Opened 3 years ago

#12754 new Bug report

Upload progress bar jumps quickly to 100% yet upload is unfinished.

Reported by: Ryan Bates Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Upload Cc: Ryan Bates
Component version: 3.60.2 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: WIndows 10 (19044.1766)


Since updating to the most recent version I have noticed that the progress bar when uploading files runs quickly up to 100% but the upload has not finished and is continuing in the background.

While having task manager open to monitor my ethernet status, the Filezilla progress bar seems to be recording the files being read and loaded into memeory.
as the progress bar reaches 100%, My RAM graph in Task manager then levels out and the disk then records 0% activity.

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