Opened 10 months ago

#13057 new Feature request

Request Upload option: Force Lowercase Remote Names

Reported by: Doug Henkle Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Other
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: 10


This option is available in WS_FTP LE 6.0, but the program stopped working when Windows 10 was installed. I could find no other FTP program that had this option, so I have been using FileZilla for pages created after that. For years I created HTML pages with the EVE/TPU editor on a VAX. But VAX computers are capable of creating only UPPERCASE filenames. I had to stop updating my 1,200+ UPPERCASE HTML page files because I could no longer upload them to my lowercase-based Linux server. I hope you can add this option someday. Thank you.

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