Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#11620 closed Bug report (rejected)

Cached/displayed file size wrong after reboot - causes resume to start at wrong place with larger files

Reported by: Michael Shepard Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: file size display incorrect on reboot and resume Cc:
Component version: 3.33.0 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 10 (build 16299), 64-bit edition


When downloading 100GB backup files the overwrite/resume prompt window shows old (cached?) size info about the local files after an unexpected reboot during long download (Enforced Windows Update reboot).

The Local site file listing also shows old data. Hitting F5 multiple times to refresh sometimes updates the window to the current file size. Without knowing it has to be refreshed, FileZilla will redownload large parts of the file.

Event Sequence:
Start downloads at 9 am after backup finishes. File download is progressing to 80GB. Unexpected reboot happens at night. Restart the machine and reload Filezilla. Local site and overwrite/resume window show the file progress is at 50GB (the last server reconnect perhaps?) and resumes from 50GB point. Window Explorer shows file was 70GB before download resume.

Thanks for the great tool!

From About:

FileZilla Client

Version: 3.33.0

Build information:

Compiled for: x86_64-w64-mingw32
Compiled on: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Build date: 2018-05-07
Compiled with: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (GCC) 6.3.0 20170516
Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall

Linked against:

wxWidgets: 3.0.5
SQLite: 3.22.0
GnuTLS: 3.5.18

Operating system:

Name: Windows 10 (build 16299), 64-bit edition
Version: 10.0
Platform: 64-bit system
CPU features: sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 avx aes pclmulqdq rdrnd
Settings dir: C:\Users\media\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla\

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 7 years ago

Resolution: rejected
Status: newclosed

FileZilla does not cache data about local files. If the size is displayed too small it is because Windows is reporting a too small size.

Something appears to be wrong with your operating system.

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