Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#2436 closed Feature request

Synchronize folders option

Reported by: wilsoncpu Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: wilsoncpu, cliffelion, fmdeveloper, Tim Kosse
Component version: Operating system type:
Operating system version:


Provide a checkbox "Keep folder movement synchronized"
If checked, any change-of-directory on one side would
attempt to perform the same change on the other side.

Since users generally set up equivalent start points,
this would mean they could easily ensure they were
always in equivalent places in both windows, guarding
against uploading or downloading the wrong version of a
file. (Especially useful where filenames repeat, such
as index.html or index.php, etc.)

Change History (4)

comment:1 by cliffelion, 18 years ago

it would be great if this feature could be implemented by
running UNISON or rsync

comment:2 by fmdeveloper, 18 years ago

Would love to see this feature implemented

comment:3 by Tim Kosse, 18 years ago

Duplicate of at least one other feature request.

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