Opened 20 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#868 closed Bug report (wontfix)

SFTP over SSH2 - 2.2.13a - ascii transfer

Reported by: jabbabongo71 Owned by:
Priority: blocker Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: jabbabongo71, elder82, angeld, claudionieder, davidmarcus, dingsda, softinn, giponino, Alexander Schuch
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


the ascii transfer is not functioning when transfer
files .txt in ascii (or automatic) modus. when
tranferrring from windows to unix the file remains the
same. there is still the crlf.
(when i change the connection to ftp it is functioning)

Change History (9)

comment:1 by elder82, 20 years ago

I'm having the same problem...
I'm not sure, but I guess the fact is that in ftp the
conversion is performed by the server, but in ssh ftp the
conversion should be performed by the client :(

\me searches better the web.....

reading the document
(page 28) I found that when using the flag SSH_FXF_TEXT the
server should treat the file as text and perform the
conversion, but probably most servers don't. :(

comment:2 by angeld, 20 years ago

The transfer over ssh is always in binary mode. This is not
a problem, is a feture of ssh/sftp.
You need to use a external program in the unix machine to
make the conversión, for example sed.
# sed samples

comment:3 by claudionieder, 19 years ago

defines how the client can tell the server, that a file is
textand should be stored according to the servers newline


Indicates that the server should treat the file as

text and

convert it to the canonical newline convention in use.


Determining Server Newline Convention. (Section 5.3)

Also as I was asked by a filezilla 2.2.17a user to post a
bug report in respect that filezilla did not transfer
correctly his text file from Win2000 to FreeBSD even though
he had set Ascii-Mode, I think that as long as filezilla
does not support Ascii mode in sftp, this should be made
clear in the user interface.

comment:4 by davidmarcus, 19 years ago

WinSCP 3.7.6 converts ascii files. So, perhaps Filezilla
can, too.

comment:5 by dingsda, 18 years ago

I have the same problem with filezilla as client: transfering an ascii file from
an *nix-Server to a W*ndows box with sftp is always transfered as binary no matter
what I set in the transfer type (ascii/auto). Is there a solution in the new
version 3?

comment:6 by softinn, 17 years ago

I agree with the post of claudionieder:

if SFTP protocol is not supporting automatic ASCII translations like in FTP and the developers are not willing to add the functionality in the client code, then this should be made VERY clear at least in the program documentation or help file (and possibly also in the File Types settings pane).

I'll check the wiki and add an entry if it's not already there.


comment:7 by giponino, 17 years ago

this problem is also present with version

"The transfer over ssh is always in binary mode" is FALSE, in not true!!!!!!
Other clients, like CuteFTP, transfer correctly ASCII files as ASCII and not as BINARY.

This is a clear DEFECT of FileZilla, please correct it!!!

comment:8 by Tim Kosse, 17 years ago

Priority: highcriticalblocker
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

FileZilla uses PuTTY's SFTP implementation. This means the proper place to request this feature would be with the PuTTY developers.

comment:9 by Steve Cosner, 16 years ago

codesquid or anyone else: Is there any way to get this issue's importance raised with the puTTY people? It is a showstopper for my group of developers.

As a result of this, we are dropping use of Filezilla.


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