Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#11947 new Bug report

Problem with downloaded PHP file used by WordPress in ASCII mode

Reported by: James Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: 3.42.1 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 10 1903



I've noticed a problem while downloading a PHP file associated with Wordpress when using ASCII mode.

When downloading a file, part of it get garbled and makes the file unreadable.

Forcing binary mode solves the problem.

I'm attaching the file downloaded in the binary mode and in ASCII mode for comparison.

I'm downloading the file from a Linux server using a Windows FileZilla Client version 3.42.1.

You need to go to the 5749 line of the file formatting_ASCII_download.txt and scroll to column 15741 to see exactly what is happening.

I'm attaching formatting_binary_download.txt which is a correctly downloaded version of the file for comparison.

The mentioned files can be found in any WordPress installation in the directory: wp-includes/formatting.php

I'm using Notepad++ to verify the downloaded file.

Attachments (2)

formatting_ASCII_download.txt (291.6 KB ) - added by James 6 years ago.
The corrupted version of file downloaded in ASCII mode
formatting_binary_download.txt (285.9 KB ) - added by James 6 years ago.
The correct version of file downloaded in binary mode

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

by James, 6 years ago

The corrupted version of file downloaded in ASCII mode

by James, 6 years ago

The correct version of file downloaded in binary mode

comment:1 by James, 6 years ago

Operating system version: Windows 1903Windows 10 1903
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