Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (283 - 285 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#287 LS only shows files with uid in /etc/passwd cdevidal

I use winbind on an SFTP server, which uses the standard nsswitch.conf and associated libraries (so this problem is likely to be seen with NIS or similar services). If I use SFTP on a linux commandline or if I use PSFTP in DOS, I see these files. But FileZilla ignores these files. It's probably because it doesn't look up the user/group name with the standard unix utility getent (or with similar unix calls). All other unix utilities I've used do this lookup.

This appears to be a bigger issue than winbind. If a server uses NIS or something else (with settings in nsswitch.conf), this will probably fail.

I suggest, rather than reading /etc/passwd, do 'getent passwd' or a similar unix call. Same with groups. I don't know if the code does this but I assume it does based on the behavior.


#288 Upload bandwidth problem (10 times less) anonymous

I've noticed a 10 times smaller upload transfer in the FileZilla client version 2.1.5.

This was observed on my local network, when uploading files from a windows xp to linux proftpd. Switched to version 2.0.2 and all works fine.

All the settings were default (no bandwidth limit set).

#289 "Selected Files" recalculated after every transfer anonymous

Bear with me, my first ever bug report for any open source project. I looked through the bugs to see if its been posted, but didnt see it, so it may have been.

Problem I found was with large directories (1000+ files). This issue probably isnt present with small directories.

After selecting a large directory of about 2000 files, 20mb total and adding it to the queue, I began my transfer. I clicked my process queue button before clicking of the directory I had selected. At that point, FileZilla recalculated my 'selected files' after every file transfer. Each recalculation took about 10 seconds (which is another bug, FileZilla's EXTREMELY slow file size calculations). After about 3 file transfers it finally crashed. The second time around I made sure to click off the files, and everything transfered fine.

Filezilla also crashes when adding large groups of files to the queue. This particular case I had to add four batches of about 500 files at a time before processing. When trying to add all 2000 at once, the program crashed immediately.

FileZilla 2.1.5

Dave V dviorean@…

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