Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#11289 closed Bug report (rejected)

Timestamp is wrong

Reported by: thomas1973dk Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc:
Component version: 3.26.1 Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version:


When transferring files the timestamps regarding the latest version/last updated do not match. The timestamp on the submitting end is correct, but not in the receiving window. It is 2 hrs off.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Tim Kosse, 8 years ago

Resolution: rejected
Status: newclosed

This can happen on servers which violate the protocol specifications and use a timezone other than UTC for timestamps.

This needs to be fixed server-side, for example by upgrading to a proper server.

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