Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of NewTicketFormGuide

Aug 28, 2008, 5:23:05 PM (17 years ago)
Tim Kosse



  • NewTicketFormGuide

    v1 v1  
     1Submitting a new ticket is a straightforward task. Just fill out the form shown in the screenshot below.
     3This guide will help you to figure out what to put into each field.
     5 * '''Summary''': A short summary about your ticket. Just like an e-mails subject line. Do not put words like ''FileZilla'', ''client'' or ''server'' into the summary, that is redundant information.
     7 * '''Description''': A verbose description about your issue. Read the [wiki:TicketSubmissionGuide Ticket Submission Guide] for further information.
     9 * '''Assign to''': Do not touch
     11 * '''Type''': Select the ticket type: Bug report, feature request or patch.
     13 * '''Priority''': Leave it at normal, even if the problem is important for you. The developers will decide how important this problem really is.
     15 * '''Component''': Is the bug report for the client, the server or some other product?
     17 * '''Keywords''': A few keywords that will make finding your ticket easier.
     19 * '''Cc''': Do not touch
     21 * '''Operating system type''': Select which operating system you have
     23 * '''Operating system version''': Enter the version of your operating system. If you selected ''Other'' as operating system, enter its name here too.