Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#10479 closed Bug report (fixed)

User can not see the contents after login to the FTP server.

Reported by: Hung, Chia-Ching Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: FileZilla Client
Keywords: Cc: hchiaching@…
Component version: Operating system type: Windows
Operating system version: Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Ubuntu 15.04


My FTP server is pure-ftpd(v1.0.31). I can see the contents of the FTP Server by using FileZilla 3.10.3, But I can not see any contents of the FTP server by using FileZilla

In addition, if the FTP server is vsftpd(v3.0.2), FileZilla can display the contents of the server normally.

Attachments (2)

FileZilla_3.11.0.1 (4.2 KB ) - added by Hung, Chia-Ching 10 years ago.
It's the log of FileZilla and I can not see the contents of the FTP server.
FileZilla_3.10.3 (4.2 KB ) - added by Hung, Chia-Ching 10 years ago.
It's the log of FileZilla 3.10.3 and I can see the contents of the FTP server.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

comment:1 by Hung, Chia-Ching, 10 years ago

Cc: hchiaching@… added

comment:2 by Tim Kosse, 10 years ago

Status: newmoreinfo

Please post a log of attempting to get a directory listing, with "Show raw directory listings" enabled in the settings dialog of FileZilla.

by Hung, Chia-Ching, 10 years ago

Attachment: FileZilla_3.11.0.1 added

It's the log of FileZilla and I can not see the contents of the FTP server.

by Hung, Chia-Ching, 10 years ago

Attachment: FileZilla_3.10.3 added

It's the log of FileZilla 3.10.3 and I can see the contents of the FTP server.

comment:3 by Hung, Chia-Ching, 10 years ago

Status: moreinfonew

I had uploaded the debug log. Please refer to the debug log!! Thanks!

comment:4 by Tim Kosse, 10 years ago

Listing: type=dir;sizd=8192;modify=19691231190000;UNIX.mode=0777;UNIX.uid=0;UNIX.gid=0;unique=801g1; 16GB

That's the problem. 19691231190000 is not a valid date. Unix(-like) systems measure time since 1970-01-01 00:00:00. Times earlier than the epoch are not specified.

comment:5 by Hung, Chia-Ching, 10 years ago

But if I use dos command (ex:cmd.exe) to login the FTP server, I can see the content. And why could I see the content of FTP server if I use FileZilla 3.10.3? Is that the new feature that FileZilla will check the created time of folder??

In addition, I also find that if I format a USB-flash to FAT32 or FAT16, the created time is always 1970-01-01. My time zone of PC is +8(Taipei) and I always use it to format the USB-flash. But the time zone of my FTP server(Linux) is -6(Mexico city). I plugged the USB-flash to the FTP server(Linux) and assign the root path of the USB-flash as the home directory. It's my test environment.

comment:6 by Tim Kosse, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Please try

comment:7 by Hung, Chia-Ching, 10 years ago

It's fixed! Thanks!

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