Custom Query (4044 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 4044)

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Ticket Summary Owner Priority Resolution Created Modified
#895 transfer fails when file is opened in OOo Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 16 years


I tried to transfer a file (.sxw) while it is still opened in The transfer fails because filezilla keeps asking me what I want to do (overwrite, ..., skip). If I close the file transfers just fine. I am not sure if this is a bug for filezilla or I can reproduce this every time. I use filezilla 2.2.14a and windows 2000 and 1.1.4.

I hope this helps improving filezilla, its a great app. Thanks!

Ruud Schellekens

The trace log:

Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\ruud\My Documents\Philips\data\scriptie\chapters\4\4 Implementation.sxw Command: LIST Response: Sucessfully received 3 items Trace: -rw------- 1 ruud i99 246526 Jun 16 14:27 4 Implementation.pdf Trace: -rw------- 1 ruud i99 28795 Jun 16 14:18 4 Implementation.sxw Trace: drwx------ 2 ruud i99 512 Apr 18 17:26 drawings Status: Directory listing successful Command: PUT 4 Implementation.sxw C:\Documents and Settings\ruud\My Documents\Philips\data\scriptie\chapters\4\4 Implementation.sxw FALSE Response: Unable to open C:\Documents and Settings\ruud\My Documents\Philips\data\scriptie\chapters\4\4 Implementation.sxw Error: Upload failed Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\ruud\My Documents\Philips\data\scriptie\chapters\4\4 Implementation.sxw Command: LIST Response: Sucessfully received 3 items Trace: -rw------- 1 ruud i99 246526 Jun 16 14:27 4 Implementation.pdf Trace: -rw------- 1 ruud i99 28795 Jun 16 14:18 4 Implementation.sxw Trace: drwx------ 2 ruud i99 512 Apr 18 17:26 drawings Status: Directory listing successful Status: Upload successful Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(289): List(FALSE,0,"/home/ruud/scriptie/chapters/4/","",9) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: LIST Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(289): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(289): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(289): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Response: Sucessfully received 3 items Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(289): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Trace: -rw------- 1 ruud i99 246526 Jun 16 14:27 4 Implementation.pdf Trace: -rw------- 1 ruud i99 28795 Jun 16 14:18 4 Implementation.sxw Trace: drwx------ 2 ruud i99 512 Apr 18 17:26 drawings Status: Directory listing successful Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2423): ResetOperation(1)


Status: Disconnected from server Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2393): DoClose(0) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Trace: SftpControlSocket.cpp(2423): ResetOperation(4100) caller=0x00d5cfa4 Status: Disconnected from server

#898 bad upload of file shorter than previous version Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 18 years

Hi there,

not sure this is a filezilla problem but I at least want to report it.

FTP client used: Filezilla 2.2.13c (WIN2000) FTP server used: Serv-U FTP-Server v2.5i for WinSock

When I upload a file I've uploaded before, but that is shorter than the version already on the server, I've now 2 times encountered that the chunk of text the old file is larger, just got appended to the new file.

so schematically:

new file: (local)

a b c

old file: (remote) w x y z

results in new file (remote, after upload) a b c z

I've had 2 occurences of such file during one transfer (in queue) of multiple files. When I reuploaded the same/unchanged files (by drag&drop this time) the problem was gone. PS: during manual upload filezilla warned me a file of the same file size was going to be overwritten....

that's all Koen.

#901 Directory Upload does not work Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 16 years

Directory upload and "Add to Queue" option for directory do not work on my PC (win XP sp2). Multiple files upload works great even through SSH2. No errors even with Debug mode activated, simply does nothing.

#904 sftp low speed transfer Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

I install FileZilla_2_2_14b_setup.exe

When i make a get, using the sftp, the tranfer speed don't up 100k/s If i make the same in the command line, the trasfer speed is up 2M/s

I probe whith this servers:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update

4), OpenSSH_3.6.1p2

Aix 5.2, OpenSSH_3.8.1p1

## In spanish ## He instalado FileZilla_2_2_14b_setup.exe

Cuando hago un 'get', usando sftp, la velovidad de transferencia es inferior a 100k/s Si realizo lo mismo desde la linea de comandos, la velocidad es superior a 2M/s

He probado con estos servidores:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update

4), OpenSSH_3.6.1p2

Aix 5.2, OpenSSH_3.8.1p1

#907 Problem renaming files Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 16 years

I´m using Filezilla Client 2.2.14b under Windows 2000.

I´ve renamed a file with the same name that another file that already exists. The problem is that the application don´t say anything about the problems that you can get if you rename a file with the same name of another. I try to explain me:

1.- I have a file named index.html 2.- I have a file named indexOLD.html 3.- I change the indexOLD.html to index.html and the application don´t show any message advising if you want to rename the filename or overwrite or something like that.

I hope that you can understand my poor english.

Fran García

#911 Complete System crash while uploading Alexander Schuch blocker 19 years 17 years

This seems to appear in conjunction with #1191004, but not neccessarily. I use windows XP and FileZille (some versions, also 2.2.14b) completely crash windows XP (can't move mouse, pressing numlock does not change anything). At the moment I have to use a different FTP Client as this is not a state to work with :( Just let my know if you need further information from me.

#912 Window resizes on minimizing to "restored" size Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

For some versions now I'm encoutering the same problem (effect, less a real problem). After minimizing the FileZilla Application window or pressing "show desktop" and switching back to FileZilla, the window resizes from "maximized" to "restored" size. This only happens the first time after starting the App; every next time I minimize or switch to desktop, everything's fine on turning back to FileZilla and the window status is still "maximized".

Any idea or suggestions?

Thanks, greetings,


#913 Modification times not preserved on sftp uploads Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 16 years


Not sure if this is completely possible or not, but with "scp" I can maintain a file's modification times using "scp -p src_file user@machine:dest_location"

FileZilla has the option to preserve timestamps on download ("File transfer settings") but nothing that I can see about uploads.

Thanks, mG.

#915 PASV always on? Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 18 years

No matter what setting I use, PASV mode is always set after login. On one particular server, this is not an option and I am dropped immediately. It's really rather annoying...

I'm using 2.2.14b.

Thank you.

#923 Sticky mouse during uploads Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

My mouse pointer becomes very sticky during uploads of multiple files - just within Filezilla. In other windows, it is normal. This behaviour makes it hard to make any changes or stop the transfer while an uploading queue is being processed

Chris Knight

#925 Can not edit Quick Connect list Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 16 years

Once an address is attempted, it can not be removed or edit from the Quick Connect drop down list.

#927 download fails at end of file Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 16 years

Filezilla 2.2.14b: Windows xp x64 Downloadside I was downloading the hole (world) scenery (version 0.98). But the client stop downloading at the end of big files and shows: timeout, connection failed and does not restart the transfer.

#928 "critical error" and retries Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

2.2.14b (in process of upgrading to 2.2.15)

It seems that the client stops downloading when it sees a "critical error" (where for "transfer errors it does the retries as specified).

It seems that retries should also apply to "critical errors" (the file was transferring although with timeouts, than it received the critical error), or maybe a separate" retries for critical errors flag could be introduced?


#931 Subfolder deleted when downloading Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 16 years

When I was downloading my website to my computer, Filezilla deleted one of the subfolders I was downloading. Part of the subfolder still showed in the queue to download, but most did not. And when I tried to download that part of the subfolder, it didn't work.

I ended up having to restore that folder from my backups.

#934 Remote file times wrong when timezone offset Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

My server is 5 hours behind my local time so I have the timezone offset in FZ preferences set to +5:00 but in FZ 2.2.15 the times are wrong. If I don't offset then FZ shows the correct file times for the server's local time.

But... If I also offset by any number of minutes then the times become correct!

My workaround at the moment is to offset by 5:01.

I'm on Windows XP

Anyone else noticed this?

#936 buggy ftp with explicit encryption Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

I have no problems with SFTP using SSH. When I attempt FTP over SSL (or TSL) with explicit encryption in passive mode, I get partial uploads and zero byte uploads. This is a critical failure of FileZilla, which I have hitherto loved.

Tested with the Aug 21 release.

See for examples of others with this problem. It deserves highest priority.

Attached is the debug log:

#944 Latest client hangs while busy. Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 10 years

Just testing out the 2.2.15 client along side the previous version. The setup is two laptops plugged directly into a 100mb/s switch into the server running filezilla server 0.9.10.

When I upload a directory with about 13000 files (700 folders - 390mb) in it the client hangs for about 30 seconds and 'not responding' appears in the title bar. (In case someone is wondering, I was moving a s/w application to another machine)

It then proceeds to list every file in the directory that is to be copied and all sub-directories in the 'remote site' window, which takes approx. another minute, then queues up every file in the process queue taking a further minute (if it takes too long the server times out the connection and it requires the operation to be restarted). It then copies all the files to the server as would be expected. It should not be auto-listing files in the remote window - this is both bad usability and costely in CPU cycles for no reason.

If I delete the directory on the server (via the client remote site window), it then lists out the contents of all the subdirectories in the remote window, again taking ages, then queues them up, then issues a DEL command for every single file - the whole process took 15 mins where all that was needed was a DEL command to be issued on the root directory (the one I selected) and the OS should have done the rest.

When I use the previous version, it does not list out all the files in the remote site window before adding them to the process queue. It also takes less time to do the transfer (perhaps there is a config change or something)

So there are two problems. First, it takes a huge amount of time simply to copy a directory full of files (locking up filezilla), and second why are actions not offloaded to the OS (such as delete the directory, rather than every file individually).

As a comparison, zipping the directory in winzip took 2 mins, Ftp'ng the resulting 190mb file to the server took 1 min and deleting it took half a sec. There is enough information in the windows file system to tell you it was a large transfer and compression is needed - why not use it.

Also, if configurations changes are being made between versions, please list them in a readme as well as bugfixes etc.

#953 RMD dir problem Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 18 years

When trying to delete a directory the command fails

because of the last slash. If I try to delete the directory using Raw command menu and pasting the same command without the slash, it works.

The ftp server is:

220 FTP server (BSDI Version 7.00LS) ready.

Here some logs. You can see the RMD /xtry/ which fails and the RMD /xtry (passed using Raw command) which does the job:

Status: Directory listing successful Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD / Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Status: Directory listing successful Command: RMD /xtry/ Response: 550 /xtry/: Is a directory. Command: REST 0 Response: 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: RMD /xtry Response: 250 RMD command successful.

#954 lost all my sites in site manager Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

I tried to exit filezilla (file > exit) during a large transfer and all the sites in my site manager disappeared. I'm using 2.2.14, not the latest version, but thought I should report it anyway.

#955 Race condition on local directory open Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

I have a local virtual drive (not a windows share, but a clearcase version control view) mapped on my windows machine. FZ 2.2.16 gets into a race condition when I navigate three levels down into this drive, after opening a folder that has ~100 subfolders.

#960 Connection timeout too soon Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

Connecting to a particular server which does not respond immediately may cause the client to terminate the connection prematurely.

This is the error :

Error: Timeout detected! Error: Unable to connect!

Using another FTP client which allows me to configure the connection timeout, the connection succeeds after a while, longer than the timeout tolerated by the FileZilla client.

A longer timeout should be hardcoded or made a configure option.

#964 Settings and quick exit Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 18 years

Sometimes (often) when you exit, quickly and maybe during transfers, the settings are lost and the site manager also.

Latest build.

#968 Filezilla resumes while OVERWRITE is selected Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

Sometimes the client tries to resume instead of overwrite the destination (my pc). That produces an error "data is invalid" or produces a larger than the original file.

#971 Filezilla Hangs in SFTP+ClientAliveInterval Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 10 years

SFTP using SSH2 works fine with the default (server-side) sshd_config setting, "ClientAliveInterval 0"

However, Filezilla is stuck in this infinite loop: "SftpControlSocket.cpp(2423): ResetOperation(1)" "SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0)" "SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0)" "SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0)" ... causing 100% CPU load, if you set: "ClientAliveInterval 15 (or any non-zero value)" --i.e. if sshd sends a message through the encrypted channel to request a response from the client--, and when (ClientAliveInterval * ClientAliveCountMax) seconds have passed.

Always reproducible on FileZilla 2.2.17 on my Windows 2000 Pro SP4.

This problem happens both for "KeepAlive yes/no" in sshd_config, but in my test, Filezilla does: SftpControlSocket.cpp(289): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) many times when KeepAlive no, while doing it only once when KeepAlive yes. (This pert may be unrelated to the above problem.)

debug.log ("Trace messages from the FTP engine") attached. This log was taken when sshd_config was: KeepAlive no ClientAliveInterval 15 ClientAliveCountMax 3 And the problem seems to have happened 45 seconds after the session becomes idle.

Quote from man sshd_config --- If ClientAliveInterval (above) is set to 15, and ClientAliveCountMax is left at the default, unresponsive ssh clients will be disconnected after approximately 45 seconds. ---

#972 remote tree window not saved Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 18 years

Each time I run Filezilla, the remote tree window is disabled. I have to click on the button to display it every time. It would be great if this would come up by default (both tree windows), and if those button states (window displayed or not) would be saved so that at next run it would come up like chosen previously.

#973 filezilla main window maximize state not saved Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 10 years

If we maximize the filezilla main window so that it takes the full screen, at next program run it will always restart with the window minimized. The status of the window (maximized/minimized) should be saved in the config file/database.

#977 Inconsistent authentication errors Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

When connecting to a FreeBSD inbuilt ftpd (standard Berekeley release, version 6.00LS) using a password which was "29fr*2" (without the quote marks), FileZilla was unable to connect. This was when the connection was specified in the Site Manager.

However, entering the username and password in the format "user:pass@site" in the QuickConnect address bar did work.

I tried this a number of times, with version 2.2.17 and it happens every time.

#978 Tray Icon disapeares when explorer is closed Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

If the explorer.exe is closed and restarted, the tray icon is not comming back :-( Very anoying when an transfer is allready running..

Cincerelly, Claus

#982 Title Bar does not update when switching connections Alexander Schuch normal 19 years 17 years

If you are already connected to a site ("Dev") and quick connect to site ("Prod"), the title bar does not refresh to reflect the new connection.


Thanks Jason

#992 "Overwrite if newer" prevents ul retry after transfer error Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 16 years


I'd like to report a bug in Filezilla 2.2.17. The following is happening:

When you upload a number of files to an FTP server that already exist on the server and select "overwrite if newer" and "use this choice for all files" when prompted, any file that does not get uploaded completely (due to a transfer error) will not be uploaded again.

I assume that this is due to the choice of "overwrite if newer" - my suspicion is that when Filezilla tries to upload the file a second time, it checks the timestamp of the (partial) file on the server, discovers that it's more recent than the local timestamp, and then does not upload the file again. This is incorrect behaviour, of course: if a file is uploaded a second time after a transfer error, the timestamp should not be checked again.

#996 Resume bug with 2.2.17a Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

Sometimes Filezilla RESUMES the file instead of replacing it. I was hard to find WHY. Some files have become huge, since everytime filezilla was adding (resuming) again and again.

But i found it.

One of the files was an access db, named "DUgallery.mdb". It seems that the two first capital letters were confusing Filezilla. When renamed to lower letters, everything seems ok. But it is hard to check each and every filename ....

Please take a look at it !

Thanks !

#997 uploading coldfusion encrypted files Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years

Filezilla's "Transfer Type" setting is set to Auto, yet when i upload a coldfusion file (.cfm) which is encrypted it uploads it as the wrong type so the website falls over. This doesnt happen on some old FTP software i have (Leech)

Would be good if this was fixed on the next release?


#998 Setting advanced file attributes Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

When setting remote file attributes via the GUI, the client changes the permission set.

E.g. when setting the set-group-ID-on-execution bit, I enter "2777" in the mask of "Change file attributes" ("Dateiattribute ändern" in the german version). When applied, the client sends following FTP commands:

Befehl: SITE CHMOD 50777 /public_html/tmp Antwort: 200 SITE CHMOD command successful

Which is just plain wrong: It should execute "SITE CHMOD 2777 /public_html/tmp" instead.

For details on the group-ID-on execution bit, see the man pages for chmod.

#1002 After using sftp:// a plain address does no ftp connection Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years

A filezilla user asked me to report to you this bug:

He sees an inconsistency on how the address field is handled. When you type in just a host name, filezilla makes an FTP connection.

But in this sequence of events things are different (note: you need to use for a host which supports FTP but no SFTP):

  1. Start up FileZilla version 2.2.17a
  2. Fill in an Address like s
  3. Discover, that does not support

SFTP, so Click on the STOP icon in the Toolbar.

  1. Remove the sftp:// prefix in front and try to

connect to instead. It still will not connect.

This happens, because filezilla still tries to establish connections to port 22. You would need to extend the address to to get a connection.

This is irritating to unexperienced users, because for them it looks like the situation in step 4 is the same as if they had gone through this sequence of events:

  1. Start up FileZilla version 2.2.17a
  2. Fill in an Address like
  3. An FTP connection is set up.
#1004 Resume bug still in 2.2.18 Alexander Schuch high 18 years 17 years

Filezilla resumes while OVERWRITE is selected In my case the file on the host is appended to the size of the file on the client. If the size on the host is smaller or same, the file is left untouched. (The REST command starts at the host file size) This often and apparently randomly causes files to be uploaded incorrectly.

Note the APPE appear all of a sudden in the commands log below

Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of d:\post_production\maps\0000000451.gif Command: PWD Response: 250 "/Zoom1Images/maps/": is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: CWD /Zoom1Images/maps/ Response: 257 "/Zoom1Images/maps/" is current directory. Command: TYPE A Response: 250 "/Zoom1Images/maps/": is current directory. Command: PWD Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: PASV Response: 257 "/Zoom1Images/maps/" is current directory. Command: TYPE A Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,111,7,107,192) Command: LIST Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: PASV Command: TYPE A Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (31547 bytes). Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,111,7,74,91) Command: LIST Response: 200 Type set to A. Response: 226 Transfer complete. 31547 bytes in 0.17 sec. (179.114 Kb/s) Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (31547 bytes). Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,111,7,76,88) Command: APPE 0000000292.gif Response: 125 Ready to receive "0000000292.gif" (restart at 47441 bytes). Mode STREAM Type BINARY. Response: 226 Transfer complete. 31547 bytes in 0.00 sec. (30807.617 Kb/s) Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,111,7,78,37) Command: STOR 0000000451.gif Response: 125 Ready to receive "0000000451.gif" . Mode STREAM Type BINARY. Response: 226 Transfer complete. 79 bytes in 0.03 sec. (2.489 Kb/s) Status: Upload successful

#1006 UI locks up when popup comes up over context menu Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

Double clicked on a file in the local site file browser, then right clicked on it. While the context menu was displayed, a popup came up asking whether to overwrite the file on the remote site. UI becomes inaccessible, the only way around the lockup is to use the Windows task bar to minimize and maximize Filezilla which forces the context menu to disappear. Tested with 2.2.18

#1010 Minor display problem Alexander Schuch low 18 years 18 years

When transfers reach about 40MB/s, speed display erronous value as -3billion and some dusts...

#1014 Remote site combo box values are not saved Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

The values listed on Remote Site combo box are not saved after disconnecting and are lost.

#1017 FTP cut short Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 16 years

In downloading a 26 MB file from an FTP site the process starts and then terminates with only 2 to 4 MB downloaded. It does not report any problem with the download and implies that the entire download was successful.

Tried this many times but the result was the same.

I immediately tried accessing the FTP site with IE 6 and I sucessfully downloaded the file, hence I don't believe that the site was having a problem.

I also had the same problem about 10 days ago.

#1020 File View/Edit Settings not saved Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 16 years

When assigning applications for viewing/editing by file type all settings are lost on exit. (Works while current session is active)

#1021 Exception report on Windows PE Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years

I'm trying to run FileZilla 2.2.18 client on Windows XP PE environment, but getting the dump I'm attaching all the time.

#1022 File permissions created/uploaded folder = 000 Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

The file permissions of folders I upload to any of my servers equals 000, if done with another client like SmartFTP it equals 755. This error occured in v2.2.17 and is also contained by v2.2.18.

#1024 Processor usage when connection times out Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

I noticed this problem only when using Filezilla on a Windows XP64 machine, Nforce4 Pro, Dual Opteron. When connected with Filezilla I often transfer items and continue on to other tasks. After a period of time, my connection is automatically disconnected from the server. At some point when this happens and after I have used the connection for transferring files my dual processor usage will fly up to 60%+ (a rarity). I use sftp to connect to the remote server and I have not yet identified all of the specific conditions but it appears to continue to poll the processor with this thread until I kill that Filezilla thread.

#1029 cannot delete or rename directory with spaces Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years


say if, user decided to create a (silly) directory with spaces at the end.


MKD DIRECTORYHERE«invisible spaces» 257 "DIRECTORYHERE " created.

but if you try to rename or delete the directory you will encounter error because the command sent does not account for the spaces at the end. eg


however, sending manual command

RMD DIRECTORYHERE«enter same number of spaces the directory actual has»

results in successful removal or rename.

#1031 Loops at 100% CPU after SFTP upload Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

WinXP Home; latest version 2.2.18 (also with 2.2.16):

after I upload a file FileZilla always/reproducibly loops and comsumes 100%-x CPU . until exit.

( In 2.2.16 I also remember: Looping Filezilla process didn't stop even if I exited Filezilla GUI; but not 100% sure. )


#1038 Error with directories that have a space after the name Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years

Filezilla cannot navigate into a directory that has a space after its name. For example, if a directory is called "Gross Margin "(notice the space at the end), Filezilla gives a "No such file or directory" error since it seems to parse the space out of the directory name.

#1039 Remote file list hangs after a while Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

This bug may be identical to bug# 1338012, but since it is reported there for version 2.2.17 only I created this ticket.

In version 2.2.18 the remote file list hangs after a while (there is only the error "pling" sound, when a directory not listed before is clicked). When debug mode is switched on, the onscreen log shows

"SftpControlSocket.cpp(2596): OnReceive(0) Caller=0x003fd1a4" (or some other value)

looping forever. In this case the GUI does not react any longer, I have to kill Filezilla via the task manager. I checked the server's sshd_config for the entries named in bug# 1338012:

TCPKeepAlive yes ClientAliveInterval 60 ClientAliveCountMax 3

#1040 settings -- directory cache -- warning bad if no entry Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

In the settings box, on the Directory Cache node of the tree, if you leave any of the boxes for the amout of time to cache a directory blank and then press okay to exit, you are presented with a warning, but it is impossible to discern what the warning is about since it is entirely blank. Leaving a field blank is a hard stop, and you cannot exit the settings editor unless you have a value in all of these boxes.

Suggestions: Default to 0 when nothing is entered. Display a warning message that details the problems.

#1045 having files selected and browsing w tree -> strange selecti Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

If I have files selected in a folder and switch folder using the local treeview some other files get selected, I don't know if they are truly selected or of it is just a view thing.

(using filezilla v 2.2.19a on win xp prof.)


#1049 Typing remote site does not is accepted Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

The VxWorks ftp server has different root directories.

It can have C: or D: as a root directory. When I type

in D: (or D:\, or D:/, or D, or /D) in the remote site box, it does not navigate to the remote site. The default is C: and when I type in D:, the message log pane says that it is trying to navigate to /C:/D:/. So it seems like it prepends the current site to the typed in remote site.

One workaround that I found was right click in the message log pane and Enter Command. If I Enter Command CWD D:, and then double click .. (CDUP) in the Remote site pane, then D: is correctly shown. Once I have done this manual sequence, I can then type in C: or D: in the Remote Site box and correctly see the C: site or the D: site.

One other note: I tried typing C: or D: in the default remote directory in the advanced area of Site Manager and it had similar results (didn't not navigate to D:).

I have attached the text from the Message log pane, along with some comments I inserted.

Thanks you any help you could provide.

#1050 retrieving directory list from server Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years

We can get through using a command line ftp, but filezilla returns this error message:

Error: Transfer channel can't be opened. Reason: The requested address is not valid in its context. Error: Timeout detected!

We are using xitami version 2.5c2 filezilla version 2.2.19a OS: Windows xp pro service pack 2.

#1059 Unable to manually enter a filename Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 10 years
  1. Connect to FTP server
  2. Get a directory listing of some kind
  3. Add a file, example.txt, to that directory external

to filezilla.

  1. Enter /path/to/file/example.txt in the server

address bar.

Expected: File is downloaded.

Actual: A warning that /path/to/file/example.txt/ is not a directory.

#1065 Client overwrites existing files with 0 bytes Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 16 years

I had the transfer settings set on Overwrite by default.

I was downloading several files and folders from a webserver. I realized I had already transfered one folder over, so I moved it into a "finished" folder on the remote server (using remote desktop) without removing it from the FileZilla client's queue.

When FZ 2.2.22 got to those files, it wrote 0 bytes over each one (eg. because the client was opening them for writing, and the server was responding that the files weren't found?). That is how it appears anyway.

#1069 Client not visible on taskbar until alt+tab is used Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

When I run FileZilla Client, the window is not displayed on the foreground (it is hidden beneath other windows) and it is not shown on the windows taskbar. Then, by pressing alt+tab the FileZilla window is displayed and it also appears on the taskbar.

I'm using FileZilla Client v2.2.19, but this happened with all versions I've been using (I think I first started using FileZilla about a year ago).


  • I use the .zip version (without installation)
  • I've put FileZilla.exe on apppaths

(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\App Paths), so I usually run it by doing start menu->run->filezilla

  • I usually have other windows open (e.g. IE or

firefox) when opening filezilla (maybe this has something to do with filezilla not appearing on the foreground).

#1071 Connection closed and doesn't reconnect Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

Filezilla client sometimes disconnect in background when not in use. Then, when I want to change a directory, it detects that the connections have been closed and doesn't retry (but I've set it up to reconnect in the options).

Then, I have to manually connect again, manually go to my directory, and so on.

In short: the connections close but don't try to reconnect and simply abort. It should automatically reconnect in this case and continue operation.

Here a short log version (The reconnects are always done manually by me):

Befehl: LIST Antwort: Sucessfully received 54 items Status: Auflistung des Verzeichnisinhalts erfolgreich Status: Verbindung getrennt Status: Verbindung getrennt Status: Verzeichnisinhalt wird abgeholt... Befehl: CD .. Antwort: Remote working directory is now /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006 Befehl: LIST Antwort: Sucessfully received 14 items Status: Auflistung des Verzeichnisinhalts erfolgreich Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbunden mit, SFTP- Verbindung wird initialisiert... Befehl: CONNECT multimedia@…:22 Status: Verbunden mit, SFTP-

Here a long log version with more lines to show you what I'm doing.

Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbunden mit, SFTP- Verbindung wird initialisiert... Befehl: CONNECT multimedia@…:22 Status: Verbunden mit, SFTP- Verbindung wird initialisiert... Befehl: CONNECT multimedia@…:22 Antwort: Remote working directory is /home/multimedia Status: Verbindung hergestellt Status: Starte Upload von R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \CodeBehind\bin\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.dll Befehl:

CD /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006

/bin/ Antwort: Remote working directory is now /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006/bin Befehl: PUT BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.dll R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \CodeBehind\bin\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.dll FALSE Antwort: Uploading R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \CodeBehind\bin\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.dll to BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.dll Antwort: Remote working directory is /home/multimedia Status: Verbindung hergestellt Status: Starte Upload von R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \CodeBehind\bin\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.pdb Befehl:

CD /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006

/bin/ Status: Upload erfolgreich Antwort: Remote working directory is now /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006/bin Befehl: PUT BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.pdb R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \CodeBehind\bin\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.pdb FALSE Antwort: Uploading R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \CodeBehind\bin\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.pdb to BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006.pdb Status: Upload erfolgreich Status: Verzeichnisinhalt wird abgeholt... Befehl: LIST Antwort: Sucessfully received 54 items Status: Auflistung des Verzeichnisinhalts erfolgreich Status: Verbindung getrennt Status: Verbindung getrennt Status: Verzeichnisinhalt wird abgeholt... Befehl: CD .. Antwort: Remote working directory is now /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006 Befehl: LIST Antwort: Sucessfully received 14 items Status: Auflistung des Verzeichnisinhalts erfolgreich Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbunden mit, SFTP- Verbindung wird initialisiert... Befehl: CONNECT multimedia@…:22 Status: Verbunden mit, SFTP- Verbindung wird initialisiert... Befehl: CONNECT multimedia@…:22 Antwort: Remote working directory is /home/multimedia Status: Verbindung hergestellt Status: Starte Upload von R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \web\directories.xml Befehl:

CD /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006

/ Antwort: Remote working directory is now /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006 Befehl: PUT directories.xml R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \web\directories.xml FALSE Antwort: Remote working directory is /home/multimedia Status: Verbindung hergestellt Status: Starte Upload von R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \web\startpage.xml Befehl:

CD /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006

/ Antwort: Uploading R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \web\directories.xml to directories.xml Status: Upload erfolgreich Antwort: Remote working directory is now /cygdrive/k/inetpub/wwwroot/baumaschinen2006 Befehl: PUT startpage.xml R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \web\startpage.xml FALSE Antwort: Uploading R:\NonServerDevices\Wks04 \wwwroot\BOMAG.CorporateWebsite.Content2006 \web\startpage.xml to startpage.xml Status: Upload erfolgreich Status: Verzeichnisinhalt wird abgeholt... Befehl: LIST Antwort: Sucessfully received 16 items Status: Auflistung des Verzeichnisinhalts erfolgreich Status: Verbindung getrennt Status: Verbindung getrennt Status: Verzeichnisinhalt wird abgeholt... Befehl: CD bin Antwort: Fatal: Network error: Connection reset by peer Fehler: Dateiliste konnte nicht empfangen werden Fehler: Verbindung getrennt Status: Verbinden mit Status: Verbunden mit, SFTP- Verbindung wird initialisiert... Befehl: CONNECT multimedia@…:22 Antwort: Remote working directory is /home/multimedia Status: Verbindung hergestell

#1080 QuickConnect does not trim the server name Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

When entering a server name (DNS name) that contains a space, such as:

" "

as opposed to


(without the quotes),

FileZilla will fail to connect.

Since domain names cannot end nor start with spaces, the domain name entered in the textbox ("Address") should be trimmed.

This bug is relevant because addresses may be copied from the web and hence may include spaces (this is how I hitted the bug).

#1082 File Zilla - strange mouse behaviour Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

Hi !

To repeat this little bug on your PC, please do the following:

  • go to Windows Control Panel
  • choose Mouse properties
  • enable the option responsible for moving mouse

pointer to the active item

  • then run File Zilla Client

You will see that the pointer moves somewhere to the right rapidly on startup. This bug is present from version 2.2.21 or sth like that (I don't remember but I am sure it was not present before)

Greets, Prozac

#1087 0 Mb Size Calculation Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

I know it's petty, but it's hard to guage if my transfer went through correctly if it says that the file size is 0 Mb. Even as little as 10.24 Kb is still .01 Mb

I'd like to see Mb display in fractions thereof, rather than whole numbers and zeros. I'm submitting my petty request as a bug because the majority of my ASCii files show as 0 Mb. I've attached a screenshot to express the frustration.

#1106 Trunc space char if on name ending Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

FileZilla 2.2.24a can't browse directories with space char on the name endig. For example if on the server there is a dir called 'aaaaa ' (' - this char is to show that in name ending is a space char') FileZilla sends to serwer 'CWD aaaaa' instead of 'CWD aaaaa '. Porobably this error is present on all versions.

#1119 Sorting local site tree view Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

Local site tree view is not sorted in 2.24b

#1125 Adding log files to remote server Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 16 years

It is adding remote files to the remote server. Like this...


I can't delete or rename them.

I have the logging turned of in the setting panel. Using xp sp2 to a linux kernel ver. 2.6.9-22.ELsmp with cpanel build 10.8.2-STABLE 120

Looked for this problem elsewhere couldn't find any thing on this...


#1133 FTP to fails consistently for large files Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 10 years

I am having that persistent problem with large file updaloads to File Release System. I have had it for ever, including on the current latest release 2.2.25 It happens consistently for files that are above ~150MB, regardless of the connection I have (I tried it with ADSL, SDSL, Cable and T1) and the machine I use (typically winxp pro or home).

A queue ends up with a critical transfer error :-\ No problems with smaller files. And no problem when I use a command line FTP client on a mac. I use the deafults settinsg and a single connection for upload, with nothing else running on the machine at that time. A typical log looks like that. And note that the file DID NOT exists before the updalod in the FRS .

16:56:13] Status: Connecting to ... [16:56:13] Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message... [16:56:13] Response: 220- [16:56:14] Response: 220- FTP server - San Jose ( [16:56:14] Response: 220- Additional access is at [16:56:14] Response: 220- Mirrors, try 'rsync' [16:56:14] Response: 220- [16:56:14] Response: 220- Got a fat pipe and something to prove? Host a SourceForge download [16:56:14] Response: 220- server! Email ftpadmin@… for opportunities. [16:56:14] Response: 220- [16:56:14] Response: 220- On This Site: [16:56:14] Response: 220- /incoming Project File Upload

[16:56:14] Response: 220- * [16:56:14] Response: 220 [16:56:14] Command: USER anonymous [16:56:15] Response: 331 Please specify the password. [16:56:15] Command: PASS [16:56:15] Response: 230 Login successful. [16:56:15] Command: SYST [16:56:16] Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 [16:56:16] Command: FEAT [16:56:16] Response: 211-Features: [16:56:16] Response: EPRT [16:56:16] Response: EPSV [16:56:16] Response: MDTM [16:56:16] Response: PASV [16:56:16] Response: REST STREAM [16:56:16] Response: SIZE [16:56:16] Response: TVFS [16:56:16] Response: 211 End [16:56:16] Status: Connected [16:56:16] Status: Starting upload of D:\e\plugin-releases\easyeclipse-desktop-java-1.2.0.tar.gz [16:56:16] Command: PWD [16:56:17] Response: 257 "/" [16:56:17] Command: CWD /incoming/ [16:56:17] Response: 250 Directory successfully changed. [16:56:17] Command: PWD [16:56:17] Response: 257 "/incoming" [16:56:17] Command: TYPE A [16:56:17] Response: 200 Switching to ASCII mode. [16:56:17] Command: PASV [16:56:18] Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,35,250,221,233,53) [16:56:18] Command: LIST [16:56:18] Response: 150 Here comes the directory listing. [16:56:18] Response: 226 Transfer done (but failed to open directory). [16:56:18] Command: TYPE I [16:56:19] Response: 200 Switching to Binary mode. [16:56:19] Command: PASV [16:56:19] Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,35,250,221,230,167) [16:56:19] Command: STOR easyeclipse-desktop-java-1.2.0.tar.gz [16:56:19] Response: 553 Could not create file. [16:56:19] Error: Upload failed [16:56:50] Status: Disconnected from server

#1135 Color choice makes it hard to see status Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years

In the progress bars that appear when uploading/downloading, it appears that the windows "highlight" color is used for the bar itself.

The percent (as text) seems to be using the windows foreground color. When the highlight passes over the text, the text seems to to white.

The problem with this is that if the user uses a light color for the highlight, it becomes difficult (if not impossible) to see the text.

Ideally, if the highlight color is used for the bar, then the Windows foreground color should be used as the text. (The idea here is the user will have already picked colors that have good contrast.)

The rule here should be that if using a color from the windows scheme for one part of a control, then windows colors should be used consistantly throughout the rest of the control.

#1138 Limit local ports Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

We have setup FileZilla to limit the locat ports from 3000 to 3010.

We are invoking the upload from the command line.

filezilla -u "c:\download\db2_full.ftm" UserID:Password@IPAddress:990/QSYS.LIB/TESTPRFIL.LIB/M ON5099PF.FILE -t M20060623.MBR -overwrite

One time the transfer will work correctly the next time it will first fail to connect and on the second attempt it will connect correctly.

Sample Log file: Status: Connecting to ... Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5140): m_pSslLayer changed state from 0 to 1 caller=0x003b8174 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5140): m_pSslLayer changed state from 1 to 2 caller=0x003b8174 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5140): m_pSslLayer changed state from 2 to 6 caller=0x003b8174 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(990): OnConnect(10048) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003b8174 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1129): DoClose(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003b8174 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3975): ResetOperation (4100) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003b8174 Error: Unable to connect! Status: Connecting to ... Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5140): m_pSslLayer changed state from 0 to 1 caller=0x003b8174 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5140): m_pSslLayer changed state from 1 to 2 caller=0x003b8174 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(5140): m_pSslLayer changed state from 2 to 4 caller=0x003b8174 Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(990): OnConnect(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003b8174 Status: Connected with, negotiating SSL connection... Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server hello A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server certificate A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read server done A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write client key exchange A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write change cipher spec A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 write finished A Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 flush data Trace: SSL_connect: SSLv3 read finished A Trace: Using TLSv1, cipher TLSv1/SSLv3: RC4-MD5, 1024 bit RSA Status: SSL connection established. Waiting for welcome message... Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(812): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003b8174 Response: 220-QTCP at CARSTEST. Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(812): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=-1 caller=0x003b8174 Response: 220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes. Command: USER mnmcrftp Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(812): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=0 caller=0x003b8174 Response: 331 Enter password. Command: PASS Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(812): OnReceive(0) OpMode=1 OpState=3 caller=0x003b8174 Response: 230 MNMCRFTP logged on.

Any help resolving this issue would be appreciated.

#1139 Transfer queue shows stuff of underlying applications Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

As you can see on the attached screenshot, the content of the underlying application is shown in FZ's transfer queue.

This *only* happened to me, after I changed the transfer queue's column-width, switched to another application and then back to FZ.

If you don't know what I mean, look at the screenshot, for example above the red-slashed letters. ;)

#1156 Remote window wrong Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

Version 2.2.26a on Win XP Pro SP2 connecting to Solaris 9 via SFTP

When I connect to different sites toggles the remote window during download to the content of the previous site (looks like cached). To get the original content I need to reload the remote window.

e.g. 1st site --> remote window: ABC download ABC 2nd site --> remote window: XYZ download XYZ, remote window displays ABC.

I can only use SFTP, hence not tested with "normal" FTP.

#1164 FileType displayed incorrectly for VMS Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

Connecting to a VMS server, the FileType for a jpg is shown as jpg;1 File

This is a concatenation of the file type and file version number. If there is more than one version of the same file, the FileType is shown as jpg;2 File, or jpg;3 File etc. This applies to all file types other than directories.

#1185 Queue won't allow scrolling while active Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years

When the queue is actively transferring, it resets the queue list scroll position to the top every time it starts a new file.

The effect is that if a large set of small files are trasferring, it's nearly impossible to scroll down through the queue while it's active.

I don't see any reason for this behaviour -- it's probably just a default (correct me if I'm wrong).

#1186 I can't get file listing when filename has space char Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 18 years

I am using FileZilla 2.2.28.

I can't get file listing when filename of some files has space char in the listing directory. Does any met this problem?

#1188 Error in Transfer queue Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 16 years

For the last three versions I have had a problem with the transfer queue. I was hoping someone else would have had the problem and it would have gotten fixed...

I finally figured out how and why but not how many. It only seems to show up when it transfer any where from 50+ plus files doesn't seem to matter about the size. But if the server connection seems to hiccup it will start piling up the transfers usually I do 10 at a time. Until all ten transfer spots are full or if the last 1-5 are left then somtimes I can pause them and resume. But most of the time I can't pause or abort. And then it hangs then I get the pop up error message to email you. So that is what it is doing.

Sometimes I can diconnect and that will release them or I have to shut it down and then sometimes they are still in the queue and can reprocess them. Or it really hangs and I have to use the task manager to stop it.


#1189 Transfers only first 8192 bytes. Alexander Schuch normal 18 years 17 years

FileZilla transfers only first 8192 bytes. The progress bar is stuck and does not progress (shows 32% in this case). No errors are generated or reported. Tiny files (I am assuming < 8192 bytes) transfer just fine. I am using SFTP port 22.

  • this used to work but stopped working few weeks ago
  • the issue is experienced with only one server. I don’t have this issue with other servers
  • I have attempted to downgrade to various versions down to 15 with the same results.
  • I have uninstalled FileZilla and installed an old version 15 with the same results
  • I have installed 3.0.0-beta2 and it works just fine

I am assuming that v.2.2.xx is using some PC resources that are corrupted and even reinstallation does not fix the issue.

--log from FileZilla v2.2.15 (29 generates the same log)----------------------------------- Command: CONNECT FTPxxxxxxx@…:22 Response: Remote working directory is /Customer/FTPxxxxxxx Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxxx\My Documents\xxx\from Release Archive\xxxxxxxxx\install\xxxx.jar Command: CD /Customer/FTPxxxxxxx/Adapters/xxxxxxxxx/install/ Response: Remote working directory is now /Customer/FTPxxxxxxx/Adapters/xxxxxxxxx/install/ Command: PUT xxxx.jar C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxxx\My Documents\xxx\from Release Archive\xxxxxxxxx\install\xxxx.jar FALSE Response: Uploading C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxxx\My Documents\xxx\from Release Archive\xxxxxxxxx\install\xxxx.jar to xxxx.jar

#1198 Unable to set no default site once it is set Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

The use of radio buttons in the default site area prevents "unchecking" the feature. Unless I missed something, the only way to undo this is to edit the setting in the XML file/registry or create a fake site, set it as the default, and delete it.

Preferred fix would be to replace radio buttons with check boxes.

#1212 Can't add speed limit rule Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 12 years

When I attempt to add new speed limit rule I've got "An unsuported operation was attempted". I'm using FileZilla 2.2.30 on windows XP SP2.


#1218 FTPS+HTTPPROXY=does not work! Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 10 years

Client error: FTPS+HTTPPROXY=does not work!

Server: 0.9.22b Client: 2.2.30 Proxy server: any Connection type: FTP over SSL/TLS (implict encryption) + HTTP 1.1 PROXY

These bugs are only with Filezilla client+FTPS+HTTPPROXY. If you use connection at Cuteftp8.0+FTPS+HTTPPROXY or FilezillaClient+FTP+HTTPPROXY, it works. So the problem is with Filezilla client v FTPS+PASV.

=====BUG#1===== Depending on the files in directory, for example, when directory is empty, a client can or can not display the contents of the directory.

CLIENT ERROR LOG FOR "DIR C:\1": [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"/","1",9) OpMode=0 OpState=-1 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Status: Retrieving directory listing... [04:05:36] Command: CWD / [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=1 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Response: 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory. [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=1 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Command: PWD [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=2 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Response: 257 "/" is current directory. [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=2 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Command: CWD 1 [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=3 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Response: 250 CWD successful. "/1" is current directory. [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=3 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Command: PWD [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=4 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Response: 257 "/1" is current directory. [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=4 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Command: TYPE A [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=8 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Response: 200 Type set to A [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=8 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Command: PASV [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1137): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 0 to 1 caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,11,2,131,4,80) [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=7 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(558): SetActive() caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Command: LIST [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1137): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 1 to 2 caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1137): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 2 to 4 caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Response: 150 Connection accepted [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(FALSE,0,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=9 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(446): OnConnect(0) caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1139): m_pSslLayer changed state from 0 to 4 caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1139): m_pSslLayer changed state from 4 to 6 caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(518): OnClose(10053) caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1969): TransferEnd(68) OpMode=4 OpState=10 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1213): List(TRUE,64,"","",0) OpMode=4 OpState=10 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(96): ~CTransferSocket() caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x00b69a94 [04:05:36] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3988): ResetOperation(4) OpMode=4 OpState=10 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:36] Error: Could not retrieve directory listing [04:05:37] Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=0 OpState=-1 caller=0x003bae74 [04:05:37] Response: 226 Transfer OK

SERVER LOG (ALWAYS THE SAME): (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> CWD 1 (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> 250 CWD successful. "/1" is current directory. (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> PWD (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> 257 "/1" is current directory. (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> TYPE A (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> 200 Type set to A (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> PASV (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,11,2,131,4,148) (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> LIST (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> 150 Connection accepted (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> SSL connection for data connection established (000010) 1/15/2007 4:20:57 AM - 1 (> 226 Transfer OK

=====BUG#2===== Uploaded files are of 4096 size, and files that are less than 4096 in size can not be uploaded to the server.

CLIENT ERROR LOG (uploading 1.txt 4 byles long): Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(16843424, FALSE, 0) OpMode=0 OpState=-1 caller=0x0039b1fc Status: Starting upload of C:\2\1.txt Command: TYPE A Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=40 OpState=13 caller=0x0039b1fc Response: 200 Type set to A Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(0, FALSE, 0) OpMode=40 OpState=13 caller=0x0039b1fc Command: PASV Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=40 OpState=17 caller=0x0039b1fc Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,4,207) Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(0, FALSE, 0) OpMode=40 OpState=17 caller=0x0039b1fc Command: STOR 1.txt Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1137): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 0 to 1 caller=0x003995ec Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1137): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 1 to 2 caller=0x003995ec Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1137): m_pProxyLayer changed state from 2 to 4 caller=0x003995ec Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(823): OnReceive(0) OpMode=40 OpState=18 caller=0x0039b1fc Response: 150 Connection accepted Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(0, FALSE, 0) OpMode=40 OpState=18 caller=0x0039b1fc Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(558): SetActive() caller=0x003995ec Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(446): OnConnect(0) caller=0x003995ec Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1139): m_pSslLayer changed state from 0 to 2 caller=0x003995ec Command: REST 0 Response: 350 Rest supported. Restarting at 0 Status: Disconnected from server Error: Timeout detected! Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x003995ec Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1969): TransferEnd(168) OpMode=40 OpState=19 caller=0x0039b1fc Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(2004): FileTransfer(0, TRUE, 128) OpMode=40 OpState=19 caller=0x0039b1fc Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(1140): DoClose(0) OpMode=40 OpState=19 caller=0x0039b1fc Trace: FtpControlSocket.cpp(3988): ResetOperation(4100) OpMode=40 OpState=19 caller=0x0039b1fc Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(96): ~CTransferSocket() caller=0x003995ec Trace: TransferSocket.cpp(1125): Close() caller=0x003995ec Error: Upload failed

Please fix it asap. Thank you!

#1219 Filezilla u3 passwords deleted Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 16 years


first thank you for this great tool.

But filezilla shocked me today. I installed it a few month ago on my usb flashdrive in the u3 environment (I used it before on my harddisks for month ;) ).

It worked fine nearly 3 month, but today filezilla deleted all passwords out of the xml file.

On the client i used, filezilla was additionally installed in secure mode (Reg Keys exist).

But the filezilla on my flashdrive wasn't installed in secure mode...

why filezilla doesn't asked before deleting all the passwords out of the xml file, after starting it from the u3 launchapd?



PS: Version 2.2.22

#1222 Cannot upload entire folder/directory to remote server Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 16 years

I've used FileZilla for a while now and have never experienced anything like this. FileZilla will allow me to connect to my remote server just fine, it will allow me to transfer files (txt, html, php, gif, jpg, etc) over to my remote server just fine, but when I try to grab a whole folder/directory it does nothing. I used to be able to just grab say and "images" folder with lets say 10 images files inside the folder from my local machine, drag the whole folder over and that's it. Now when I try to do this very same thing it's like FileZilla doesn't even recognize that I'm doing anything. It doesn't come up and tell me that anything is processing, or going through, just sits there.

I just reinstalled a clean copy of windows (fully patched and updated) on my machine today because of this problem (thinking it had to be something with my machine) and that did not solve it either. I AM using the newest version of FileZilla.

I also have FileZilla in passive mode too.

I would really appreciate any assistance I can get with this!

#1223 Interface settings saved wrong if 'Message Log' disabled Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 16 years

In 2.2.30:

If the message log is turned off, the gui positioning isn't saved properly - the queue gets pumped up out of proportion.

This happens with both Startup settings set to 'always use the following configuration below' with message log turned off there, and also if set to 'remember last used configuration' and message log turned off by the gui icon.

#1225 Sended files over FTP SSL with SOCKS proxy are corrupted Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 16 years

FileZilla 2.2.30 Activated proxy : SOCKS v5 Server type : FTP over SSL/TLS (implicit encryption) Transfer type : auto Passive mode

Sended files over a FTP SSL connection with a SOCKS proxy are corrupted.

The connection and the SSL/TLS negotiation are ok. The upload to the server seems to be ok in the logs but actually the sended files are corrupted. Tested with several SOCKS proxies. No such issue without proxy or with an external SOCKS client (tested with Hummingbird). Seems also to be ok when only downloading (retrieving) files from the FTPS server.

(Session logs attached)

#1230 Colon in directory name not replaced Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

When transfering a directory structure from an FTP sever which supports colons (:) in file and directory names to a Windows system, the colon in file names get replaced by a _, but colons in directory names do NOT get replaced, resulting in the error "Could not open the local file <filename>" and "Download failed" when trying to transfer.

#1248 Renaming file during upload renames wrong file Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years


Let's say you have file a.php, b.php and c.php. You upload a new copy of a.php to a server. If you rename c.php to c2.php while the upload is waiting to begin (or possibly taking place), b.php (the file above it) will get rename to c2.php instead once the transfer completes. c.php will still exist.

Great program, keep up the great work!

Regards, Jeff Wickenheiser

#1255 Folder name with a leading or following space Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

I am using version 2.2.31 It is possible to create a foldername with a leading or following space (ASCII character 0x20), but afterward all other commands do not work with it. Here a log of the operation.

Command: CWD /hrs_italy/From_HRS_NA/ Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: MKD New folder Response: 257 "/hrs_italy/From_HRS_NA/New folder " - Directory successfully created Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: CWD New folder Response: 550 New folder: No such file or directory Error: Could not retrieve directory listing Command: PWD Response: 257 "/hrs_italy/From_HRS_NA" is current directory. Command: CWD New folder Response: 550 New folder: No such file or directory

#1258 Transfer queue window Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

I noticed a display problem, very minor, in the transfer queue window. When there is a file transfer in process, there is a line a few pixels high not being refreshed correctly. It reflects whatever was behind FileZilla at that moment. However it is only seen when a file transfer is occurring. The queue windows redraws correctly when there isn't a file transfer. I notice this since my FTP's can run for hours.

#1272 HTTP Proxy authentication Base64 extra = Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 16 years

When logging to my HTTP Proxy Filezilla send Base64 encoded user:pass with an extra '=' character at the end. This is not supported by my company proxy and doesn't seem to be required by base64 standard.

here is a sample of what is sent by firefox and what is sent by filezilla

firefox: Proxy-Authorization: Basic xmVdaXNyOnNUdi0wGmNxanZk

filezilla: Authorization: Basic xmVdaXNyOnNUdi0wGmNxanZk= Proxy-Authorization: Basic xmVdaXNyOnNUdi0wGmNxanZk=

#1279 different sorting in tree and file view Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

The sorting algorithm in the (remote) tree view seems to differ from the algorithm in the (remote) file view underneath. On one hand (german) vowel mutations are grouped amongst the classic vowels but on the other hand they are listed at the end.

#1282 Timezone issue Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

I checked and found a bug entered from 2005. (didn't seem to have any answer) However, I am suffering today.

Client is XP PRO. Connecting to a Linux box (Linux 2.6.9-55.0.2.EL)

When I connect the times are +4 hours off. So it reads in FileZilla as 13:08 instead of 09:08. I set the time zone offset (TimeZoneOffset="-4" ) accordingly and the times are ok.

The Linux timezone is EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) - correct. Double checked the time and it is fine. When I drop a file onto my Linux box via FileZilla the FILE TIME is correct.

Current FileZilla is 2.2.32.

Very odd. Points to a "how is Filezilla determining the proper time zones?" question.

I dropped a file into another site and sure enough the time was wrong (compared to what my time zone is). The only issue is I have no control of that box so I am unsure what timezone it is in nor it's settings.

thanks belly

#1288 Filezilla 2.2.20 introduced a USER32.DLL bug on Win95OSR2 Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years


I cannot run any Filezilla on Windows 95 since 2.2.20 to cuurent version. I tracked down he last working version was 2.2.19a. After installing bugzilla and attempting to execute it I get a popup error message:

C:\Program Files/Filezilla/Filezilla.exe The device connected to tthe system does not work.

(sorry, the actual message is not in English so I have to translate that).

A second popup window contains:

Error during program execution File FILEZILLA.EXE is connected/linked to USER32.DLL:EndMenu

Maybe the second message gives you some clue. Thanks. Martin

#1307 exporting settings Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

I could not transfer settings from the old version to the newer version

#1318 Queue inverse file sort order Alexander Schuch low 17 years 10 years

Bug is exists in Filezilla version -

If you put into queue whole directory from FTP server then files are added in inverse filename order. For example: Server directory My_dir have files like: My_name01.xx My_name02.xx My_name03.xx ... My_name12.xx

And if you put whole directory to queue (not by select all files and put to queue, but goto parent directory and insert into queue directory My_dir) then files in queue are in order: My_dir\My_name12.xx My_dir\My_name11.xx ... My_dir\My_name02.xx My_dir\My_name01.xx

This is minor bug only but I prefer to have files in filename ascending order.

Or the best solution - user sorting type from Remote list window. Or make sorting type in this case configurable (by name, time of creation, modification etc.) in Filezilla configuration.

#1322 Resume visual bug Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

Resume causes percentage bar reaches 100% so fast, even upload is not finished

#1326 error in deleting folder Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 16 years

Filezilla dont delete empty folder. Filezilla crash when deleting file recursively.

#1362 filezilla cannot open Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 16 years

hi.. i want to report a bug, is filezilla cannot open ftp at i'm using filezilla 3.0.6. i can open it using other ftp programs.. but not with filezilla, it's always stuck at the command : LIST and after waiting for several times it got disconnected..

here's the command execution list


Status: Resolving IP-Address for Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-FTP server ready. Response: 220 This is a private system - No anonymous login Command: USER leonlanford@… Response: 331 User leonlanford@… OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 230-User leonlanford@… has group access to: ftp Response: 230-You must respect a 1000000:1 (UL/DL) ratio Response: 230-OK. Current restricted directory is / Response: 230-1 files used (1%) - authorized: 100 files Response: 230 0 Kbytes used (0%) - authorized: 1048576 Kb Command: SYST Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Command: FEAT Response: 211-Extensions supported: Response: EPRT Response: IDLE Response: MDTM Response: SIZE Response: REST STREAM Response: MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*; Response: MLSD Response: ESTP Response: PASV Response: EPSV Response: SPSV Response: ESTA Response: AUTH TLS Response: PBSZ Response: PROT Response: UTF8 Response: 211 End. Command: OPTS UTF8 ON Response: 200 OK, UTF-8 enabled Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is your current location Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (205,252,24,146,118,252) Command: LIST Error: Disconnected from server Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing


i've tried using 3.07-rc1 but still doesn't work..


#1364 File listing refreshes not occuring at logical times Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 16 years

FZ is not doing refreshes on the file listing listboxes, and is hence reporting incorrect file sizes.

F5 corrects this like expected but on transfers file details are not being updated.

#1385 An unhandled win32 exception occurred in filezilla.exe Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 10 years

I connected an FTPS server(port 990), and then closed filezilla. After filezilla UI hided, an dialog shown: "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in filezilla.exe [3480]." with title "Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger".

My OS is Windows XP with SP2. I installed Visual Studio 2005.

with FTP, all is OK. with FTPS, the exception is occurred.

#1396 Failed to upload file Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 10 years

There is a ftp proxy between filezilla and ftp server. The ftp proxy caches data and do virus scanning before transmit it. Use filezilla to upload a big file, filezilla failed:

状态: 连接到 状态: 连接建立,等待欢迎消息... 返回: 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.4 for WinSock ready... 命令: USER test 返回: 331 User name okay, need password. 命令: PASS 返回: 230 User logged in, proceed. 状态: 已连接 状态: 开始上传 C:\ftp test\A1000- 命令: CWD /2009/ 返回: 250 Directory changed to /2009 命令: PWD 返回: 257 "/2009" is current directory. 命令: TYPE I 返回: 200 Type set to I. 命令: PASV 返回: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,10,43,18,200) 命令: STOR A1000- 返回: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for A1000- 返回: 226-transferring data... 返回: 226-transferring data... 返回: 226-transferring data... 错误: 已从服务器断开

The ftp proxy sending "226-transferring data..." to ftp client while doing virus scanning to avoid ftp timeout.

Without these resonse, cuteftp and leadftp will timeout, and can work well with these response. But filezilla failed. Disable filezilla timeout, filezilla failed, too. It seems filezilla can't recognize these response correctly.

#1409 Minor Bug While Uploading. Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 16 years

While uploading a large number of files the Remote Site: says <Not connected to any server> when in fact it is connected.

#1422 <Not connected to any server> Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 16 years

I am using Filezilla 3.1.0. Whenever I either upload files from my PC to my FTP server or download files from my FTP server to my PC, the remote site info "Filename, Filesize, Filetype, etc will disappear and the message <Not connected to any server> appears where the files should be. This message happens when I get about 1/2 of the files transferred. I am transferring about 900+ files at a time. The files transfer OK even though I get the message because I am still connected to the remote FTP server.

#1431 Files changed uploaded to wrong directory Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 16 years

Steps to duplicate.

  1. Upload directory of files
  2. Edit local file

Filezilla will know the file has been changed and offer to reupload the file. File is uploaded into a directory underneath of the directory uploaded.

View/edit remote file, editing, uploads correctly.

#1432 Local site file tree not displayed Alexander Schuch normal 16 years 16 years

Using and the previous version, when clicking the drives in the Local Site pane nothing appears in the files pane below except for the parent folder (..) link.

When clicking the drive for the first time the + sign disappears and stays gone for the session.

This worked OK on my system previously. Win XP Home, SP3

#3242 Colons in file names not replaced Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

With version 3.0.0:

Downloading files with colons in their names from environments that allow such things to an environment like windows that does not results in unexpected behavior.

Reproduce: Have four files named '4:30.jpg' through '4:33.jpg', and try transferring them to a Windows machine. The result will be a single empty file with name '4'.

#3248 Filezilla 3 disconnecting every 2 minutes! Alexander Schuch normal 17 years 17 years

Windows vista, filezilla 3 is disconnecting every 30 seconds. I've tried changing settings, it wont keep a connection.

Filezilla 2 did not have this problem for me.

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