Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (295 - 297 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12389 wontfix ETA/Size of downloads when filesize is incorrect meteorquake

If you have two instances of FZ open (eg you might have on two computers) and one fetches a directory listing before the other has finished uploading a file, when you download that file (certainly after timeout) FZ doesn't refetch the latest (final) size but assumes what it has is correct, and the ETA is incorrect. I think certainly once it's passed the projected size it should realise and fetch the correct size and the ETA should be updated, however it may be better in addition if it could check the size before downloading if: the timestamp of the file is close to when the directory was listed and the session had not uploaded it there, as that's a sure sign the size might be incorrect.

Cheers, David

#12387 rejected Directory comparison - Different files with same size Filip Pynckels


  • server contains a file with contents "abc"
  • client contains a file with contents "bac"
  • files have the same size
  • files have same date
  • files have different time


  • the directory comparison view shows no difference (no colored line).
#12386 fixed Speed limit for upload is of by a factor of ten Uwe

My Internet Connection has 5 MBit/s Upload limit.

I wanted some 1500 MBit/s upload speed. To achieve this I have to set Filezilla to 150 kBit/s in the speed limit dialog. See Screen Shots. When I set the speed limit to 600 kBit/s, FileZilla consumes the whole upload bandwidth.

This used to be working right in previous versions of FileZila Client

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