Opened 15 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#5542 closed Bug report (fixed)

sometimes refuses to update right side

Reported by: Jim Michaels Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: XP Pro SP3


sometimes filezilla client gets stuck into a mode where it refuses to:

  • after changing the right side directory, update the right side
  • click refresh button, refresh the right side

and I don't know if there is any particular sequence that starts this. so my best guess would be to say start looking for logic bugs.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Jim Michaels, 15 years ago

Operating system version: XP Pro SP3

OS is XP Pro SP3.

comment:2 by Alexander Schuch, 12 years ago

Status: newmoreinfo

Do you still have that problem after updating to FileZilla 3.5.3?

Is there anything special shown in the message log? Something like "Waiting for pending reply" or so?

comment:3 by Jim Michaels, 12 years ago

Status: moreinfonew

don't remember what the steps to repro were,I guess i figured it would be obvious, or it was to flaky to put down. I wish I had said which.
I don't think there is that problem any more, have been pretty happy with it lately.

comment:4 by Alexander Schuch, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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