Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#7763 new Bug report

Downloaded files on large number of files transfer end up in wrong folder — at Initial Version

Reported by: Gerard van de Ven Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: 7


I was downloading a Joomla website with a reasonably large amount of temporary files to my local computer. The total number of files moved was 7,079.
However, the folder structure on the target side is not the same as the on the source size and files seem to have ended up in random locations. It looks like that the 'active' folder for the file transfer was set to whatever the 'active' folder was for the thread that was queueing all the files to be processed. For example. I have a folder "templates" on the source side, with subfolders "beez", "ja_purity", etc. But on the target side, the "templates" folder does not have any subfolders, but has just contains a few files "blogger.php", "blogger.xml" and a few more, that should be in "plugins./xmlrpc". The "beez" and "ja_purity" folders have ended up within the "tmp" folder instead of in "templates" on the target side. But then have subfolders themselves that are in the tmp folder on the source side.

I have the max simultaneous transfers set to 1. The source server is a Linux machine, running Apache 2.2.3. The target machine is a Windows 7 one.

Change History (2)

by Gerard van de Ven, 13 years ago

Attachment: added

A listing of the files as they ended up after download. Can be compared with original structure of joomla 1.5

by Gerard van de Ven, 13 years ago

Attachment: added

The file structure of joomla 1.5 as it should be 95% on the source, some changes may have been made

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