Opened 4 years ago

#12140 new Other


Reported by: Sergio Bonfiglio Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: 10


I'm discussing here the Synchronized Navigation, because IMHO there is a logical bug.
In the panel which the Ftp PARAMETERS ARE STORED, THE PANEL ACCESSIBLE VIA THE site manager (sorry for this definitions that may be incorrect due to the fact that I'm using an Italian interface) there is the possibility to define a synchronized navigation.
I usually do it. Then I define which are the folders, the local one and the remote one, which usually are the roots.
But the local root is belonging to another folder, which is the name of the organization I'm hosting my site with.
So, for instance, I have a folder named ARUBA in which I have created many folders, one for each web site I have.
Then there is the data about the remote server, in which I specify that the root folder is named only "/".
I think that these are the correct parameters that must be indicated, so the synchronized navigation should relate to those two indications, the "root" in my local system, and the remote root.
So when I connect, the program that says that "the synchronized navigation has been deactivated because the folders are not in the same place" (or something like that, sorry for the poor translation) is mistaken, because I can't indicate the local root of my disk.
Please fix this problem, because it is a severe logical mistake IMHO.

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