many .php (= text), .css, graphics and pdf files. Roughly 700 files I'd say.

I am using 4 concurrent connections to upload, I had my settings on 8 before but lowering them to 4 didn't avoid crashing.

Somewhere in the middle of the transfer, the screen freezes. No bluescreen, nothing. It just freezes. There is no read from the HDD when it freezes, I have to manually power down to restart.

I updated FileZilla from 2.2.16 to the latest (2.2.32) today, hoping to solve this, but it didn't fix the issue - it continues to freeze.

I've also tried to transfer the files using Windows Explorer and it works just as expected. Even though through Windows Explorer it's very, very slow.

Right now I am testing the same files/transfer with FireFTP ( and it's working as well. No freezing, no crashes.

What can I do to reproduce this crash?

#1260 aliases not working with some directory names Bug report low FileZilla Server

I run the latest version of filezilla server in windows xp pro and have the following problem:

I have set E:\[mp3]\ as my home directory and added another directory D:\[movies]\ with the alias E:\[mp3]\movies

..and the movies alias doesn't show up. I have tried some different solutions and it seems like the "and" -signs are the cause of the trouble.

#1261 file mix ups Bug report normal FileZilla Client

there appears to be a problem with filezilla, when you batch download a large amount of files (and possibly when uploading too, but i have only confirmed downloading) it can sometimes "mix up" your files. This has happened to me both with JPG's and PHP files. the content of 1.PHP becomes that of 2.PHP and vice versa. I haven't been able to narrow it down to anything other than a large amount of files being downloaded at once. It seems to happen randomly.

#1262 PORT Command Octal IP Bug report normal FileZilla Server


i have posted a Feature Requst (1714025)... After looking trough the Sourcecode i found following:

ControllSocket.cpp #ifdef _UNICODE

int res = inet_addr(ConvToLocal(ip));


int res = inet_addr(ip);


if (res == INADDR_NONE)

When the IP is octal then res are not INADDR_NONE. I mean this is a bug...

Greetings Tobias

#1263 Port COMMAND IP Parsing Bug report normal FileZilla Server


When a Client (IP connect to Filezilla and send the command: "PORT 172,017,006,201,11,94" Then Filzilla Server trys to connect to

I have here a TCP Dump (dumped with wireshark). I attached the dump (exported as txt)

There you can see, the Request: PORT 172,017,006,201,57,232 and then trys filezilla TCP 20 > 14824 [SYN] Seq=0 Len=0 MSS=1460

That is a bug.

#1264 passwords accepted from copied Filezilla.xml Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After installing filezilla on new computer I copied filezilla.xml from my old PC (version 2.2.9 which I cannot find anymore) to the new PC (version 2.2.32) to copy the account settings.

The passwords do not get copied properly, filezilla opens password promt after attempted connection. (fair enough)

But clicking cancel in the input window opens the requested site anyway.

This is a PC installed a week ago, filezilla was just installed (and never before).

#1265 Fixed, maybe Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I did a new test with FZ 2.2.32 & LinkSys WRT54GL v4.30.9 . It seems to be fixed. I tried to upload/download about 10 .jpg files.

#1266 Name endings with trailing spaces cause troubles Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If I click on the remote directory, select "Create directory" and enter a value like "/dirname /" (with the space before the last slash), I can not access to this directory after.

So, the command used to change directory, instead of

chdir dirname

, must be

chdir "dirname "


Perhaps FZ must remove trailing spaces before executing a command... It's yours to see.

-- Benoît Pruneau bpruneau@…

#1267 content of downloaded files maybe wrong Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I had this problems more than once in the last weeks now. I download a couple of files from an FTP and at least one of the files is corrupt or has the completely wrong content.

It's also recognisable, if you watch the queue process and you see a file downloading although, it already reached 100%.

Unfortuntaley I don't have a lot of information, except, that the server is using SSL and my lient version is 2.2.32.

I try to reproduce it and get the raw FTP command log.

#1268 Inaccessibility do to focus issues Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Is there any chance that the focus issues discussed in 1473638 will ever be resolved? It looks like this item has been pending for over a year now. There've been several releases since then, but it doesn't seem as if this problem has been addressed. I understand that there are other issues still pending besides this one, but I'm raising this one again specifically because it makes the program occasionally inaccessible to users like myself who are visually impaired and rely on screen reading software.

#1269 Passive mode PORT doesn't work Bug report normal FileZilla Server

When connecting in Passive Mode AND using SSL/TLC connection (normal ftp mode works) AND with selected option 'Use custom port range', the server sends:

227 Entering Passive Mode (ip,ip,ip,ip,port1,port2)

but the it doesn't listen on the port specified here. So the client can't connect.

Server version used: 0.9.23, for Windows.

#1270 File content swap Bug report normal FileZilla Client

It's been suggested I submit this as a bug report. So here goes:

I upgraded my Filezilla a few months ago to 2.2.32 (which is the latest stable release). Ever since then, I've had a very weird issue where some files are getting swapped content with other files.

Man, I know this sounds *insane*, but I'll give you an example: I do frequent installations of WordPress for the Install4Free site. I have a copy that I keep on file to upload to a myriad of different servers. Over the past few months, I've noticed oddities like the index.php file and the styles.css file will upload with the correct filenames, but the *content* has swapped - so that the index.php file contains the styles.css content, and vice versa.

That is only one example, of course. It has happened with many different programs, and usually happens when I upload many files at once. I can easily fix it by tracking down which two files have been content-swapped and uploading them individually. But when I'm doing mass quantities of uploads (especially for something like ZenCart, where everything is includes and it's hard to track down what file was swapped where) it gets tedious and difficult.

It's truly bizarre (and yes, I *do* check that the files I'm uploading are in proper order - and they are - this only happens when I upload with FileZilla - it's the only common denominator to this issue), and I know it sounds crazy. But I guess someone should know about it and see if I've got some really obscure bug.

#1273 Sites Don't Save on Exit of Filezilla Bug report normal FileZilla Client

version 2.2.32

standard install as admin, but operating as a power user..

when the power user launches the app and tries to save any number of sites (1 to 5)the site manager does not hold the site information for any of them.

on restart, it's like a refresh..


#1274 FileZilla forgets that you told it to Resume when retrying Bug report normal Other

FileZilla 2.2.30

When continuing an upload, if there is a transfer error, FileZilla forgets that you already told it to Resume, and hangs at a prompt asking you again, until you come back (perhaps hours later) to find it hung waiting to be told again to Resume :(

#1275 Cannot read file sizes in FileZilla Bug report normal Other

The file sizes are long strings of numbers with no commas, and they keep changing (as the file is uploaded), so you cannot make out what magnitude they are -- you cannot tell what is billions, what is millions, what is thousands, etc.

Just needs commas so a human can read it.

FileZilla 2.2.30

#1276 Uninstaller detected as Adware.CPush by Symantec Antivirus Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I've reported the problem at, but somebody should probably check whether there has indeed been an "infection."

#1277 can't multitask/browse & upload different dirs Bug report normal FileZilla Client

in 2.2.32 and previous versions, when files are being uploaded in the queue and you are looking at one directory, you can't browse to another directory and upload those files to appropriate places. for instance, local:/www/jimm/i/a.gif-->remote:public_html/images/a.gif local:/www/jimm/i/b.gif-->remote:public_html/images/b.gif local:/www/jimm/i/c.gif-->remote:public_html/images/c.gif local:/www/jimm/p/a.pdf-->remote:public_html/pdf/a.pdf local:/www/jimm/p/b.pdf-->remote:public_html/pdf/b.pdf local:/www/jimm/p/c.pdf-->remote:public_html/pdf/c.pdf local:/www/jimm/v/a.mpg-->remote:public_html/video/a.mpg local:/www/jimm/v/b.mpg-->remote:public_html/video/b.mpg local:/www/jimm/v/c.mpg-->remote:public_html/video/c.mpg

I can go to the next directory down (..) but I can't browse up anywhere. the program prevents it.

#1278 Filezilla shows hidden files regardless of Windows settings Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla ignores Windows options to not show hidden files and shows everything. This leads to accidentally uploading thumbs.db and other hidden files to the server unnecessarily. Maybe this could be tied to the 'Show hidden files on server option' or made its own option if it's too much trouble to poll Windows settings.

#1280 MD5sum incorrect Bug report normal FileZilla Server

The md5sum for the file FileZilla_Server-0_9_23.exe as mentioned in FileZilla_Server-0_9_23.exe.md5 is incorrect (Two download locations gave a different but identical md5sum).

#1281 Typo on FileZilla Server Security Settings options Page Bug report low FileZilla Server

Has the word bandwich instead of bandwidth.

#1283 Can not compile with sun CC for vector::begin() Bug report critical Other

"RemoteListView.cpp", line 262: Warning: extra ";" ignored. "RemoteListView.cpp", line 1020: Error: Incorrect access of a member from const-qualified function. "RemoteListView.cpp", line 1057: Error: Incorrect access of a member from const-qualified function. "RemoteListView.cpp", line 1059: Error: Incorrect access of a member from const-qualified function. "RemoteListView.cpp", line 1061: Error: Incorrect access of a member from const-qualified function. "RemoteListView.cpp", line 1063: Error: Incorrect access of a member from const-qualified function. "RemoteListView.cpp", line 1065: Error: Incorrect access of a member from const-qualified function. "RemoteListView.cpp", line 1068: Error: Incorrect access of a member from const-qualified function. 7 Error(s) and 13 Warning(s) detected. make[3]: * [filezilla-RemoteListView.o] Error 7

#1284 Win32: Sharing Two Root Drives Doesn't Work Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Problem: When I try to share both my C:\ and X:\ drives only one or the other is visible from remotely connecting users. Users should see two folders when they connect: /X/ and /C/ instead they either see the contents of C:\ or X:\ based on which one is the home directory. I would also like to note, that I don't have any groups set up, just one FTP user with full access to both drives.

Workaround: I can probably create two different logins and let each user have access to a different drive, but I'd much rather it just list both drive letters as if they were folders.

Thanks! This sure beats the hell out Windows' File & Printer Sharing File Transfers! Keep up the good work. Using FTP I can see the transfer speed, time remaining, and pause/resume transfers, it's terrific. I can also make sure I only transfer one file at a time while still adding to the queue.

#1285 Leading spaces confuse client Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The client will not deal with directories which have a leading space in the name.

#1286 Server won't release files after ungraceful xfer interrupt Bug report normal FileZilla Server


My router reboots a lot, and that's another subject I'm working on elsewhere. Nonetheless, when this happens, and I'm engaged in an upload from my home machine using Client to my work machine running Server, that drop in connection seems to confuse Filezilla server and doesn't let the client side resume transferring that file. All that happens is that the client runs up to the maximum number of permitted retries (very quickly) and then it moves on to the next upload file in the quue, stating the former file had too many retries. It's almost as if the non-graceful transfer termination causes server to not release the handle on the file, and hence it can't open up a new handle (even though it still has the old handle) so that a proper resume could take place.

Even if it wasn't that my router reboots all the time, that's probably something that should be fixed, I would think, as Filezilla should be able to work around that for any number of connection quality issues

Client is 2.2.31. Server is 0.9.23.

Thanks for your help and your time.

#1287 Deleting a lot of files takes very long Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla 2.2.32 (older versions too): Deleting multiple files from an AIX ftp server takes very long. When deleting > 1000 files, it will take about 10 seconds per file. If, in the remote file list, the cursor is set to a file outside of the list of files to remove, deleting speeds up dramatically. The application locks up (can not be interrupted), and usually needs to be terminated to gain access to the remote system again. No information (except the times) can be generated from the debug settings. This looks like a problem with the GUI when deleting an entry from the list of selected items when a file is remotely deleted.

#1289 Deletes All Settings Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Warning, not only are there NO viable release notes, version 3 install to a new directory - for no known reason, does not read any settings from version 2, and someone decided it was not important enough for people to be able to import all their settings, for the "reason" that the file structure is different! That's a lame excuse, since the file structure certainly was known to the team and could be transferred

Someone(s) surely took a lot of time to build a new version - and then did not create it in a very logical way. Why not do it right the first time, as now most of my sites will not work because someone did not think about what they were doing? I now have to spend a couple of hours repairing the damage.

This should have been a HUGE warning and a release notes that actually says something - neither of which there was!

I was happy with this software for years, now someone(s) need to go back to school and learn that an upgrade is for improvement, adding features - not to remove features and settings.

Can we get the settings so they import as this a a LARGE bug!

#1290 Client wont minimize on Windows Key + M Bug report low FileZilla Client

Regardless whether or not Filezilla is the application in focus or not, the windows shortcut Windows Key (Which in its self is Ctrl + Esc) + the M key minimizes all windows except Filezilla. It seems the filezilla just seems to be switching itself to no longer being in focus rather than minimizing.

Version 3.0.0 Bug seen on windows XP Pro SP2, and Vista Home Premium Edition, other windows verions not tested.

Cannot recall seeing this bug < 3.0.0

#1291 Site Manager Size, Position and Drag-Drop Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When using the site manager it would be nice if it saves the size and position you left it. This is especially annoying when you have sites with bigger names. At least size would be good enough for me.

Also, it would be nice if you can organize sites by dragging and dropping. I created folders to seperate work, personal for example to find I had to recreate all the sites again vs. just moving them. Now a move to would work as well if drag and drop is to buggy.

#1292 Remote connection with Server Interface doesn't work Bug report normal FileZilla Server

If you try to connect to a remote FileZilla Server for administer it with another Server Interface from lan or public IP address, the interface doesn't connect. It connect only from localhost, or local IP of the server.

I use the latest version 0.9.23

#1293 Bug on MDTM Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Hi, I have a situation that i think it may be a bug, but not sure if ncftp client or filezilla server. Below i show the logs:

the problem is on the lines: --- (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> MDTM 20070920171248 (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> 550 File not found ---

(000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> MFMT (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 211 End (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> HELP SITE (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 214 Command SITE is supported by FileZilla Server (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> CLNT NcFTPPut 3.2.0 linux-x86-glibc2.3 (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 200 Don't care (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> CWD /Peixe (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 250 CWD successful. "/Peixe" is current directory. (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> TYPE I (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 200 Type set to I (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> OPTS MLST type;size;modify; (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 501 Option not understood (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> MLST (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 250-Listing /Peixe/ (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> type=file;size=10578603;modify=20070920170855; /Peixe/ (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 250 End (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> PORT 192,168,1,206,10,146 (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 200 Port command successful (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> STOR (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:40 - copia (> 150 Opening data channel for file transfer. (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> 226 Transfer OK (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> MDTM 20070920171248 (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> 550 File not found (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> QUIT (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> 221 Goodbye (000007) 20-09-2007 18:10:43 - copia (> disconnected.

#1294 TLS handshake failure with MVS server Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The messages below are received when trying to connect to an IBM zOS FTP server using explicit TLS (the product SmartFTP can successfully establish a secure connection):

Status: Resolving IP-Address for Trace: ControlSocket.cpp(948): CRealControlSocket::ContinueConnect(01387750) m_pEngine=0112BE18 caller=013A6508 Status: Connecting to nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:21... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R8 at, 10:18:13 on 2007-09-23. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes. Command: AUTH TLS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 234 Security environment established - ready for negotiation Status: Initializing TLS... Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Command: USER xxx Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: CTlsSocket::OnRead() Trace: CTlsSocket::Handshake() Trace: GnuTLS alert 40: Handshake failed Trace: GnuTLS error -12: A TLS fatal alert has been received. Trace: CRealControlSocket::OnClose() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Error: Could not connect to server

I can provide the ip address to the server in case you wish to try this out.

#1295 Incomplete Contents of Directory Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Limited usability issue for users with many files:

Summary: When listing a directory it seems there is a limit of 2000 items Filezilla will display at a time. This affects at least versions 2.x through the lastest 3.0.1.

Reason for conclusion: I have a directory with maybe 2,200 files or so. When using my cpanel file manager I can see the last 200+ files but can't see them through filezilla. In my case I have 2 subdirectories in this directory. Filezilla displays the ".." up directory, my two subdirectory, then 1997 files, for a total of 2000 items in view.

Alternative fix: If this is a desired limit for security or possible bug problems, maybe there could be an option in settings that allows a person to override this max limit with a user entered max number of listings. This would allow those like me who keep huge listings of files to continue to use this excellent FTP program.

Thanks, Nick

#1296 Assumption of coding error in CAsyncSocketEx Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In CAsyncSocketExHelperWindow::RemoveLayers(...)

Line 274 :

if (!pMsg
!pSocket pSocket == pOrigSocket pSocket->m_SocketData.hSocket != pMsg->hSocket)

Should be :

if (!pMsg
!pSocket pSocket == pOrigSocket pSocket->m_SocketData.hSocket == pMsg->hSocket)
#1297 Window Pushed off Screen on Mac osx Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am using Filezilla 3.0.1 (build date: 2007-09-19) on Mac OS X (version 10.4.10)(Dual 2GHz powerPC G5),

The main application seems to work fine (from the small use I have had from it) however, whenever I open a window from the main app, (ie, site manager, update widow, about info) the location of the main application window is pushed down about half the height of the desktop toward the bottom of the screen, If I open 2 windows in a row, the main application is moved completely off screen, and the only way I have found to bring it back is to close down filezilla and open back up again.

#1298 Bad change of directory Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have a site with this structure directory: DirA DirB --DirB1 --DirA (same name that first directory but inside DirB)

If I go to DirB, and I do double-click to enter in the second DirA, FileZilla open the DirA directory in root directory.

I use Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn and FileZilla 3.0.0-beta7


#1299 Saving Directories After Reconnection Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After you are logged out of a server (delay), and then reconnect, the client does not save your visited directories anymore (in the selection box on top of the directory listing / tree view. Only the current directory is listed there, and if you go to another directory, the list is CHANGED to the current directory only.

#1300 CHMOD in Windows Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In the previous version (the 2...something), you could have changed the file attributes in Linux AND Windows, but now you simply execute a simple "CHMOD" command, which of course does not work on Windows servers.

#1301 Filezilla Mac Interface Issue v3.0.1 Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When opening any popup window, (ie. About, site manager etc) It jumps the main filezilla window down to the top left corner of the popup window. Do it enough and it jumps off the screen requiring you to restart the program.

#1302 files viewed as directories Bug report normal FileZilla Client

some files are listed as directories but are really files. files with attributes with first bit 'l' are files but trated as dir. FileZilla version tested from 2.2.32 to 3.0.1

#1303 Can Not drag file from filezilla to Explorer Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla ver 3.0.1

I get the error message:

"Could not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the file into an Explorer window."

I have the shell extension installed and I dropped the file into an explorer window.

Also, I am able to drag & drop a file from explorer to Filezilla.

#1304 Client: Can't access/delete directories starting with space Bug report normal Other

Using FileZilla client v3 or 2.x.x you can't access nor delete directories starting with a space character (i.e. " mydir") even if they are visible in tree view.

#1305 error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version nu Bug report normal FileZilla Server outdated

I am testing FileZilla Server 0.93 at the g6ftp site. Regular test works fine but both explicit and passive SSL return the above captioned error. I use Win XP Home SP2 with port forwarding through both Windows Firewall and a Netgear router. The latter two don't seem to interfere with non-SSL tests.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.