Opened 21 years ago

Last modified 20 years ago

#575 closed Bug report

Queue pane doesn't remember size on reopening of program

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Other
Keywords: Cc: Scott M. Sanders, koros, luegner, legege84, isaacg, Tim Kosse
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


When "Remember window size and position of Filezilla"
is checked in the Interface settings and the queue pane
is set to display when the program opens, you will
notice that the queue pane continuously creaps up until
it becomes the biggest pane on the screen. To test,
just make sure local fileview and/or remote file view
is also displayed and just close and reopen the program
several times and you will notice that the queue pane
progresses upward.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Scott M. Sanders, 21 years ago

Really? My transfer queue pane creeps downward.

What's funny is that this bug has came and gone through *at
least* three different versions and keeps coming back. It
wasn't in the buggy 2.2.4 but is back *again* in 2.2.4b.

See also bugs 636100 and 829339.

comment:2 by koros, 21 years ago

This bug has been reported already, it seems the developers
want to ignore this bug report for some reason.


comment:3 by luegner, 21 years ago

I wasn't sure if it had been reported yet because searching
bugs on this system is a pain in the ass. All I know is
that it is quite annoying watching the queue pain creep up
every time I open the program. I am using 2.2.4b and Win98SE.

comment:4 by legege84, 21 years ago

I'm tired of this bug! Please fix it!

comment:5 by Scott M. Sanders, 21 years ago

This bug seems endemic to Windows XP; I've seen it happen in
other programs as well. So, some programs haven't overcome
it yet (FileZilla, NewsMonster, etc.), while others have
(Mozilla, MusicBrainz Tagger, etc.).

comment:6 by isaacg, 20 years ago

This is very annoying. I don't know if it has something to
do with me having the taskbar on top of screen? Please fix
if at all possible.

comment:7 by Tim Kosse, 20 years ago

This bug report has been closed due to inactivity and has possibly
already been solved.

You can reopen this report if the issue still exists in the
latest version of FileZilla (Server).

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