Opened 8 years ago

#11010 new Bug report

incorrect file difference after file transfer

Reported by: Howard Brown Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: transfer highlight Cc:
Component version: 3.22.1 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows Home 10 64Bit


Even after the most recent update, When I have directory comparison enabled and compare filesize option selected, I often see that the server-side file highlighted yellow after I just successfully (no error reported) uploaded and overwrote it. If I refresh the server-side window, the file is then no longer highlighted.

I understand that you don't want to refresh the directory after each transfer, as this would slow the overall transfer process, but:

1) Since you mostly likely have already compared the local and server versions of a file after it is transferred to determine if the file transfer was successful, why is it being highlighted if the transfer was known to be successful. In other words, why would a refresh even be necessary?

2) If a refresh is necessary then limit it to the directory that the user is viewing and only do the refresh after all of the files in the viewed directory have been transferred. This will optimize the transfer by not refreshing after each individual file transfer and should work for batch-queue mode, too. Offer an option to enable automatic refreshing after transfer if you can't eliminate the highlighting otherwise, and feel that the users wouldn't like the delay that an extra directory refresh would cause.

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