Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#2682 closed Feature request

view/edit file functionality

Reported by: gisgeek Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: gisgeek, Alexander Schuch, jureboga, jazzle, scooterod, spl757, trpplayer79, grossvogel, desertskies, chrisjc, jusspitti, Tim Kosse
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


Past versions had a view/edit function in the FTP window when you right clicked on the file (MIME). The exectuted the associated program on the client computer which then could be edited. That was a huge benefit to the program please put it back in.

Change History (12)

comment:1 by Alexander Schuch, 18 years ago

I take this goes for FileZilla 3.

comment:2 by jureboga, 18 years ago

i want it too, it's an essential function

comment:3 by jazzle, 18 years ago

Another vote for this.
(Yes, for FZ3)

comment:4 by scooterod, 18 years ago

This was the first thing I searched to configure my editor.
Here ist my vote for this ;-)

comment:5 by Alexander Schuch, 18 years ago

Just to avoid that even more people "vote for this one" as well, I repeat the line which shows up in the RFE tracker overview: "Please do not add comments like "I want this feature, too" or something similar to any requests."

comment:6 by spl757, 18 years ago

Another vote for this, I like Filezilla, but lack of this function is a dealbreaker.

comment:7 by trpplayer79, 18 years ago

untill this is implemented in the V3 I will continu to use V2.
because this is a function I constantly use.

comment:8 by grossvogel, 18 years ago

I've come up with a temporary fix that works for me. The feature request list looks really long, and I didn't want to wait!

My filezilla mod allows you to manually modify your settings file (filezilla.xml) to change the double-click behavior from 'Upload File' to 'Launch Some Application' (supposing it works at all). I've posted a binary compiled on my Ubuntu 7.04 system, along with the modified source files, at

There's a readme included with some instructions and explanations. No guarantees, of course.

I am not very experienced, or I'd have attempted to contribute something that mightn't have to be rewritten, but this is it for now. I'm also totally new to SourceForge, so I hope I'm not doing anything wrong by posting this link... I just hope it helps somebody.

comment:9 by desertskies, 18 years ago

View/edit functionality is an essential tool for my ability to swiftly update web pages. I don't really understand why this feature was removed, it certainly can't be considered fluff since it eliminates four to five steps in an update procedure. Did this tool somehow pose a security threat? Ver2.2.32 will remain my FTP client presently.

comment:10 by chrisjc, 17 years ago

I'm afriad that until this fairy simple yet extremeley useful feature is re-enabled I will conttinue to use version 2. Please guys, this can't be too hard to implement and isn't really a feature request as such as it was already there in the old version.

comment:11 by jusspitti, 17 years ago

I was hoping to use Filezilla instead of cute but there is something I really need:

View/Edit files on the same ftp window (only text format of couse) and be able to save to remote folder right away.

Cuteftp have this and its great.

I am cool with a 3rd party opening the file but then I when saving it doesn't save to remote folder.

This little detail stops me from using filezilla

comment:12 by Tim Kosse, 17 years ago

This feature has been implemented. Please update to the most
recent version of FileZilla.

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