Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#3642 closed Bug report

failure to retireve directory

Reported by: pinson Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: pinson, javier_ibarra, Tim Kosse
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


After updating to version could not connect to our ftp site. The error message said:
"Could not read from transfer socket: ECONNABORTED - connection aborted.
Failed to retrieve directory listing"

I reinstalled a previous version I had saved and was able to once again connect.

Attachments (1)

filezilla log.txt (4.3 KB ) - added by pinson 17 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

comment:1 by javier_ibarra, 17 years ago

Don't list the directory also when it defines a NonStop connection.

Estado: Conectando a
Estado: Conexión establecida, esperando el mensaje de bienvenida...
Respuesta: 220 hgo2 FTP SERVER T9552G08 (Version G08 28JUN2007) ready.
Comando: USER xxxxxx.xxxxxx
Respuesta: 331 Password required for XXXXXX.XXXXXX.
Comando: PASS
Respuesta: 230 User XXXXXX.XXXXXX logged in. GUARDIAN API enabled
Comando: SYST
Respuesta: 215 Nonstop S-series Server : G06.31.
Comando: FEAT
Respuesta: 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
Estado: Conectado
Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio...
Respuesta: 250 CWD command successful.
Comando: PWD
Respuesta: 257 "\HGO2.$DES03.DCTLDVSN" is current default.
Comando: TYPE I
Respuesta: 200 Type set to I.
Comando: PASV
Respuesta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,5,88)
Comando: LIST
Respuesta: 150 Opening data connection for \HGO2.$DES03.DCTLDVSN. (,1764d) (0 bytes).
Respuesta: 226 Transfer complete.
Comando: PASV
Respuesta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,90)
Comando: LIST -a
Respuesta: 150 Opening data connection for \HGO2.$DES03.DCTLDVSN.-A (,1765d) (0 bytes).
Respuesta: 550 \HGO2.$DES03.DCTLDVSN.-A: not found.
Error: Error al recuperar el listado del directorio

comment:2 by Tim Kosse, 17 years ago

Comando: LIST -a
Respuesta: 150 Opening data connection for \HGO2.$DES03.DCTLDVSN.-A

(,1765d) (0 bytes).

Respuesta: 550 \HGO2.$DES03.DCTLDVSN.-A: not found.

So, tell me, how did you miss the warning dialog that popped up when you enabled a certain option in the Server menu? Disable said option and it'll work.

comment:3 by pinson, 17 years ago

Which option would that be? I am running with default settings and have not changed anything in the server menu.

comment:4 by Tim Kosse, 17 years ago

The option to show hidden files.

comment:5 by pinson, 17 years ago

It does not matter if I turn on or off the show hidden files, I get the same result, failure to display the directory. I installed the newest Filezilla on an unneeded computer this AM and tried to connect both ways. I never enabled the show hidden files until this am.

comment:6 by Tim Kosse, 17 years ago

Please attach some logs showing the problematic behaviour.

The logs should be made using debug level 3 which can be enabled
on the debug page in the settings dialog of FileZilla.

The logs have to be complete and unmodified. Do not attempt to
remove or obfuscate any information you might find irrelevant.

If you are worried about posting IP addresses or other
confidential information, mark the tracker item as private.

comment:7 by javier_ibarra, 17 years ago

Thanks codesquid, it works! (in the NonStop connection). The only thing is than i never touched that option.

Anyway thanks a lot!

by pinson, 17 years ago

Attachment: filezilla log.txt added

comment:8 by pinson, 17 years ago

Here is the log.
File Added: filezilla log.txt

comment:9 by Tim Kosse, 17 years ago

Broken server, you need to upgrade to a server that sends the SSL/TLS closure alerts as required by the specifications.

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