Custom Query (2163 matches)


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Results (1601 - 1700 of 2163)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#12050 Can't access any FTP server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I suddenly can't access any FTP server. I have several entries, some of which I've been using for years, and suddenly I can't access any more.

"Status: Resolving the IP address for Status: Connect to Error: Connection timeout after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Connection to the server failed".

#12053 FileZilla client GUI acting as if single threaded new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

This started happening over 6-12 months ago. I assumed the complaints would be so rampant that it would be fixed immediately ... I was wrong. REPRO: (1) Initiate a very large file upload. (2) Change local site location in preparation for another upload. (3) BUG: Client freezes for over a minute. There are many other scenarios, but this is the easiest to replicate. FZ client is running on Windows 10. FZ client version is 3.46.0 (but, again, this has been broken for a LONG TIME).

#12054 Option to Disable Upload Successful Notification new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

While it's nice to see that Filezilla has integrated with newer Windows 10 features, I actually don't want those notifications accumulating in my notifications. I try to restrict what appears there to something unusual, whereas most of my daily uploads are quick - the fact they succeeded is visible to me in the interface, and the notifications are just clutter.

I'd like an option to disable these notifications.

#12055 min width window under win server 2012 R2 is too high (700px) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

previous version can be resized under 700px width. current version (3.46.0) can't

#12057 I have a specific text file size 11,222,837 that will not complete uploading in Filezilla to my server and enters an endless cycle of failed attempts to upload. I've uploaded the log repeating sections, twice. moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have a single text file that is 10.7 MB in size that fails to complete its upload to my server after apparently reaching 100% in a transfer. The log loops in an endless repeat of the following activity.

Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-Welcome to the Yahoo! Web Hosting FTP server Response: 220-Need help? Get all details at: Response: 220- Response: 220- Response: 220-No anonymous logins accepted. Response: 220-Yahoo! Response: 220-Local time is now 05:39. Server port: 21. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 5 minutes of inactivity. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Command: USER voyager@… Response: 331 User voyager@… OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 230 OK. Current directory is / Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Command: PBSZ 0 Response: 200 PBSZ=0 Command: PROT P Response: 200 Data protection level set to "private" Status: Logged in Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Ge\Desktop\EmergencyTheaterLiveCollection2010.txt Command: CWD / Response: 250 OK. Current directory is / Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/"... Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (67,195,197,21,197,110) Command: MLSD Response: 150 Accepted data connection Response: 226-Options: -a -l Response: 226 9031 matches total Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE is now ASCII Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (67,195,197,21,134,9) Command: STOR EmergencyTheaterLiveCollection2010.txt Response: 150 Accepted data connection Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: File transfer failed after transferring 11,222,837 bytes in 123 seconds Status: Disconnected from server

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220-Welcome to the Yahoo! Web Hosting FTP server Response: 220-Need help? Get all details at: Response: 220- Response: 220- Response: 220-No anonymous logins accepted. Response: 220-Yahoo! Response: 220-Local time is now 05:42. Server port: 21. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 5 minutes of inactivity. Command: AUTH TLS Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Command: USER voyager@… Response: 331 User voyager@… OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 230 OK. Current directory is / Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Command: PBSZ 0 Response: 200 PBSZ=0 Command: PROT P Response: 200 Data protection level set to "private" Status: Logged in Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Ge\Desktop\EmergencyTheaterLiveCollection2010.txt Command: CWD / Response: 250 OK. Current directory is / Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/"... Command: TYPE I Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (67,195,197,21,222,200) Command: MLSD Response: 150 Accepted data connection Response: 226-Options: -a -l Response: 226 9031 matches total Command: TYPE A Response: 200 TYPE is now ASCII Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (67,195,197,21,170,13) Command: STOR EmergencyTheaterLiveCollection2010.txt Response: 150 Accepted data connection Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: File transfer failed after transferring 11,222,837 bytes in 122 seconds Status: Disconnected from server

This is the file size displaying in the upload screen. 11,222,837

My computer specs are attached.

#12058 Transitioning from full screen to desktop creates a tiny window for Filezilla new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I first open Filezilla and subsequently go to full screen (Mac mojave 10.14.6), I instead get a black screen. The screen will stay black unless I use "Mission Control" to exit full screen. Instead of returning back to the original free floating Filezilla window, the new window is about 1.5 inches wide. The only way to get the window to return back to a normal size is to return back to "Mission Control". From that point on, it works perfectly fine, and it seems to only happen the first time I try to go full screen.

I captured a video of the whole process.

#12063 New item in context menu Open file location new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There is Open option in context menu (Local files list), but one have to scroll down to an empty space to use it in order to open file location. Would be much easier to add new option in the context menu Open file location.

#12068 Event Handle Leak Bugfix submission for winsftp.c (in fzsftp.exe) new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


when downloading a larger file, fzsftp.exe creates hundreds and thousands of Windows events.

Here's the simple fix for the do_select function, around line 545 of winsftp.c:

if ((netevent==0)

netevent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);

I have submitted this fix to the PuTTY project also, but I am unsure if they will read my email.

#12075 Can't transfer a file after installing the latest update before that OK. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I updated to the latest version. When I connected and tried to send a large file to a place I always do, it just sits there with the word "Transferring". I have tried several large files and it is the same. Everything was fine before I updated to the latest version.

Is there anyway of going back a version?

#12082 Synchronized Browsing cannot initiate a connection to the local site server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I use a Mac, although the company LAN is Windows-based. There are several shared servers on the LAN, one of which contains our local site.

If I have not previously connected to the local server from Finder, Synchronized Browsing will fail in FileZilla. What I mean by fail is - when I open the Site Manager, select a bookmarked folder within the site, and click "Connect", the remote site's files are shown on the right, but the local site file path on the left remains stuck at the Mac's home folder.

The only way to prevent this is to manually connect to the local site server by navigating to one of its folders in Finder first, before attempting to connect with FileZilla. It seems that FileZilla is unable to initiate a connection, only look for an existing connection. And no user feedback is given to indicate when connection to the local site server is unsuccessful or why.

#12087 Right-Click Context menu provides provides fully-qualified pathname to File/Folder. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Right-Clicking on a File in left Client pane: Returns the fully qualified pathname to the file including the filename. Very handy when using a File Open dialog in a different application than the default editor, etc.

Right-Clicking on a Folder in left Client pane: Returns the fully qualified pathname to the folder. Very handy when you need just the selected folder's location.

Right-Clicking on a white space in left Client pane: Returns the fully qualified pathname to the parent folder. Very handy when you need just this folder location.

The same would be handy in the right Server pane as well for providing fully qualified links from the ./ level, e.g., you're sending an email with a link and you need the complete link to a particular file. It would eliminate typos completely!

#12088 paste using command+v closes create new directory dialog new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

after upgrading filezilla pro to version 3.46.3 if I select Create new directory and enter it, a dialog box opens (as expected). deleting the string 'New directory' by pressing backspace works ok (as expected) pressing command+v results in the create directory dialog to be closed, without creating the new directory (NOT expected)

#12092 Create New Directory Box is too small now - Can't see what directory you're creating new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I was thinking this would get fixed, but the last few versions have been like this. Could the Create Directory box be put back to the way it was - much larger, so you can see the directories you're creating?

#12094 Can't restart an upload for a zero length file new Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Client is WinSCP 5.15.9

Trying to upload a file. User has access to target directory for all except delete. So update allowed.

If file is partially complete it works:

(000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:46 - video (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (188,223,138,227,207,103) (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:46 - video (> REST 35178070 (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:46 - video (> 350 Rest supported. Restarting at 35178070 (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:46 - video (> STOR 03-One Man, One Woman.wav (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:46 - video (> 150 Opening data channel for file upload to server of "/uploads/03-One Man, One Woman.wav", restarting at offset 35178070 (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:46 - video (> TLS connection for data connection established (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:48 - video (> 226 Successfully transferred "/uploads/03-One Man, One Woman.wav"

If file is present but zero length, i.e. a previous upload failed just after file creation but before any content, it fails:

(000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:56 - video (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (188,223,138,227,207,94) (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:56 - video (> REST 0 (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:56 - video (> 350 Rest supported. Restarting at 0 (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:56 - video (> STOR 09-I'm A Marionette.wav (000012) 18/01/2020 19:04:56 - video (> 550 Permission denied

Instead of restarting at 0, instead it seems to try and do an overwrite but it can't because it can't delete the file. Deleting files being denied by design. Maybe it thinks, "it's zero length, I might as well do the overwrite thing". In this situation there is no way to resolve from client side.

#12096 FATAL ERROR: Network error: Software caused connection abort new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hello, While trying to log in to the ftp site, we get the attached errors. Is this an issue with Filezilla? Thank you, Janet

#12097 MacOS : cannot cut/paste text via CMD-V new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, for years now, it is impossible in Filezilla to paste text inside text fields using CMD-V.

What's more, CMD-V actually creates a new favorite and it's a pain in the axe at this point, as clicking outside alerts "Invalid Data", Esc doesn't work, etc. That's another issue.

Seems that CTRL-V works inside Filezilla but doesn't even use macOS clipboard. And is not Mac standard, of course.

Thus, it is very hard to do such a basic thing as creating a new Site (host, password etc) in the manager.

Sorry if I sound a bit upset, I shouldn't, it's only years of mute frustration coming out :D

#12104 Can't log in to my server using FZ new Bug report normal Unknown

I have used FileZilla for years, but the latest update seems to have locked me out. It will say I am logged in, but then say "Retrieving directory listing" for a long time, and then it times out and says "Failed to retrieve directory listing."

The server i'm trying to access is using SFTP-SSH File Transfer Protocol and a Normal logon type.

I can reached at lisa.hoffman@… if you need more information.

Thank you! Lisa

#12105 Invalid size window size for "Create new file" new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I found an error in "Create a new file"! When you open "Create a new file", then you see that it has the wrong window size!

#12115 "It's the Server's Fault" new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Am getting the standard message "Error: A certificate in the chain was signed using an insecure algorithm Error: Received certificate chain could not be verified. Verification status is 2." from a site that, up until 24 Feb 2020, was passing files. How do I fix this? I need to update the website I'm working on, and the ISP claims there's nothing wrong from their end. Thank you for your assistance.

#12123 Folder already selected does not reload when clicking new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hello Guys! Briefly, having a folder already selected (server side), without the interrogation, when clicking it does not reload and gives the following error:

Erro: FATAL ERROR: Network error: Software caused connection abort Erro: Falha na obtenção da lista de pastas (translated:Failed to get folder list)

It is necessary to click on another folder and return to the desired folder for it to reload normally. It seems like a silly thing, but it's kind of boring to have to do this process.

Thank you very much for you work! Sincerely Luís Andrade

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.47.1

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2020-02-25 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 8.3-win32 20190406 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.31.1 GnuTLS: 3.6.12

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 18362), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12125 Standard local folder not work when in network new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have a small local server, and I send content from my machine to remote server (my computer act as a bridge between, production and local dev plataform).

But, when I set the local standard folder as a remote folder, the list of local content not refresh (if I simply hit ENTER ok) or if I change from another folder and connect (expecting that local folder will be changed to standard local folder) nothing happen.

Here an example of configuration of my connnection:

#12127 Cannot show long filepath in pull-down over pane width new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When selecting path from pull-down menu in path input box, it does not show long path over the pane width.

Typically it happens when browsing with the "Blackboard" as "Layout of file and directory panes" setting.

Ends of each path are more important than head because it is always "C:
" . It is useless when selecting from drop-down menu. If system component does not support wider, it may ok to abbreviate path like "C:
.... \myproj\public" for quick fix.

#12128 Window Size of Client will not shrink new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

A couple of updates ago, I lost the ability to make the window very narrow, since i need to have it open along side an internet window. I am on a windows 7 computer. The window won't let me drag close from right to left but top to bottom works

#12129 and ciphers are not supported new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

There is an old ticked about this:

but these ciphers still don't work, tested with filezilla 3.46.3 I get this error:

Couldn't agree a client-to-server cipher (available: aes256-gcm@…)

please test yourself adding this line in sshd_config:

Ciphers aes256-gcm@…


#12131 "Assertion failed" when entering Windows-style path name into remote path field new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Connect to a Linux-based server
  2. Type a Windows-style path name like "D:\temp" (no quotes) into the *remote* site directory and press <ENTER>.
  3. This causes FileZilla to display a modal dialog with the following message:

Assertion failed!

Program C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe File: ../../../../packages/FileZilla3/src/engine/local_path.cpp, Line 359

Expression: segment.find(L "\ \" )== std::wstring::npos

[I had to munge the above string, otherwise it broke this bug tracking input field; the part in parens should be the following chars: el,quote,backslash,backslash,quote. See attached screenshot.]

I am running the latest FileZilla for Windows: (see system info below):

FileZilla Client


Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2020-03-11 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 8.3-win32 20190406 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5 SQLite: 3.31.1 GnuTLS: 3.6.12

Operating system:

Name: Windows 7 (build 7601, Service Pack 1), 64-bit edition Version: 6.1 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq lm Settings dir: C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12133 High CPU usage, can't connect, program won't quit reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

OS: Win10 x64, v1909 Specs: i5-3570K (4c), 16GB RAM, Radeon R9 285

I have come across a weird issue: FileZilla will open normally, but I am unable to connect to any FTP or fully close the program. By testing many released versions, I was able to track the starting point to version 3.36.0-rc1.

In version 3.36.0-rc1, FileZilla will start normally, and as soon as I try to connect to any FTP server, it will go to about 25-30% constant CPU usage on my quadcore CPU, and never finish connecting. I am unable to stop the connection attempt (the disconnect button is clickable but does nothing), and when I quit the program, the window will disappear, but it's still running in the background, still stuck at 30% CPU until I kill it via the task manager. From the server side, a connection attempt is seen and reaches "234 Using authentication type TLS" but then just stays there until the client is killed.

In version (currently latest) the behavior is slightly different in that the high CPU usage starts right when FileZilla is launched, but other than that the problem presents itself identically to version 3.36.0-rc1.

Version 3.35.2 works just fine, and every version after this is affected by the problem. The problem has persisted through all OS updates since 3.36.0-rc1 was released back in 2018.

Looking at the changelog of the first version that shows the error, these are the official changes:

  • Ask for explicit confirmation prior to falling back to insecure plaintext FTP if a server refuses to use TLS
  • Warn if an FTP server refuses TLS that is known from previous connections to be capable of TLS

These changes don't look to me like they'd be related to the issue, so I assume that there has been some under the hood change that didn't make it into the changelog.

#12135 Copy/paste from Windows folder to FTP folder new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Please! I'm use to this with other FTP software that I'm not using any longer and it would make it much quicker and easier, rather than having to manipulate window positions so I can drag & drop.

Not so important for me, but if you are also able to support copy/paste from FTP folder to a Windows folder then that would also be perfect.

I'm sure the same feature in Linux and other platforms would be appreciated.

#12138 Download and upload issues new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, I have always used filezilla without problems, but for a couple of weeks, when I go to download or upload it doesn't download/upload all the folders but a part of them and I have to do the procedure manually (one by one). I haven't touched anything and I downloaded the latest version. can you help me? Thank you in advance

#12139 Can't connect under windows 8.1 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Filezilla latest version installed on windows 10 connect fine. Unfortunately the same version and connection under windows 8.1 fails with error Statut : Résolution de l'adresse de Statut : Échec de la tentative de connexion avec "EAI_FAIL - Échec non récupérable dans la résolution du nom". Erreur : Impossible d'établir une connexion au serveur

#12140 LOGIC BUG IN SYCRO NAVIGATION new Other normal FileZilla Client

I'm discussing here the Synchronized Navigation, because IMHO there is a logical bug. In the panel which the Ftp PARAMETERS ARE STORED, THE PANEL ACCESSIBLE VIA THE site manager (sorry for this definitions that may be incorrect due to the fact that I'm using an Italian interface) there is the possibility to define a synchronized navigation. I usually do it. Then I define which are the folders, the local one and the remote one, which usually are the roots. But the local root is belonging to another folder, which is the name of the organization I'm hosting my site with. So, for instance, I have a folder named ARUBA in which I have created many folders, one for each web site I have. Then there is the data about the remote server, in which I specify that the root folder is named only "/". I think that these are the correct parameters that must be indicated, so the synchronized navigation should relate to those two indications, the "root" in my local system, and the remote root. So when I connect, the program that says that "the synchronized navigation has been deactivated because the folders are not in the same place" (or something like that, sorry for the poor translation) is mistaken, because I can't indicate the local root of my disk. Please fix this problem, because it is a severe logical mistake IMHO.

#12142 Error in it translation new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hello, today I came across the translation of the string "Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known", which reads like "Nome nodo e nome server non forniti, o sconosiuti".

There's a typo, it's sconosciuti, not sconosiuti (it's missing a C).

My .02, David

#12143 FileZilla cannot connect to FTP server anymore new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Newly we have the problem that we cannot connect to one of our FTP servers anymore. In the FileZilla log we get the following error lines:

Antwort: 425 Unable to build data connection: Operation not permitted Fehler: Verzeichnisinhalt konnte nicht empfangen werden

After having some mailing with the data center admin we found that adding the line...

TLSOptions NoSessionReuseRequired our FTP server system solved the problem and we were able again to connect to this server.

We tried several other FTP clients (SmartFTP, WinSCP) and none of them had this problem with this FTP server, only FileZilla. Additionally we tested FileZilla client on about five other Windows systems - on every system the same problem occurs.

Now we think it should be possible to connect with FileZilla without having to disable this security feature (TLSOptions NoSessionReuseRequired) in the FTP server system.

Many greetings, -doffine

#12144 FileZilla Dark Mode new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I don't really like the current theme is there a way you could add Dark mode to FileZilla?

#12150 Eliminate Max Simultaneous Transfers limit of 10 new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Hello there.

This is a duplicate of #5062 however it is a decade old, and as stated in that ticket 10 months ago modern 21st century compute & network technology can easily handle hundreds of concurrent SFTP/FTP sessions, no reason keeping limit.

When dealing with thousands of small files, and scenarios where there is a speed limit per transfer, that 10 transfer limit is a severe bottleneck, and an unnecessary one.

#12151 Misleading Error: "Connection closed by server" new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

During long file transfers, the unused browsing connection gets closed, producing an error message in red in the Message log Window:

Error: Connection closed by server

Since the message is displayed in red and listed as "Error", this is very troubling for users who are not familiar with FTP.

This produces bug reports which are then rejected (eg #4130), messages in the forums, and phone calls from worried clueless users.

It would be nice if this message could be

  • not displayed in red
  • not marked as "Error"
  • maybe reworded to make it clear that it's only the browsing connection and that the transfer connection continues normally
#12154 Gesynchroniseerd bladeren new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


Het gesynchroniseerd bladeren functioneert niet meer, hoewel dit ingesteld is in het account. Na de waarschuwing die volgt kan ik wel met CMD Y de synchronisatie instellen.

Synchronized browsing no longer works, although it is set in the account. After the warning that follows I can use CMD Y to set up the synchronization.

#12155 Edited file randomly deleted reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I'm using notepad++ as an text editor and edit files using filezilla. I keep my windows open for days/weeks, so i keep notepad++ and filezilla open for all that time. I also put my computer to hibernate each day.

Randomly, on notepad++ i see that some of the edited files are not existing anymore. I checked on the temporary folder and indeed they are not there anymore. I had this issue for years, i think even on another computer

#12156 Option to override default local directory new Feature request normal FileZilla Client


It would be very useful to have an option (perhaps a checkbox) on the site manager to override the use of the default local directory just before connecting.

FileZilla has a command line option (--local) to start in a specific local directory, which I implement on a Window's file explorer context menu item to open FileZilla from the current location, or a specified folder. But when I connect to a preconfigured site with a default local directory set then it changes. Changing to the default directory is usually the desired behavior, but not every time. When I open FileZilla from a different directory to upload files from that location I have to either disable the default local directory, or connect and manually open the new directory again, which seems inefficient for repeated use.

Thank you in advance..

#12157 Directory tree size not saving new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The sizes of the directory trees keep reverting to default after few days. It doesn't happen every time, for example if I just close FileZilla and then open it up again.



#12158 writing files on local harddisk new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

By downloading files from Service Provider to local PC FileZilla stops writing to local harddisk. Big files (I copied a file of 19GB) are going well, but the download of my Joomla website (a lot of small files) breaks off. I tried it several times in several days. My Service Provider tested it for me and had the same problem. His advice: wait for a FileZilla update. I did this copy activity a lot of times before without problems. Now I used -for the time being- WinSCP (but slow!). Hope you will find the bug and solve it.

#12159 FileZilla Sometimes Cannot Upload to Server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Although I checked some files' permission on the server are all set to 644, files sometimes just couldn't upload and refresh on the server side. Can only directly edit on the server side files instead, or close and reopen the app, then it will start to "accept" the upload and the server side files are refreshed.

#12160 GnuTLS error -110: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated. moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have noted previous responses to this from some years ago. I have successfully used filezilla with my server for about six years. Now, very occasionally, a directory maybe successfully opened and a file transfer made but very unreliably. Maybe one command out of ten will be successful with no apparent pattern. I have transferred the "filezilla" settings from the server directly as well as using manual settings with no difference. I used the wizard to ensure connection was potentially appropriate.

#12171 Opens two edit windows in Komodo IDE12 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When I double-click a file, two edit windows are opened in my default editor, Komodo IDE 12. The first window shows the desired file, but the second window shows a blank.

Opening another file with Komodo already running opens a new tab in Komodo as expected.

#12172 Actually display all files when selecting a key new Patch normal FileZilla Client

When selecting "All files" filter in dialog to open SSH key, an invalid mask of "*.*" is used, instead of "*"

#12175 Client Intermittently Transferring Files moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Client OS: Windows 10 64-Bit Server OS: FreeNAS 11 FileZilla Version: 3.48.0

I connected via FTP to my NAS to transfer around 10,000 files. I observed a series of error messages about a second connection failing after the transfers started, however, I had already initiated the entire folder copy. After being complete, over 2,400 files had not copied due to an unspecified error. So, I tried again. The same number of files failed to transfer. So, I adjusted the number of FTP connections from 2 to 1. Then, all of the files copied successfully. I changed nothing else. I think that this circumstance causes file transfers to fail repeatedly. There is a work-around, as stated.

#12178 file type association new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

file type association /application/ returns an error (not found), although app exists

#12180 Filezilla 3.48.0 on macOS Catalina new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The filetype associations are not keeping their settings in Filezilla 3.48.0 on macOS Catalina 10.15.4.

I am noticing extra characters being placed on one or more entries, making it not possible to right click on a file and use the "view/edit" option.

Also, if I want to highlight an entry and use Command-C and Command-V to quickly add more entries, this is buggy. The entire window closes when trying to do this.

#12181 open / execute / file type error new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

no matter what I do, files do not open. error given that no association is found even when the association is made

#12185 Add a function to disable auto-download installer of new version new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Good day, In addition to very old tiket(, it would be logically to add a function to not auto-download FileZilla installer when update new version check performed.

For example, people may just want to know about release of a new version and make their own decision when and if they want to download new version.

Best regards

#12188 Shortcut Generator new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

A request to add a "settings" option to stop FZ from generating a new desktop shortcut every time FZ executes an update.

fwiw, my default is to run windows as a low rights user. As a result every time FZ updates it takes almost ten steps to gain the administration rights to remove each new unwanted shortcut that is added by every update process.

I am guessing that the fact that the shortcut that I normally use does not have the same title as the automatically generated shortcut is why I have to delete it after every update.

Thanks in advance for your consideration to this need.

Beverly Howard

#12189 Quick Connect failure new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If I use Quick Connect FileZilla reports that I am connected,

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Status: Directory listing of "/htdocs" successful

but as soon as I try to transfer a file it reports Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Command: USER Response: 331 User OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 530 Authentication failed, sorry Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Status: Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Command: USER Response: 331 User OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 530 Authentication failed, sorry Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Status: Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt... Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Command: USER Response: 331 User OK. Password required Command: PASS Response: 530 Authentication failed, sorry Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

However, if I retype the Host, Username and Password, files are transferred without any problems.

I have uninstalled, rebooted and reinstalled, with the latest 64 bit version 3.48.1, but the error is the same.

Any advice would be appreciated.

#12190 Custom File Associations deleted by automatic update. new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The Filezilla client automatic update feature suggested there was a new version today, so I allowed the process to continue. Once the automatic update completed, I checked the "Custom filetype associations" in Settings and found that it was empty. This happened on the last update, so I had saved a copy of the custom associations before allowing the update to proceed and was able to recover.

This is similar to bug report 5599 filed 10 years ago. No manual entry of verbs was required. Everything, including my recovery was done via point an click with the mouse. Custom file associations worked before the update, so this is not a use entry issue.

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32 Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Build date: 2020-05-18 Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 8.3-win32 20190406 Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.6 SQLite: 3.31.1 GnuTLS: 3.6.12

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 18362), 64-bit edition Version: 10.0 Platform: 64-bit system CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx avx2 aes pclmulqdq rdrnd bmi2 bmi2 adx lm Settings dir: C:\Users\ron\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

#12194 timestamp preservation when transferring from google drive to local new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The menu option for timestamp preservation is greyed out when transferring from a google shared drive to the local drive. I can transfer files but the dates shown are the transfer dates not the original modification date from google drive. I am using the pro version.

#12195 suggestion for tiny visual improvement.... new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi, the 10th icon from the left on the toolbar, the icon one has to click to restore the last connection from the previous session (It has a tiny vertical rectangle with two blue horizontal lines above, and a green tick mark below) looks always grey / inactive on my screen (in contrast the similar icon to the left of it which has an "X" instead of a tick mark), even when it actually is active and works perfectly fine. Not important but just a little odd.... Otherwise I'm a super grateful user!

#12199 Unable to trust server certificates new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

On May 30 I updated Filezilla to version 3.48.1 using the same settings as always. Whenever I attempt to connect to a server, Filezilla reports "Remote certificate not trusted". The notification screen shows the "Trust" options at the bottom but they are grayed out and I'm not able to select an option. Clicking on "Okay" allows access to the server, but the warning keeps popping up. I have reinstalled Filezilla and the issue still remains. Attached is a screenshot of the warning popup.

#12201 Unportable test(1) operator new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

The configure script uses the unportable test(1) '==' operator for comparison. POSIX specifies '=' and most shells (and test(1) from GNU coreutils) only support '='.

Please replace

if test "$use_mac_sandbox" == "yes"; then


if test "$use_mac_sandbox" = "yes"; then

#12204 When queuing file for download Automatically scroll the Queued file list to the bottom new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When a file is added to the download queue it gets added to the bottom of the Queued files list.

There should be a setting on the Interface page where the user can elect to have the queued file list auto scroll to the bottom each time a new file is added.

This would be helpful when the user is adding multiple files as the list will scroll off the screen, so the user has to go to that section and scroll down to verify that the item was added.

The easier solution would be to have an option that when files are added to the download queue that new entries are added at the top of the list instead of the bottom, so new entries always appear at the top and the user can see that they were added to the queue succesfully.

#12207 can not be connect on macOS new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

hello my ftp server data is the following

ad: log: Imagazine pass: <removed>

on windows version FileZilla it is connected ok but on macOS version FileZilla it can't be connected but on other FTP client for macOS it is connected very well please help

thank you for your help!

#12208 Uploads unnecessarily slow new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

When uploading a large file (in my case ~300kB), the upload proceeds three or four times faster if I switch to a different folder while the upload is in progress. I assume this is because the software is updating the window with each block sent. It is something that could be improved.

#12210 Vertical scrollbar not resetting to 0 when changing foler new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When you scroll the Files window (Local or Remote) and then select a new Folder, the scrollbar should be reset to 0. Currently it retains the previous Folder scrollbar position which is no longer relevant.

#12211 no access to my ftp sites with Vodafon new Other normal FileZilla Client

I can't get access to my sites via ftp with Vodafone adsl but Win yes, where is the problem besause my primary line is Vodafonn . THANKS

#12213 Site Manager/Charset new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Look at the picture... ;)

#12223 Error renaming a file new Bug report normal Unknown

It is not letting me rename my file. Every time I try I get an error. I have been renaming this file for years, I am not sure why I cannot today

#12225 File upload error new Bug report normal FileZilla Client


For 1 week and a half I have had a problem uploading detos to a server, when I upload files of more than 4 GB there are times that they give me errors and they don't end up uploading.

I have tried to re-install it and am still having the same problems.

I would need help to see if it can be solved or if it is a problem external to you, because another partner has tried to upload them and gives you the same error.

A greeting.

#12234 Unable to view/edit files with new version 3.49.1 new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have never had issues being able to view/edit a file. I have always used UltraEdit (current version The transfer says successful when selecting view/edit. The files have always been placed in a temp folder but now all that is in the temp folder is a lock file fz3temp-lockfile of zero bytes. I updated setting to use the system default editor for text files and that did not work. Here is the setting for UltraEdit "C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit\uedit64.exe". This has worked for years. I am able to FTP the files from the server to my PC. I am attach the debug log with Windows and FileZilla version. I use this option religiously and would really like some help. I did read the forum pages and looked though the tickets but nothing seems to match my issue.

#12235 Upgraded FileZilla, transfers zero byte file with TLS error reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Accepted the prompt to upgrade FileZilla to the latest stable yesterday, now I cannot transfer files. Transferring to server pops up an error that the file already exists. It immediately appears on the right with zero byte size. None of the suggested actions give the desired results (overwrite, resume rename etc). Deleting the file works OK.

This error appears in the command log box at the top: Error: GnuTLS error -110 in gnutls_record_recv: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.

#12237 Only 9998 files on remote folders new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In folders only "9998 files" are listed, alphabetically, obmitting the last files of the list.

If you need to retrieve or delete those files from folder, you can't through Filezilla.

It could be useful if this limit can be removed, since remote folders are able to contain more than 9998 files.

Thanks a lot

#12240 Index of/public_html/ new Other normal FileZilla Server

The [key parent directory]click on then tried to click on public_html or public_html one screen show-up put can't get on the internet.When I put in comes out it shows on, old website,, facebook.comthese are no longer uses. The URL was, What can I do about this problem? I do think it is why I can't connect How can I solve? k.barnes62@… Thanks Karen

#12242 Unable to login one client FTP new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Unable to login to inventive-engineering FTP, I can login to other clients FTPs with no issues but I get the following when trying to login to inventive-engineering and it seems to time out:

Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (194,78,36,98,35,17). Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing Status: Disconnected from server Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is the current directory Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (194,78,36,98,34,215). Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#12243 Client new Feature request normal FileZilla Client
#12245 Non Updating of Folder Structure After Changing External Drives new Bug report normal FileZilla Server

I noticed that under the Volumes tree on the local drive folder structure, that when I remove a drive and replace it, I then hit Refresh under the View menu to reload, that it does not show any external drives at all (even with others plugged in and seen by the OS), but when I re-hit the refresh menu item again it comes up correctly.

Using 3.49.1 on a Mac.


#12246 First launch app window is too high on screen to be usable new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I just installed and launched from macOS App Store. Version is 3.49.2. On first launch, I was prompted to subscribe (which I did) then to select allowed directories (which I did). Then, the application window opened and is too high on the screen for me to access the titlebar and toolbar buttons. See screenshot attached.

Note I launched this on a monitor that has lower resolution (which may be the catalyst). However, I have tried dragging to a new window using macOS Expose (since I can't drag the window by its titlebar which is inaccessible). The window moves to the new monitor but is still too high on the screen to be usable.

#12247 Priority and sorting not respected. reopened Bug report normal FileZilla Client

If a queue is in progress and I change priority or the sorting (local file, remote file, size), then those changes are ignored. In order for it to be respected, I have to stop the queue, sort or update priorities, then start again.

Another related issue, ignoring priority here (let's assume all set to the same priority), newer files added to the queue while it's in progress get selected next after a current file has finished, instead of going to the next one in line. (ie, not doing "first come, first served.")

The priority was said to be fixed based on #11932, but it appears it hasn't. The mention of the sorting is just an added "bonus" I have noticed.

I verified I am using the latest version (3.49.1) before starting this ticket.

#12249 Sorting options: date/time added to queue, and reverse order sorting. new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Simple enough (to describe).

Be able to sort by the date/time that items were added to the queue, and for all sorting options, be able to reverse the order. ie, clicking size currently does small->large, but make it so clicking it again will do large->small.

#12250 Load balacing not ok new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Hi. Thanks for this excellent software. I use 3.49.1. I have a very slow upload channel (ca. 60 kiB/s). I often upload pictures (small ones, thumbs) as well as larger videos (> 100 MiB). When a very large file (video) is to be uploaded, the smaller ones next transfer very fast, but the large one goes down to less than 1 kiB/s. And very often the connection fails due to inactivity. I have checked with my Fritz box that the upload from the box to the server provider is not causing the failure (this is always at max). Also the WLAN is not the cause because channel activity is low. So Filezilla is the only problem that is left as probable cause. Is there load balancing in Filezilla? Why does it fail here? brgs, gerhard

#12253 Allow for audio bell on transfer to be muted new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This may seem silly, but for those of us who work on audio software, the "ding" on file transfer is quite annoying.

You say "turn down the volume", or "change your default speaker", both reasonable under most circumstances. But when in heavy test mode, which requires audio to be on, the ding on transfers is annoying at best, and invasive at worst.

So, what I am asking for is a "mute audio" selection somewhere in user prefs.


#12255 Home Security Products new Other normal Other

As we all know that home security is our priority. So, we should buy the best home security products such as wireless ip camera 1080p, wireless ip camera indoor, wireless ip camera outdoor and may more. Visit:

To buy the best home security products at affordable prices.

#12258 Add an option to allow specifying different IP addresses for FTP and for FTPS new Feature request normal FileZilla Server

There is a very old closed ticket on this: I hope it's ok to bring this up again.

Some or many routers do behave as follows:

  • they change the FTP server PASV response, they change the internal IP to the external IP, so the FTP client gets the correct IP reported.
  • for some reason they reject the response when the external IP is specified in the FTP server response.

With this given behavior, unsecure FTP works correct when the internal IP is entered in the Passive mode settings in FileZilla Server Options.

But FTPS and FTP can not work correctly with the same settings:

  • When i specify the internal IP then on FTPS the wrong IP is reported to the FTP client because the router cannot change the internal to external IP in the PASV response when the response is encrypted.
  • When i specify the external IP then FTPS works correct, but unsecure FTP stops working because the client does not get the response.

I tested Cerberus FTP Server to figure out whether it's a FileZilla FTP server error, or whether the issue is on my side, or somewhere in the OS or hardware etc. I had the same issue when i entered the external IP in this FTP server. On research, i found then this note at

Some routers inspect FTP traffic and do not allow the public IP address to be passed in the response for the PASV command. Those routers expect the internal IP address to be used.

The solution (workaround) in this FTP server (also in tested ServU FTP server) is to specify the external IP only for FTPS.

Please add an option to allow specifying different IP addresses for FTP and for FTPS. The two commercial FTP servers which i tested have such options, they supply a workaround for this bad behavior of routers. I cannot use another router, my FTP server runs on a VM in the cloud (VMWare). And i don't want to buy a commercial FTP server. So i would appreciate to can solve (workaround) the issue in FileZilla Server.

I know FTP clients can handle wrong IP addresses in the PASV response, but i don't want to rely that all FTP client applications and all FTP client libraries work with misconfigured FTP servers.

#12264 quick connect working on desktop but not on laptop moreinfo Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have the current version of FileZilla Client 3.50.0 on Windows 10 with all updates and drivers on my desktop and my new laptop; I can quick connect on the desktop; I cannot quick connect on my new laptop; I have compared the setting on both systems and they are the same

verbose debug from new laptop that does not work: Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 0 Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 1 of 500 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 12:37. Server port: 21. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 2 Command: AUTH TLS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2 Status: Initializing TLS... Trace: tls_layer_impl::client_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: TLS Handshake successful Trace: Protocol: TLS1.2, Key exchange: ECDHE-SECP256R1-RSA-SHA384, Cipher: AES-256-GCM, MAC: AEAD Trace: tls_layer_impl::verify_certificate() Trace: Hostname does not match certificate SANs Status: Verifying certificate... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SetAsyncRequestReply Error: Remote certificate not trusted. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(70) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(70) Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Reset(70) in state 4 Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66) Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 0 Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 1 of 500 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 12:40. Server port: 21. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 2 Command: AUTH TLS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2 Status: Initializing TLS... Trace: tls_layer_impl::client_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: TLS Handshake successful Trace: Protocol: TLS1.2, Key exchange: ECDHE-SECP256R1-RSA-SHA384, Cipher: AES-256-GCM, MAC: AEAD Trace: tls_layer_impl::verify_certificate() Trace: Hostname does not match certificate SANs Status: Verifying certificate... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SetAsyncRequestReply Error: Remote certificate not trusted. Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(70) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(70) Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Reset(70) in state 4 Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

I check the box "Always trust this certificate in future sessions." but there is no OK or Save button; I close the window and try again with the same results

here is the successful quick connect from the desktop that does work Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 0 Status: Resolving address of Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 1 of 500 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 13:03. Server port: 21. Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 2 Command: AUTH TLS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 234 AUTH TLS OK. Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2 Status: Initializing TLS... Trace: tls_layer_impl::client_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: TLS Handshake successful Trace: Protocol: TLS1.2, Key exchange: ECDHE-SECP256R1-RSA-SHA384, Cipher: AES-256-GCM, MAC: AEAD Trace: tls_layer_impl::verify_certificate() Trace: Hostname does not match certificate SANs Status: Verifying certificate... Trace: CFtpControlSocket::SetAsyncRequestReply Status: TLS connection established. Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 6 Command: USER genealogy Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 331 User genealogy OK. Password required Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 6 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 6 Command: PASS Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 230 OK. Current restricted directory is / Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 6 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 7 Command: SYST Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8 Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 7 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 8 Command: FEAT Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 211-Extensions supported: Response: EPRT Response: IDLE Response: MDTM Response: SIZE Response: MFMT Response: REST STREAM Response: MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*; Response: MLSD Response: AUTH TLS Response: PBSZ Response: PROT Response: UTF8 Response: TVFS Response: ESTA Response: PASV Response: EPSV Response: SPSV Response: ESTP Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 211 End. Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 8 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 10 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 OK, UTF-8 enabled Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 10 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 11 Command: PBSZ 0 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 PBSZ=0 Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 11 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Send() in state 12 Command: PROT P Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 Data protection level set to "private" Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::ParseResponse() in state 12 Status: Logged in Trace: Measured latency of 105 ms Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpLogonOpData::Reset(0) in state 15 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpListOpData::Send() in state 0 Status: Retrieving directory listing... Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 0 Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Send() in state 1 Command: PWD Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 257 "/" is your current location Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpChangeDirOpData::Reset(0) in state 1 Trace: CFtpListOpData::SubcommandResult(0) in state 1 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpListOpData::Send() in state 2 Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 0 Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 1 Command: TYPE I Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 1 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 2 Command: PASV Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (160,153,92,103,198,214) Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 4 Trace: Binding data connection source IP to control connection source IP Trace: tls_layer_impl::client_handshake() Trace: Trying to resume existing TLS session. Command: MLSD Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 150 Accepted data connection Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 4 Trace: CControlSocket::SendNextCommand() Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Send() in state 5 Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_handshake() Trace: TLS Handshake successful Trace: TLS Session resumed Trace: Protocol: TLS1.2, Key exchange: ECDHE-SECP256R1, Cipher: AES-256-GCM, MAC: AEAD Trace: tls_layer_impl::verify_certificate() Trace: CTransferSocket::OnConnect Trace: CTransferSocket::TransferEnd(1) Trace: tls_layer_impl::shutdown() Trace: tls_layer_impl::continue_shutdown() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::TransferEnd() Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 226-Options: -a -l Trace: CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive() Response: 226 29 matches total Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 7 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpRawTransferOpData::Reset(0) in state 7 Trace: CFtpListOpData::SubcommandResult(0) in state 3 Trace: CFtpControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CControlSocket::ResetOperation(0) Trace: CFtpListOpData::Reset(0) in state 3 Status: Directory listing of "/" successful

Tom Rioux 512-422-8682 Austin, Texas

#12272 after refresh the slide is not on top new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

not local and not on site

#12273 Help new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I am unable to connect Filezilla app to my PS3 so I can use FTP

#12275 refresh doesn't work correctly on folder windows new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Using refresh normally had the effect of reorganizing the folder windows. Now it doesn't anymore. The slider doesn't go to the new file. The view is not reorganized so that you see the new files.

#12277 Crashing after many file uploads new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I have left the FTP to transfer thousands of files but it keeps crashing every 250000 files or so (roughly). My workaround is to right click the file queue and export the queue because it seems to still allow that. Then I can restart Filezilla to try again.

This is Windows Server 2012 R1 but the problem could exist on any for all I know.

With this error attached.

#12278 cannot connect to server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I want to connect to associated to IP but filezilla always points to IP

#12285 Private key without extension not shown when adding site new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

In the site manager, when adding a sftp site with Logon Type = Key file, the file selector for the private key does not show files without extensions. The linux ssh-keygen utility creates private keys without extension by default (id_rsa).

#12287 Version 3.50.0 update new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Version 3.50 update - When I set a pdf to open it still downloads like a previous version that was broken and fixed.

So Im running , but I cant turn on of stupid New version to download message, even tho I have it set to Never, AND in AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\filezilla.xml set to disable updates.

#12290 Create new file, in the local pane new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

Does anyone else wish that it were possible to create a new file in the local pane? It’s something I find myself wanting to do for various reasons. For example, I have just retrieved some files from a server, and wanted to place a readme into the same directory. Or, I may want to create a local file first, enter some content, and only upload it when done.

It just seems like, since the option exists for the remote pane, it would make sense for it to also exist in the local pane.

(Granted, it would be inferior to Explorer’s (rather terrible) New menu, but for plain-text files, it would suffice, and even Word’s new file is 0 bytes, rather than pulled from a template.)

#12292 Local site tree randomly collapsing new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

For some unknown reason the local directory tree keeps collapsing because of the bug this ticket references. Just in case the terminology isn't clear I've prepared a screenshot with the local directory tree's header outlined in red. The directory tree that keeps collapsing is below. I've obviously checked to ensure that I'm using the latest version. I think this is a regression as this only seems to have started happening the past few weeks and I use the program on a near-daily basis.

#12295 rename with existing to-name not accepted new Bug report normal FileZilla Server

Formerly it was possible to rename a file in a way that a allready existing file was overwritten. Now it gives the following errormessages:

Status: Renaming '/woordenlijstnieuwgrieks/Mededelingen/mededelingMededelingWL7okt3.php' to '/woordenlijstnieuwgrieks/Mededelingen/mededelingMededelingWL.php' Command: cd "/woordenlijstnieuwgrieks/Mededelingen" Response: New directory is: "/woordenlijstnieuwgrieks/Mededelingen" Command: mv "mededelingMededelingWL7okt3.php" "mededelingMededelingWL.php" Error: mv /woordenlijstnieuwgrieks/Mededelingen/mededelingMededelingWL7okt3.php /woordenlijstnieuwgrieks/Mededelingen/mededelingMededelingWL.php: received failure with description 'Failure'

#12300 Can't acess a server new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I cannot access a server. I always get the message: Estado: Aguardando para tentar novamente... Estado: A resolver o endereço de Estado: Conectando Estado: Conexão estabelecida, esperando mensagem de boas-vindas... Resposta: 220 Serv-U FTP Server v15.1 ready... Comando: AUTH TLS Erro: Conexão expirou após 20 segundos de inatividade Erro: Não foi possível conectar ao servidor Please, help me, I need to access this server to pick up a task. I am a translator e can't work without access it. Using : Windows 10 - Intel core 5 8th gen. McAfee Intenet Security ( already desabled Firewall, but noting help. Tks

#12302 FEATURE REQUEST: Duplicate file feature new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I often use FileZilla to modify my website files, before I do I always backup the file before modifying. Currently I do this by:

(1) Transfer the file locally (2) Rename the remote file xxxx.bak (3) Modify the local file (4) Upload the local file

It would be so much easier if I could just duplicate the remote file like you can in Windows File Manager. Even if I just end up with a 'Copy of xxx' this would make things easier but if you want to knock the ball out of the park, then a 'Duplicate and edit' feature would be such a timesaver.

Use case would be:

(a) Right click file, choose 'Duplicate and edit' (b) Filezilla renames existing file xxx.bak (c) FileZilla copies renamed file as original filename (d) Filezilla opens new file for edit e.g. in Notepad++

Then all I have to do is make my edit, click save (the normal 'This file has changed...' dialogue would then re-upload the modified file as normal.

#12303 Menu selections are remaining on the screen new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

When using FileZilla Client, if I select a menu item, the item panel from the menu remains on the screen after the item is activated. In fact, it remains after the program is closed. I have to log off the computer to get rid of it. The problem appeared in the prior release of FZ Client. I hoped it would go away, but I have updated this morning and the problem remains. I have attached a screenshot where my Dreamweaver dialog box is being obscured by the left over "Manage Sites..." menu selection, even after the client has been closed.

#12313 Optionally automatically rename/move remote individual files after downloading new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

This would help organizing files during transfer.

I would like files to be optionally automatically renamed (prefix/suffix) and/or moved to a specified remote directory after finishing its individual download.

#12314 If file exists locally, overwrite local time stamp without re-downloading the entire file new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

I backed up files from my mobile phone using ES File Explorer's FTP server. Sadly, it messes up dates and times. Amaze file manager and Primitive FTPd however report times correctly.

But I don't want to download all files again, just set the dates and imes of the local files to the original remote files.

I suggest implementing such an option.

#12315 Ability to export remote search results into file new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

There is a remote file search feature.

I suggest the ability to export the search results (including time attribute and full remote paths) into an XML or JSON file.

It is already possible for the queue, the failed transfer list and successful transfer list.

#12317 Fehler mit Wordpress new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Sehr geherte Damen und Herren, beim einspielen eines Backups ist mir aufgefallen das FileZilla nicht alle Daten per FTP transferiert. Beispiel: ich möchte den Ordner meiner Wordpress-Installation sichern, FileZille sagt mir das alles heruntergalden ist aber die Ordner wp-admin und wp-includes wurden nicht mit herunter geladen. Die Ordnerberechtugungen lautet 755. Wenn ich die Ordner versuche einzeln herunterzuladen geschieht dies nicht. Wo liegt der Fehler?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Martin Frickmann

#12318 Suggestion for renaming of files new Feature request normal FileZilla Client

In other software that have the ability to rename files (photo organizers like Thumbsplus, for example), when you choose to rename a file the default portion of the filename selected is the name excluding the extension. This avoid changing the extension by mistake and, honestly, speeds up the renaming process since most of the times only the name is meant to be changed.

#12319 Critical error: Could not connect to server- after connecting and trying to transfer files. moreinfo Bug report normal Unknown

I get this message when trying to transfer files. I can connect to the server, but as soon as I try to transfer files, in the exact same way as I have, I get this error message. Yesterday everything was working for a while, then I couldn't upload css or img files. Last night I could connect to the server, but as soon as I tried to transfer anything, I got the critical error message. I have 4 screens, which show the sequence of my issues.

Thanks for your help everyone

#12322 Error when shutting down Windows new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

Every time I turn off the computer, if I don't close the FileZilla window, I get this error (in the attachment). The error is about a year old. I used to use Windows 7, but I thought it would disappear when I switched to Windows 10.

How to repeat bug:

  1. Open FileZilla
  2. Click "Shut down Windows" or press power button.
  3. A dialog appears with an error.
#12323 FileZilla from USB drive new Bug report normal FileZilla Client

I installed Filezilla on a USB drive so I could carry it with me and use on a public computer.

Works great !!!

Problem is server definitions are apparently not saved in installation directory on USB drive, since when I went to a different public computer, my site management server definitions were gone, and I had to create them all over again.

Need to retain these server definitions in the installation directory one id running the program from.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.