Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (292 - 294 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12397 rejected Connecting to third party S3 provider loleg

After fiddling ..a lot!.. with the S3 connection and site settings, and having successfully connected to official Amazon S3 buckets, I cannot manage to connect to a Linode Object Storage S3 provider which works completely fine using the s3cmd tool. There is always a 403 user access denied error. I tried rotating my access keys and various ACL and permission settings to no avail.

If anybody else has managed to use FileZilla with Linode or another third-party S3 provider, I would appreciate a tip. They recommend the CyberDuck client, which is not supported on Linux.


#12395 fixed FZ 3.52.2 on Big Sur 11.2.2 UI/panels disappears after all files have transferred AfwB43

FZ will transfer all files but at the end the UI just drops out. I wish there would be a way to provide more details over and above what the "FileZilla.log" in "debug" mode can provide?

#12392 invalid FZ 3.52.2 fails at end of any transfer on Mac OS 11.2.2 Big Sur AfwB43

FZ fails at end of transfer on Mac OS 11.2.2

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