Custom Query (2164 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 2164)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#10601 Client - Option to inherit local permissions on downloaded files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

The client should have the option of inheriting local permission instead of preserving remote permissions on files downloaded from remote servers.

#10616 File transfert: yes/no overwrite or copied. How to know? new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When we transfert files and some files are existing in the target, we can choise to overwrite or not if the source/target is more recent. But in the log window, we only know if the transfert is ok/ko, but we don't know what it did: replace or not ?

I suggest to add a column like :

  • "copy" if the target is missing
  • "replace" if the target is replaced
  • "keep" if the file exist and it is not replaced

Thanks, Ruben

#10637 Download/Upload Green Progress Bar in Taskbar new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hi FileZilla Devs, I would like to propose adding a status bar in the taskbar for Windows. Some programs such as Movie Maker, File Explorer, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome etc. have a green status bar that shows file transfer completion or download completion. It should be fairly easy to implement, you can look at the documentation here: And you may want to look at SetProgressValue. I would find this feature extremely beneficial and don't think it would be very hard to implement.

#10643 Add a keyboard shortcut for the "Reset and requeue" option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As stated in the summary -- in my humble opinion this might improve the user experience for some people. Personally, I may have to re-upload or re-download files after small changes have been made to them, so the "Reset and requeue selected files" command is something I use very often.

#10648 Set maximum simultaneous transfers per-server rather than globally new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Currently, one can define the max transfers globally as well as max up and max down. A powerful addition would be to also define them on a per-sever basis. Use case: I want to download from server A and from server B. I have 100 files in queue from server A and I want to both transfers to run in parallel. Currently, I cannot do this without manually prioritization.

#10651 Use temporary directory to save updates new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It seems counter-productive to store automatically downloaded updates in one of the user's profile directories when in most cases it will be installed at launch anyway. I propose storing the downloaded files in a temporary directory and automatically cleaning them up when the update is run. This could also be made optional.

I, for example, use my Downloads directory to store permanent files rather than temporary downloads, and I find it somewhat annoying to go in there after a while and find one or more update files that I did not choose to download or place there, especially if I have to delete them myself.

#10653 Yes/No buttons to low for text inside new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Open Site manager and delete a post. The dialog that appears have Yes and No buttons. But part of the text is cut off.

Tested in Debian with GNOME.

#10660 Press [Enter] to connect to site new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When I press Command-S after I start FileZilla and get the site manager the first site is highlighted. It would be nice to be able to connect to that site with [Enter]. I personally only connect to one site but I imagine other people might want to be able to select between sites with the up-down cursors then connect with enter.

The funny thing is that this I remember being able to connect with enter in previous versions of filezilla.

#10666 Navigating with Backspace needs improvement new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  • Remote Site
  • Enter a sub-directory
  • Go back with Backspace key


  • Last directory is selected, but inactive (not blue)
  • It's not possible to press Enter to go into that directory again
  • It's not possible to press Space to "activate" the directory
  • You have to use Cursor Up and Down to then be able to use Enter again

Possible solution:

  • After going back, the directory where you came from should not only be selected, but also activated

Filezilla-Version: 3.14.0

#10667 Impractical behaviour of directory tree new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  • Remote Site > Tree
  • Have a directory with multiple sub-dirs
  • Select the last one and delete it


  • The parent directory is focused afterwards
  • This makes it impractical to delete multiple sub-dirs as you have to reposition the selection first

Possible solution:

  • After deleting one directory, the directory next to it (before) should be selected, not the parent dir

Filezilla-Version: 3.14.0

#10671 --version, --help result in non-zero exit code new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On an up-to-date Arch Linux I get the following warning and return code. I don't know whether they are related, but *nix tools generally return exit code zero when just getting their version.

$ filezilla --version
Reading locale option from /home/victor/.filezilla/filezilla.xml
08:20:41: Warning: Mismatch between the program and library build versions detected.
The library used 3.0 (wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1008,wx containers,compatible with 2.8),
and your program used 3.0 (wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1009,wx containers,compatible with 2.8).
FileZilla 3.14.0, compiled on 2015-09-18
$ echo $?
#10672 --version, --help shouldn't need GTK+ new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

To reproduce:

[vagrant@archlinux ~]$ filezilla --version
Reading locale option from /home/vagrant/.config/filezilla/filezilla.xml
05:28:19: Warning: Mismatch between the program and library build versions detected.
The library used 3.0 (wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1008,wx containers,compatible with 2.8),
and your program used 3.0 (wchar_t,compiler with C++ ABI 1009,wx containers,compatible with 2.8).
05:28:19: Error: Unable to initialize GTK+, is DISPLAY set properly?
[vagrant@archlinux ~]$ echo $?
#10676 Site manager displayed when connecting from command line new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

User interface behavior is inconsistent. If I set "Show the Site Manager at startup" option and connect to site from command line, the site is automatically connected and the Site Manager is displayed, where it should not be.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. set "Show the Site Manager at startup" in options.
  2. connect to site through command line filezilla --site="0/my site


  1. the connection to the site is established upon startup
  2. Site Manager is shown upon startup << should not happen

Solution: ignore "Show the Site Manager at startup" setting if --site command line parameter is used.

#10687 Option to disable the greeting menu new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Always if an upgrade to a new version is done FileZilla does show on the next start its greeting menu. Maybe there could be an option to disable this menu.

#10695 in Site Manager, can't search for site beginning with repeated letter reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

on Linux (at least) when FileZilla is compiled against GTK3 (at least), searching the sites listed in Site Manager by typing the beginning of the site name does not work if the site name begins with a repeated letter. (presumably this affects repeated letters mid-string, too.)

Let's say your site list consists of the following (and you start with "aa" selected): aa sa sb sc sd ssabcdefg sz

if you type "ssa" the result SHOULD be selecting "ssabcdefg", but instead it lands on "sa" ...

more specfically, when you type the first "s", the highlight moves to "sa" (as it should); when you type the second "s", the highlight moves to "sb" (the next entry starting with "s", rather than the entry starting with "ss"); and then when you type the "a", the highlight moves back to "sa". it seems that the search function ignores repeated letters :-(

Yes, this happens regardless of how quickly you type "ssa".

I am pretty sure this worked correctly in the past (specifically, I believe it worked correctly in Fedora 20, the last time FileZilla was compiled against GTK2 in that distro).

The search functionality is important when the site list includes hundreds.

#10705 Edited File Visual Indications and Context Menu Unedit option new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be helpful if we could enable some sort of visual styling or cues (e.g., pencil icon indicator) for files in the local pane being edited.

Additionally, it would be very helpful to have an Unedit option on the context menu for the local pane for files being edited. (Just grey out the menu option if not being edited.)

Much thanks for all your efforts on this invaluable FTP tool.

#10709 FileZilla Client: Uploaded Files Not Appearing in Remote Site Window new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

First, here are my specs:

FileZilla version: 3.14.1 Operating System: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1) Platform: 64-bit system

I'm noticing an interesting issue that I believe may be a bug.

When I attempt to upload a file, or several files, to the server where the website is located, the files will not appear in the Remote Site window.

At first, I thought that I had done something incorrect, so I just tried to upload a single file. Interestingly, when I did that, the file briefly appeared in the Remote site window, then disappeared. I tried it several times with that file and it repeated: the file would appear briefly in the Remote Site window, then disappear.

If I log into my cPanel on the server and view the files, that file, and the others that are not appearing in the Remote Site window within FileZilla, are indeed there. For some reason they are not appearing in the FileZilla Remote Site window.

I don't know if it makes a difference, but the files are .jpg image files.

If you need additional information, please let me know.

Thank you.

#10712 filezilla client not falling back to IPv4 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

sftp connection, host has both IPv4 and IPv6. When service on IPv6 is not reachable, filezilla does not attempt to connect via IPv4.

#10717 FileZilla Client 3.14.1 - Edit of remote file it's not changed locally.... inside for more info... new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

From this last version i thinks it's been appared a little bug... i try to explain: I have a remote mini-pc (a Raspberry Pi2 whit osmc) on my lan have an ip sometime i need to edit some text config file on here (config.txt or check some log file etc etc). I use Notepad++ for internal editor...... i ever used it for editor and it's ever working.... for example: If i open the .log files the files it's been dowloaded in local temp file and after it's been opened on notepad++ like "on the fly" right ? If the log file it's been upgraded from Raspberry on Notepad++ this changed it's never been applied.... i need every time to re-download manually and reload manually. While in some older versions every about i re-open notepad++ if the file it's changed i obtain a pop-up suggest to me to re-load because the files it's changed locally and remotly...

On this last version this no more append.... I don't really know if it's a bug of filezilla. I have already ask on Notepad++ forum and somethings as say to me it's not a notepad++ bug..... at this point i try to ask here :)

#10724 desktop entry file: add key MimeType new Patch normal FileZilla Client

It would be good if the desktop entry file of FileZilla Client provided key "MimeType".

I don't know whether MIME Types for protocols other than FTP are defined and/or make sense but "x-scheme-handler/ftp" should sure be covered for a start which is what the attached patch does.

#10725 Provide Filezilla in Windows Store new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

It would be extremely convenient to find FileZilla in Windows Store so that installing & updating could be done directly via the Store. I'd even pay some $ for it!

#10733 Ability to change tab title format new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Right now, a tab's title is set to the bookmark name plus the connection string with user@host. I name all of my bookmarks as "hostname: ip (user)" so that from the bookmark menu, I can see everything relevant. Unfortunately, most of that information is duplicated in the tab's title, making the tabs very wide.

Please consider allowing the end user to choose the format in which a tab's title is displayed.

#10735 filezilla undefined symbol: _ZN2fz13local_filesys14path_separatorE moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

The latest filezilla, libfilezilla and WXwidgets for Ubuntu 14.04 Updating '.': At revision 7291. /home/johns/Compile/filezilla/compile

filezilla: symbol lookup error: ./src/interface/filezilla: undefined symbol: _ZN2fz13local_filesys14path_separatorE

This started quite a few updates ago. I searched for the symbol using gdb and can't find it. I suspect either libfilezilla or WXwidgets but haven't searched those yet. I have updated WXwidgets, libfilezilla and filezilla. Ubuntu 14.04 is also current with all updates.

This is probably something simple I'm missing, but I don't know what it is.

Yes, I tried the forums, but there is no such issue. The forums also are quite adamant about refusing me to register with a google E-Mail address. I am NOT going to change my E-Mail. If necessary I'll use the much older filezilla from my distribution.

#10737 “” is damaged and can’t be opened. reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I try to start FileZilla 3.15 I get the following error:

“” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

OS: OSX 10.11.3

➜ ~ shasum -a 256 Downloads/ 05372ae7f8e88bcb7a9514a288ca2afbab25960fb538278c6c75b606ad8cc2ff Downloads/

I've downloaded the file multiple times from different sources, result is the same.

#10739 icon new Bug report low FileZilla Client

taskbar icon shows up twice when min to tray is on.

#10743 Site manager scroll wheel new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In the quick selection site manager does not work scroll wheel.

#10744 filezilla not working after update(FileZilla_3.15.0.1) moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 1 of 150 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 16:46. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 5 minutes of inactivity. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

#10748 False warning “Target file already exists” new Feature request low FileZilla Client

I appreciate there would be considerable overhead in continually refreshing the display of the remote system so I’m not asking for that. However, I think it would be beneficial to automatically refresh the details of any files(s) about to be uploaded. Allow me to explain.

I upload FRED.TXT to a Linux server. On that server I discover a problem so I delete FRED.TXT from the remote system. Having locally modified FRED.TXT I attempt to upload the revised file, which produces a warning: “Target file already exists” even though it doesn’t.

Of course, if I had clicked the icon for “Refresh the file and folder lists” this message would not appear.

My question is as follows: can FileZilla automatically check to see if FRED.TXT still exists on the remote system?

#10753 Recent update moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi Guys

Following the recent update Filezilla now drops out after about 10mins even though I'm using to constantly. Any thoughts please?

#10756 since update FileZilla_3.15.0.2_win64-setup moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Since I have updated to latest version I am constantly getting corrupt .rar files. Seems to hang at end of file, I let it run it's course and finally finishes then when I extract I get a corrupt file. I do not get this using any other client and I know my sources to be good. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit 8core 4 ghz AMD FX Black series CPU 16GB Vengence DDR3 RAM 1066 (shows in MSI suite) Also since FileZilla_3.15.0_win64-setup (I apologize I did not search database for this bug)now seems to hang after downloading a release within 5 minutes it won't refresh directory. Times our and reconnects.

#10757 OSX Filename Filters toggle key not working new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On the Filename Filters menu, it says "Hold the shift key to toggle the filter state on both sides simultaneously," and this does not seem to be true.

I've tried shift, control, alt, option. command, and combinations of those together, and cannot get a simultaneous toggle to work.

#10760 Windows installer in other languages new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would like to see the FileZilla client windows installer in other languages. So i would like for it to be translateable so i can translate it.

#10761 Nightly Windows installer don't say its nightly new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I downloaded the nightly FileZilla client called FileZilla_3_setup.exe. But it seems both the filename and windows installer does not give any information that this is a nightly build.

Only after installation does it say. So people might install it thinking its a stable version.

So maybe add "nightly" both to the filename and in the windows installer so people can know.

#10766 password distorted when XML transfer between different OS moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I create xml output on windows pc and transfer my another work pc (ubuntu 14.04), and start problem right here :)

if my password just numeric or string or alpaNumeric, is fine, not problem

but if my password contain any chracter, (* ~ % & etc) , then password not working after transfer.

I've tested many times. same result

#10771 Queue stalls while asking for confirmation new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Behaviour: I am transferring multiple files to the server. I have set up Filezilla to ask me if a file in the queue has the same name as a file already on the server (overwrite, overwrite if newer, etc.). Filezilla suspends the whole queue until I answer. For example, say I want to upload 100 files and there is a query about the 11th file in the queue. Until I answer, files 12 – 100 are not uploaded.

Wanted behaviour: Filezilla should continue to transfer the rest of the files in the background while waiting for my answer. Upload of files 12 – 100 shouldn't depend on the answer about file 11. If Filezilla encounters a second question later in the queue, it can simply ask a new instance of the question.

#10772 FileZilla closes when selecting files to edit new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Action after queue completion also works for when editing files. That means FileZilla closes when selecting files in FTP to edit.

How to reproduce the bug?

  1. Open FileZilla client and login to a FTP server.
  2. Download some files.
  3. Selection the option 'Close FileZilla' under After queue completion option.
  4. When all the files are downloaded the FileZilla will close automatically.
  1. Now open the FileZilla client again.
  2. This time select some php or txt files to edit.
  3. Now the FileZilla client will close automatically, because the already selected Close FileZilla still in effect.

Bug! The auto close FileZilla option should only work for uploads and downloads, not when editing files.

#10775 FileZilla Upload Speed Issue moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Hi, I have 20 MBPS Leased line conncetion, even then the upload speed in filezilla i am getting is 20 KB, why is this? in order to upload files to our servers it's now taking hours

For More info, file zilla details, is below: FileZilla Client

Version: 3.16.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Build date: 2016-02-29 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 4.9.1 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -g -std=gnu++14

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.3 GnuTLS: 3.4.9 SQLite: 3.10.2

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq Settings dir: C:\Users\srikanth.LOCAL\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#10776 Exclude Local Site from Speed Limits new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I would LIKE to set a max download speed because if I set it to unlimited then Filezilla will use all my download speed which means I can't browse the internet quickly, watch YouTube videos, etc.

I would LIKE to set the max download speed to 5.6 MB/s but I can't because I also use FTP to download videos from my satellite receiver and that would only download at 5.6 MB/s instead of 50 MB/s.

Could you please add the ability to exclude local connections from the speed limits? Or add a separate speed limit for local connections. Thanks

#10786 Case sensitive files = Failed transfer new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

FileZilla Client 3.16.0 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Downloading from proftpd server 1.3.5a

If in one remote folder there are two files named: test.jpg test.JPG One of the files will fail to download locally. Because Windows cannot work with case sensitive file names, maybe give an option for automatic rename/overwrite?

#10787 Separate Windows & Customizable Shortcuts new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I like the tabs feature for being connected to multiple servers, but I'd also like to be able to have separate windows for when I am connected to multiple servers (or even multiple locations on one server, staging vs. prod).

Similarly, it would be great to be able to break out the Transfer Queue & Message Log sections onto their own windows.

Also, I'd like to be able to add & customize my own shortcuts. A few examples are switching between bookmarks, quickly toggling the Synchronized Browser & Director Comparison options, and being able to upload/download files via a quick key (either a quick cast kind of thing, or an option could be that it brings up the dialog window).

These requested features would be awesome, and I'm sure it would speed up workflow for those who prefer key commands over the mouse.

Thanks for reading this!

#10788 Inserting FTP Url new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello, I love Filezilla but there is one "bug" which annoys me and is a real usability problem to me.

Sometimes I get FTP Urls like ftp://username:password@address:port/long/path/with/lots/of/slashes

I can paste them into the quick connect address bar and FileZilla connects fine. But when I want to save the new FTP credential I open the FTP Server Connect Manager and paste my URL there - this time FileZilla doesn't put the different parts of the URL in its corresponding input fields especially the username and the password are not take over.

This is very annoying as I have to select the username and password twice per mouse and copy and paste it in its fields.

It would be great to have FileZilla adding the username and password from URLs to the corresponding fields in the Server Manager.

Thank you for this great software, best Simon

#10790 Extremely Slow Connection and Queuing new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am currently using the most updated version of Filezilla, 3.16.1 downloaded from Filezilla. I've been using this FTP for years. When I first started using it, when I clicked on Connect it would connect almost instantly. Same as when I wanted to add 2 or 3 .torrents to the queue it would be done almost instantly.

Now a days the connecting is happening so slow, I've set my timer for 5 minutes to try and connect and to try 3 times and sometimes I still can't connect. Adding another .torrent to the queue takes so long that I go and do something else and then come back and try to add another. Is there a way to fix this?

#10791 Underscores on Mac OS X not recognized when typed to jump to another file or folder new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Example: I have a connection open and I have a listing of the files on the server, being shown via FTP via FileZilla.

If I click into that pane of the window that shows the file list, then start typing the name of a file or folder that contains an underscore it is not understood anymore.

FileZilla used to do that fine, now something has changed and I can't quickly jump down to a file/folder such as "this_file".

It will go to "this" but I can't get past the "_" (underscore).

FileZilla no longer recognizes an underscore in list view when using it to quickly change to a different file or folder.

Just to clarify: FileZilla does indeed correctly allow a user to edit a file/folder name and insert an underscore, but that's not what I'm talking about here.

#10794 FileZilla does not combine unicode characters new Bug report high FileZilla Client

On my Mac I noticed that when uploading files with german umlauts in their names to Linux or Windows servers, those filenames are not recognized the same as already existing ones with that same name. I end up having them duplicated, two files with seemlingsly the same name and a lot of encoding problems and troubles.

Cause of this seems to be that Mac filesystems save all unicode characters in decomposed state, while Windows and Linux use composed ones. FileZilla for Mac should abstract this by normalizing all unicode filenames to composed version on upload. The mac filesystem on the other hand does automatically decompose characters, so that shouldn't be a problem.

#10797 Deletion of Downloaded Update File new Feature request low FileZilla Client

After FileZilla Client does an update check (either automatically or manually) and determines that an update is needed, it downloads the update file to the %DOWNLOADS% folder. You can then choose to run the Update file and patch the Client software. It will close and reopen when completed. At this point though, the file that was downloaded is still in the %DOWNLOADS% directory. There is no benefit to leaving this file behind once the upgrade has taken place. Even if the upgrade fails, another copy can/will be downloaded if you allow the client software to initiate the update process for you. It would make for a cleaner installation to simply delete/purge the file instead of leaving it (and however many other copies of updates) in the Downloads folder, where some unsavvy PC users might never see them to delete them.

#10798 Description within installer executable and FileZilla executable new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Would it be possible to get a change made to the text within the fields of the executables? The change I'd recommend is to modify the FileZilla installer's Product Description to "Filezilla FTP Client Installer", instead of leaving it as "FileZilla FTP Client".

The reason that I am requesting this change is that I work for a company that makes a product that allows you to elevate applications, installers, scripts, msc consoles etc. based upon the criteria of the application being opened, rather than giving the users themselves administrator rights.

The scenario I have here is that both the FileZilla installer and the Filezilla FTP Client executable have identical information - this means that we cannot use this information to allow the installer to elevate, but keep the actual FTP client running as a standard user (in order to maintain the principal of least privilege on customer endpoints).

The only workaround I have at the moment is to allow elevation whenever the following fields are spotted in an executable: Publisher: Open Source Developer, Tim Kosse Product Description: FileZilla FTP Client Product Name: FileZilla This would elevate any app meeting this criteria, and is not ideal as the FileZilla client doesn't require admin rights - only the installer does.

#10803 Repeats the "all files transferred succesfully" notification over and over again new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When Filezilla is finished succesfully uploading a bunch of files, on Ubuntu it will show a notification on the top-right of the screen that says "All files transferred succesfully".

SOMETIMES, instead of showing it only once, it shows it many consecutive times, resulting in the notification staying there for several minutes (rapidly fading out and in every few seconds), which is extremely annoying. It seems proportional to the number of files transferred.

This does NOT ALWAYS, happen, but it does SYSTEMATICALLY happen with some given folders. I'm guessing there's something in the kind of files being transferred that triggers the issue.

This is a critical usability issue as (1) having a malfunctioning notification for succesful transfer is like having none, and makes the detection of transfer error completely unreliable in practice, and (2) this affects the usability of the whole OS outside FileZilla.

#10804 On Mac, "return" key should trigger colored button on windows new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Whenever a window has a colored button, such as the "connect" button in the site manager or the "ok" button in the signature verification window, the return key should trigger that button. Except of course when you're in a multi-line text view.

Less consequentially, standard behavior also dictates that one of the buttons probably has a border around it (highlighted) and the space bar will trigger that button. This highlighted state can be moved between the next and previous buttons in the window by using tab and shift+tab respectively.

#10810 FileZilla System Tray Notification Doesn't Disappear, Even If The Program Is Closed new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The new version of the FileZilla client (3.16.1) has a lingering system tray notification which hangs around even after the program is closed. When the files have successfully transferred I see the notification message, but the icon never disappears. Unlike #10803 though, I only see the message once.

I'm on Windows 7 64-bit.


#10814 usability new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Usability issue while trying to download a file that is currently in cache. For example, i have file.txt already editing, when i try to re-download this file it shows me a dialog like something (see screenshot). Using mouse i need to click two (x2) times to re-dowload this file. I propose to make choices to be simple buttons instead of radio buttons, in that way to make one (x1) click to make desired action. I know i can use keyboard with one enter, but current design does not make any sense.

#10817 Priority - View per tab instead of one clumsy list new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Just one thing i always pop up when i use priority management. All files, with different priorities, keep in the same list. If you have a queue of hundreds/thousends of files it is a middle nightmare to re-assign some priorities of files.

And here is my pretty simple solution to make this all a whole lot better.

#10834 Unable to resize FileZilla window on Mac new Bug report high FileZilla Client

I can't resize the window. I have tried everything. I can click on the view button on the top of the screen and enter full screen, but I can't resize the window on the desktop. I just downloaded this program yesterday, so it is the latest version.

Here is a screen shot of the bug:

Virtually all Mac programs have a Window menu option at the top of the screen that lets you choose 'Zoom', but FileZilla only has 'View', and 'View doesn't have the 'Zoom' feature that would fix this problem.

If the Window menu was added, this would fix the problem because we could manually zoom the window if the zoom button is hidden, like it is on my machine.

Thank you.

#10843 No Such File or Directory moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi,I'm encountering a problem that is after I upload a folder to my ftp server (by using filezilla) I found out that I couldn't access the folder after my first access to it (In and out and then can't get in again), it will say "no such file or directory" what is even strange,is that after I add a additional charter after the original file name and then upload again for example original file name is "abcde12(Z.1_123)" I changed it into "abcde12(Z.1_123)-1" I can access the folder normally , others using the same ftp server didn't counter this question.

hopefully someone can help me with this , I will be very thankful!!

#10846 Site List URL Setting Suggestion new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I use FileZilla from multiple computers. I used to learn how to store my file list on Dropbox. However I am sure that others would want to do the same thing so it would be nice if there was just a setting where you could change your file list folder to wherever you want such as Dropbox.

#10847 Some buttons not shown properly in settings from Filezilla new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


Some of the functions of filezilla are not working properly:

Edit -> Settings -> Transfers -> Maximum simultaneous text is messed up See screen captures:


#10848 Sometimes files has zero bytes on the server after uploading new Bug report low FileZilla Client

When I upload multiple files sometimes a particular file is uploaded to the server with zero bytes. The file can be different from time to time, so not the same file gets uploaded with zero bytes. Usually these files are small.

See related closed issues: #1155 Upload successful but zero bytes in file #3963 Files upload to zero bytes length #4309 Upload of large files completes, but shows zero bytes on server

#10855 Error Massage 12797 and more. moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

German / Deutsch Fehlermeldung 12797 bei Starten des Programmes. Auch können keine Mehreren URLS in die Zwischenspeicher gelegt werden. Es wird anstelle einer vielzahl an Auswahlen immer nur die zuletzt ausgewählte Kopiert. Ich besonders Schlecht wenn man eine Vielzahl an URLS von Daten benötigt. Ich bitte das zu Korrigieren.

English / Englisch Error message 12797 when starting the program. Also no Multiple URLs can be placed in the cache. It is instead a variety of selections are only the most recently selected Copies. I particularly bad if you need a large number of URLs of data. I ask the to correct.

#10858 "desktop path" > "'Desktop' path" new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I suggest changing: "Failed to get desktop path" To: "Failed to get 'Desktop' path"

So these two strings are written the same way:

#: ../../source/FileZilla3/locales/../src/interface/LocalTreeView.cpp:621
msgid "Failed to get 'My Documents' path"
msgstr ""

#: ../../source/FileZilla3/locales/../src/interface/LocalTreeView.cpp:609
msgid "Failed to get desktop path"
msgstr ""

#10859 "Hours" > "hour(s)," or use plural new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Should "Hours" and "Minutes" be with small letters, "hours" and "minutes"?

I suggest changing the string so i will be correct will all numbers:

    msgid "hour(s),"
    msgstr ""
    msgid "minute(s)"
    msgstr ""

Or use the plural option available in PO file:

    msgid "hour,"
    msgid_plural "hours,"
    msgstr[0] ""
    msgstr[1] ""

    msgid "minute"
    msgid_plural "minutes"
    msgstr[0] ""
    msgstr[1] ""

And maybe make the strings appear right after each other in the file.

#10863 Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am using OSX 10.9.5 and have a BT-Business-Hub with no firewall. Here's the error, can you advise please

Status: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/public_html" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PORT 86,182,219,48,207,254 Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Disconnected from server Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/public_html" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PORT 86,182,219,48,208,0 Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Disconnected from server Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#10865 Open directory in new tab new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I often open multiple connections to the same server to modify/view files which effect each other and are located in different folders. To make things more convenient it would be ideal to have an option "Open Folder in New Connection" in a folder's right-click context menu. This would establish a new connection in a new tab with that folder as the active directory.

This would avoid the need to start a new connection, specify "establish new connection" and navigate to the desired folder which in some cases requires a drill down through 7+ folders.

#10866 "All files transferred succesfully" notice repeated a ridiculous number of times moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  • upload a folder or a few folders containing a few hundred files
  • Give focus to some other application other than FileZilla

Expected result:

  • When the upload is complete, you get a notification telling you that all the files have been succesfully transferred (or not). On Ubuntu it's a rectangle on the top-right of the screen just below the notification area, which pops up and disappears after a few seconds.

Observed result: This happens systematically with some given folders but not others, but I haven't found the pattern. The folders that reproduce the issue do so systematically, the ones that don't never do. Ths issue is:

  • when the transfer is finished, the notification pops up dozens of times, consecutively. You can see the popup vanish and reappear immediately every few seconds. In total, it can stay several minutes.

I guess that the popup is showed a number of times equal to the number of files transferred, or more probably, the number of files that satisfy certain conditions.

Please don't underestimate and the severity of this bug and lower the priority: besides being extremely annoying, if you do a few transfers of several files each, the notifications will pile up indefinitely, and if eventually you have some transfer error, it may take literally HOURS until you finally see the notification with the error.

Actually, the whole way transfer errors are managed is poorly designed, but that's another story and it will take me a while to file a complete report (or a bunch of reports) about that.

This one issue is pretty specific though.

#10875 Feature Request new Feature request high FileZilla Client

Hi All,

we need some changes to this client, it has been sometime now without any major features:

1- To be able to autoupdate the files. 2- Site manager search, the domains i have is more than 100, it would a good feature to be able to search the site manager for a specific domain or user 3- Security, i need to protect the site manager somehow, maybe a login and password? 4- Shortcuts, example when i have a site that can work via ssh, i can add the shortcut on the menu and it will execute the desired ex: terminal ssh root@*.com -u {user} -p {password}

This last request can replace all, to be able to add script to run on filezilla, just like mac scripts, we will handle the rest, simply a plugin feature.

Thanks in advance

#10877 Suggest changing link text in welcome dialog new Bug report low FileZilla Client

In welcome dialog we have these link texts:

"Asking questions in the FileZilla forums" "Reporting bugs and feature requests" "Configuring FileZilla and your network"

I suggest changing them to: "Ask questions in the FileZilla forums" "Report bugs and feature requests" "Configure FileZilla and your network"

"Ask questions in the FileZilla forums" could maybe just be "FileZilla forums".

It seems in the forum "FileZilla Forums" is written with big F in Forums so maybe change that to so they are the same.

#10878 HTTPS support for IP address resolver new Feature request low FileZilla Client

Suggest changing: "Default:"

to: "Default:"

So all links in PO file use HTTPS

#10879 Maybe replace link to probe.php by placeholder new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Suggest using placeholder for the following link if the link should not be changed by translators:

"Please check on that the server is " "running and carefully check your settings again."

"Please check on %s that the server is " "running and carefully check your settings again."

#10880 Add trac URL to Report-Msgid-Bugs-To in POT file new Other low FileZilla Client

I suggest adding this URL:

To Report-Msgid-Bugs-To in filezilla.pot so it becomes:

#10881 Dialog is titled "Cannot show dialog" but i can see it new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I find it strange/funny that i get dialogs titled: Cannot show dialog

When clearly i can see the dialog.

So maybe change to something else like "Alert", "Warning" or "Info" depending on what the users is being told.

#10882 Find better text for reboot/shutdown/suspend strings ending with " once" new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I suggest finding some better way to write these strings: "R&eboot system once" "S&hutdown system once" "S&uspend system once"

Because i think its unclear what is happening.

To me the first string sounds like restarter system 1 time, but why would you want to restart 2 times or 3 times.

I don't think its clear enough that the menu item will be cleared afterwards.

Maybe like this: "R&eboot system (once)" "S&hutdown system (once)" "S&uspend system (once)"

Or: "R&eboot system (only once)" "S&hutdown system (only once)" "S&uspend system (only once)"

Or: "R&eboot system - only once" "S&hutdown system - only once" "S&uspend system - only once"

Or: "R&eboot system (single use)" "S&hutdown system (single use)" "S&uspend system (single use)"

I can't find one i really like but mabye someone else can? Maybe someone know of other software that use this that we can check out.

#10883 Make filter names translateable new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I suggest making the filter names translateable (in POT/PO files).

CVS and SVN directories
Useless Explorer files
Temporary and backup files
Configuration files
Show only images
#10885 Improve copy text from log area new Bug report low FileZilla Client

If i want to copy the text from the log area it seems there are no option in the context menu when i right click to select all the text. So i have to press Ctrl + A first. Then i can copy the text in the context menu.

I suggest adding "Select all" menu item to the context menu. Change "&Copy to clipboard" to just "&Copy" like in så many programs Edit menu it is just called Copy.

After i insert the text in a editor i see the tabs don't match:

Status:	Connecting to x...
Response:	fzSftp started
Command:	open "x" 22
Error:	ssh_init: Name or service not known
Error:	Could not connect to server
Status:	Waiting to retry...

Maybe there is a way to correct this to copied text uses spaces and not tabs so it can look like:

Status:      Connecting to x...
Response:    fzSftp started
Command:     open "x" 22
Error:       ssh_init: Name or service not known
Error:       Could not connect to server
Status:      Waiting to retry...
#10886 Add drop down arrow to folder comparison icon (just like site manager icon) new Bug report low FileZilla Client

Maybe add drop drown arrow to folder comparision because just like for site manager so all icons that have drop down menu use the drop down arrow (is the system allows).

As it is now it seems that both the site manager icon and the folder comparison icon have a drop down menu, but only the site manager icon have a drop down arrow next to its icon.

I think it would be more consistent instead og having to right click to see folder comparison drop down, and left click to see the site manager drop down.

#10887 -v on command line does not display version information new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Entering "filezilla -v" or "filezilla --version" on the command line does not do anything. According to the screen shown on "filezilla -h", this command should show version information.

#10888 Command line help screen not localized new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The help screen that appears when you enter "filezilla -h" on the command line is not localized. I understand why this may not be the case, but I wonder why the strings of the help dialog are included in the translation files (appears to all be strings in the /src/interface/cmdline.cpp file). There's quite a few of them, and if they are not necessary, they should be filtered out of the PO files.

#10894 Hierarchical site entries new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

As a user I'd like to have the opportunity to have in my site manager cascading entries. In a lot of situations I have many entries related to the same server with the same account and maybe the only thing that change is the starting folder path. In such situations, I'd like to have the ability to configure the server once and then to create N descendant customized childs. This, for example, would prevent me to update N entries every time the main password change, allowing me to achieve the same result with only one password update.

#10895 Segmentation fault moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

After few uses. segmentation fault occurs. even not able to open the filezilla.

#10900 Navigable locations for Remote and Local paths new Feature request low FileZilla Client

For example, I opened this path "/home/user/web/". Now, if I want to go back to the "/home/user" directory I should level up several times (moreover sometimes, it happens with delays due to server response). To improve this, it would be great to have paths clickable and when I click on the "user" should open this directory.

Of course, to not break old behaviour, when I click on the end of the path or on the slash, it should highlight it as before and let me copy/paste/edit paths. As another option, it should open desired directory only on double-click.

#10909 ldap authentication new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

hi, I'm unable to find ldap authentication with some basic schema as microsoft , lotus domino , ...

why filezilla only have local static user table ?

#10923 ilezilla switches UTF8 support off after that problems renaming filenames containing UTF8 chars new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I open my FTP server (FTP server software unknown, part of irtual webserver) there are some folders and files containing letter "õ" character 245 in Windows 1257 character set.

after that Filezilla switches UTF-8 support off

If I try to rename some files wich are uploaded to the server through Internet Explorer(filenames are invalid) FileZilla says that there is no such file (tough there is the file in the file list).

Copied messag log

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Status: Invalid character sequence received, disabling UTF-8. Select UTF-8 option in site manager to force UTF-8. Status: Directory listing of "/" successful Status: Sending keep-alive command Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud"... Status: Directory listing of "/Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud" successful Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud/ANN GRANGER"... Status: Directory listing of "/Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud/ANN GRANGER" successful Status: Renaming '/Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud/ANN GRANGER/Ann Granger Hukatus häving ja mõrv.txt' to '/Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud/ANN GRANGER/Ann Granger Hukatus häving ja mõrv.txt' Command: RNFR Ann Granger Hukatus häving ja mõrv.txt Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Status: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of ftp... Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Renaming '/Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud/ANN GRANGER/Ann Granger Hukatus häving ja mõrv.txt' to '/Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud/ANN GRANGER/Ann Granger Hukatus häving ja mõrv.txt' Command: CWD /Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud/ANN GRANGER Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud/ANN GRANGER Command: PWD Response: 257 "/Kriminaalromaanid ja ponevikud/ANN GRANGER" is your current location Command: RNFR Ann Granger Hukatus häving ja mõrv.txt Response: 550 Sorry, but that file doesn't exist Status: Sending keep-alive command

#10928 Conflict between hidden files and directory comparison new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Per tickets such as #1278, directory comparison is the only workaround for obeying the Windows "hidden" attribute.

FileZilla cannot achieve the following:

a) Obey Windows hidden settings b) Directory comparison

If you create a filter to hide hidden files and directories, the following error occurs when connecting with directory comparison enabled:

"Cannot compare directories, different filters for local and remote directories are enabled"

If you try to apply a hidden attribute filter under remote filters, you are (correctly) told:

"Selected filter only works for local files."

There seems to be no way to remove the vast amount of ridiculous cruft from showing, *and* use directory comparison. The two notions are orthogonal: directory comparison is based on the data you want to see and expect to see, while hiding OS cruft is about removing all the behind-the-scenes system data that has no bearing on anything that you are ever doing (which is why it's hidden from you at all times).

It should be possible for FileZilla to obey the Windows file view state, while having full functionality when working with a Linux server, since the files and directories that should be hidden in the local view don't relate to working with a Linux server.

#10943 I updated yesterday morning and now it won't work at all. See log below. Thanks! moreinfo Bug report critical FileZilla Client

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Error: GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received. Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220 msiasd01 FTP server (Version 4.2 Mon Jan 5 10:10:01 CST 2015) ready. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 234 Using authentication type TLSv1 Status: Initializing TLS... Error: GnuTLS error -110: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated. Status: Server did not properly shut down TLS connection Error: Could not connect to server

#10945 Allow TYPE I before logon new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

I would like FileZilla Server to allow clients to send TYPE I before logon (similar to #9878 allowing OPTS UTF8 ON before logon).

This is because the Cisco MDS 9710 firmware, NX-OS version 6.2.1, has a bug: it sends TYPE I before logon. The command is rejected, resulting in the firmware files transferring in ASCII mode (and getting corrupted in the process). This behavior is fixed in later firmware versions. Cisco firmware does not offer a generic FTP client (it only prompts me for the host, username, password, and path) so it appears the only way to overcome this bug is on the FTP server side.

Based on SVN commit r6120 that fixed #9878, I have created and attached a possible patch. However, I don't know how to compile the source to test the patch.

Failed firmware update: NX-OS 6.2(1)

Note line 5, where the old switch firmware sends "TYPE I" before logon.

(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> Connected on port 21, sending welcome message...
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server 0.9.58 beta
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-written by Tim Kosse (
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 220 Please visit
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> TYPE I
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 530 Please log in with USER and PASS first.
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> USER upload
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:53 AM - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for upload
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - (not logged in) (> PASS ********
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 230 Logged on
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> SYST
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> FEAT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 211-Features:
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  MDTM
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  REST STREAM
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  SIZE
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  MLST type*;size*;modify*;
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  MLSD
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  UTF8
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  CLNT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  MFMT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  EPSV
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (>  EPRT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 211 End
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> SIZE /cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 213 36789248
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> EPSV
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||55451|)
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> RETR /cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:56 AM - upload (> 150 Opening data channel for file download from server of "/cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin"
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> 226 Successfully transferred "/cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin"
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> MDTM /cisco/nx-os/6.2.13a/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.13a.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> 213 20160628160400
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> QUIT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> 221 Goodbye
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:53:59 AM - upload (> disconnected.

Successful firmware update: NX-OS 6.2(13a)

Note that the new firmware version sends TYPE I after logon.

(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> Connected on port 21, sending welcome message...
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server 0.9.58 beta
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> 220-written by Tim Kosse (
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> 220 Please visit
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> USER upload
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:28 AM - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for upload
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - (not logged in) (> PASS ********
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 230 Logged on
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> SYST
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> FEAT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 211-Features:
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  MDTM
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  REST STREAM
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  SIZE
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  MLST type*;size*;modify*;
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  MLSD
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  UTF8
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  CLNT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  MFMT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  EPSV
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (>  EPRT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 211 End
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> TYPE I
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 200 Type set to I
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> SIZE /cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 213 36701184
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> EPSV
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||63073|)
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> RETR /cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:30 AM - upload (> 150 Opening data channel for file download from server of "/cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin"
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> 226 Successfully transferred "/cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin"
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> MDTM /cisco/nx-os/6.2.1/m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.6.2.1.bin
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> 213 20160812200254
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> QUIT
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> 221 Goodbye
(000001) 8/19/2016 11:25:33 AM - upload (> disconnected.
#10947 In filenames Filezilla replaces German umlaut with normal letter + diaresis marker new Bug report critical FileZilla Client

My local computer is a Mac (OS X El Capitan, Version 10.11.6) My remote server has Ubuntu 16.04 The FileZilla version is 3.20.1

I use FileZilla to connect my Mac with the Server. I use empty directories on both computers.

I also activate: View -> Directory Comparison -> Enable (This does not influence the problem, but helps to see it)

I use ssh to log into my remote server, and there I write this command (I use a German Keyboard Layout):

touch ä

Then i switch to Filezille and there I click the Refresh-button. On the left side (local directory) i still see an empty directory. On the right side (remote computer) I can see the file with the name »ä« and a size of 0 byte. It has a yellow background which means, that there is no matching file on the other side (which is true).

Then i use FieZilla to download this file. On the left side appears a new file with the name »ä«. This seems ok so far, but then I click the Refresh-button again, and now something weired happens: On the left side is a file named »ä« that does not match with a remote file, therefore it has a yellow background. And also the file on the remote computer with the name »ä« has no partner on the other side, and therefore it has a yellow background.

Now I upload the local file »ä« to the remote computer: The result is: Two files on the remote computer! One named »ä« (this one matches with the local file), the other named »ä«, which has no matching partner.

I go back to my ssh console of my remote computer and type

ls -als

it displays:

total 8
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 20 09:34 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Aug 20 08:45 ..
0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Aug 20 09:23 ä
0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Aug 20 09:23 ä

I type

touch ä
ls -als

and then i see this:

total 8
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 20 09:34 .
4 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Aug 20 08:45 ..
0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Aug 20 09:23 ä
0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    0 Aug 20 09:40 ä

There are two independent files, one named »ä«, the other named »ä«. Looks like the same name, but thats not true. They have different names!

Here is the problem:

The original file has the name »ä« this is the Unicode Character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS' (U+00E4). But when Filezilla downloads a file with this letter in its name to my Mac, it transforms this one character into two characters, which are:

Unicode Character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A' (U+0061) followed by Unicode Character 'COMBINING DIAERESIS' (U+0308)

Most fonts (not all!) display (U+0061) followed by (U+0308) as a ligature that looks exactly like the single character (U+00E4). But (U+0061) followed by (U+0308) (two characters) is NOT identic with (U+00E4) (one character).

I can't say since which version of FileZilla this problem exists, but older versions of FileZilla did not have this bug.

When I download a file and then upload it again, i don't want to create a duplicate file with a new name. I want that the filename doesn't change!

#10952 Remote window shows blank, no files listed or odd white space above remote file list, but remote files re-appear when app is re-sized moreinfo Bug report high FileZilla Client

Symptoms: Log onto remote site : occasionally remote folders and file listings do not show - (remote panel completely blank). However, if the app window is re-sized, folders & file list suddenly shows correctly. Seemingly random, often initial login is ok - folders & files all listed. But click on a remote folder and the remote pane shows blank or is 'half filled' with listing.

Causes/triggers: Can't see a pattern / can't identify any particular folder attributes that trigger it.

Workaround: But always re-sizing of the Filezilla app will magically fix it (for that view only), folders & files will appear as normal. But go into another folder and the problem is back.

Very frustrating - v. difficult to work with this issue.

Tested across two machines, two different users: exactly the same problem - both users have same OS and Filezilla Versions.

#10953 Languages not translated new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Edit > Settings > Languages The list of available languages - should it not be translated? For instance, when I'm running in Danish, the Danish language should be "Dansk (da)". I cannot find the list of languages in the .po.

#10954 Binary file transfer mode must be a default file transfer mode. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

ASCII and Auto mode can lead to data corruption as it did for me right now (I had an "Auto"). If somebody will ever need ASCII mode he could always turn it on in their settings. Binary file transfer mode must be a default file transfer mode. This small improvement can dramatically increase reliability of the whole program.

#10956 File selection disabled when renaming a file new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When you rename a file which contains two dots, for example test.file.txt the file selection does not work anymore. Let's say we have a file with the name test.file.txt and I rename it to hello.file.txt. This bug only occours when you click next to file with the mousecursor. Using the enter button does not give this problem.

#10964 On Download from FTP to Windows some random files have size 0 moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I used Filezilla for some years now and didn't change anything with my configuration, I just updated the version whenever Filezilla asked me to.

The last months I could see that a download of my whole FTP seems to work as usual, but some files will get the file size 0 although on the FTP they have a size > 0. I can re-download them and all is good.

This is only for appr. 20 files of 30,000, but always different files. I download the whole FTP every week and always see this mad behaviour.

I think this is critical.

#10979 Panels location to improve usability new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

On wide monitors on note PCs it's very hard to work with file lists because of lack of vertical resolution. Interface improvements needed:

  1. Message log panel should have ability to be moved right and placed vertically on the right side of file list panels and has two representations: short and wide. It should have horizontal and vertical scroll bars. Can be hidden from View menu as is.
  2. Task log panel should have ability to be moved right and placed vertically
  3. Both panels can be grouped in one panel with tabs
#10980 Permission change fail message new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


I don't know if this is a bug or if it belongs in the feature request section? I often find myself changing file permissions only to discover the permissions haven't been changed. I get no indication anything failed. Might be a server issue, but I wish FileZilla Client could notify me if there was any problems changing the file permissions. E.g. something about if, what & why anything went wrong would be nice.


#10986 Can't ale to connect my Server moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi ,

Please find the below details about Error message which i get .

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Error: Connection timed out after 40 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry...

Please reply me back ASAP. Thanks for your time and consideration.

#10992 Uploading Links/Aliases via DND on OSX does not dereference 3.10.2 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On the OSX port, uploading the link via DND only uploads the link, not the actual file or destination.

#10998 Downloads Stops or freezes after a few minutes new Bug report high FileZilla Client

The logs say its still downloading from the Seedbox server and in the Download Quence, the Downloads are still their but they stop and have the "?" next to the speed or next to the amount the file should be downloading at, Plus the traffic lights at the bottom right hand side of the application, turns off. The Only way to unfreeze or turn the lights back on or resume the downloads, is by unchecking the "Process Quence" and clicking on it again. Please help.

#11006 EConnRefused error (unable to find a solution on any threads) moreinfo_reopened Other normal FileZilla Client

We have a user in our office who is now unable to connect to her FileZilla server. I have compared settings between my system that still works and hers. All settings appear to be the same. When she attempts connecting, she gets the error report (see attached): Command: Type 1 response: 200 Type is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 entering Passive mode (173,254,28,11,194,26) Command: MLSD error: the data connection could not e established: ECONNREFUSED - connection refused by server

Do you have any solution? -Lane

#11009 OS X UI - Target File Already Exists dialog layout issue moreinfo Bug report low FileZilla Client

The "Target file already exists" dialog box doesn't handle source or destination filenames in directories with long names or deep paths, as it pushes the Actions part of the dialog off the far right of the dialog rending the options unreadable.

This dialog cannot be resized either, meaning one has to either have memorised the Actions or simply guess!

See attached screenshot.

#11010 incorrect file difference after file transfer new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Even after the most recent update, When I have directory comparison enabled and compare filesize option selected, I often see that the server-side file highlighted yellow after I just successfully (no error reported) uploaded and overwrote it. If I refresh the server-side window, the file is then no longer highlighted.

I understand that you don't want to refresh the directory after each transfer, as this would slow the overall transfer process, but:

1) Since you mostly likely have already compared the local and server versions of a file after it is transferred to determine if the file transfer was successful, why is it being highlighted if the transfer was known to be successful. In other words, why would a refresh even be necessary?

2) If a refresh is necessary then limit it to the directory that the user is viewing and only do the refresh after all of the files in the viewed directory have been transferred. This will optimize the transfer by not refreshing after each individual file transfer and should work for batch-queue mode, too. Offer an option to enable automatic refreshing after transfer if you can't eliminate the highlighting otherwise, and feel that the users wouldn't like the delay that an extra directory refresh would cause.

#11013 wxSpinCtrl widgets need to be resized for GTK+3 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Under wxWidgets built with GTK+3, some of the wxSpinCtrl widgets need to be made wider. This is due to the underlying GtkSpinButton being much wider in GTK+3 than it was in GTK+2. Attached is an example screenshot from Filezilla settings. Either the hard-coded width needs to be removed or made larger.

#11018 Add site name in password entering dialog window title new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Is it possible to add site name in window title of passphrase entering dialog? It will help with KeePass' Auto-Type feature by identifying which passphrase is needed and not having to select from many sites. It could be e.g. "Site - Enter password"

#11019 Updater forgets command-line and logs you out on restart new Bug report low FileZilla Client

I have a number of filezilla shortcuts on my desktop, each of which connect to different FTP sites. I have the command-line set up in each of them to automatically connect to a given site.

The bug is that when FileZilla opens and there is an update available then it updates and then restarts without being logged in anymore.

It should remember the account that it was logged in to, perhaps by restarting using the same command-line as was used originally.

As a workaround I have to manually close FileZilla and then find the shortcut again to restart it.

#11023 Customize blacklist message "No connections allowed from your IP" new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

Since we allow only whitelisted connections, I would like to customize the blacklist error message which is currently "550 No connections allowed from your IP"

In particular, I would like to include the IP number, something like this:

To access this server, please ask to whitelist your IP which is xx.x.xx.x.

I think the IP number is important to aid troubleshooting. The log file does NOT record these blocked connections, and a user could be using a proxy server or IPv6 without realizing it.


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