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Results (280 - 282 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11461 fixed Filezilla crashes when (dis)connecting external monitors DougZ

When you attach or detach external monitors, FileZilla client intermittently crashes - report attached.

#12900 worksforme Error saving/loading queue DXL3969

I just updated my FileZilla client for the first time in a while (via the prompt on startup), and after that it started giving me an error message every time it started or closed the program. The error on starting was:

An error occurred loading the transfer queue from
Some queue items might not have been restored.

The error on closing was almost identical:

An error occurred saving the transfer queue to
Some queue items might not have been saved.

Additional information:

  • The program is installed to a different drive than the folder it is trying to write to. It is located at "E:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client" and the folder it is trying to write to is on the C drive (listed above). Not sure if this is relevant or not, but you said to be verbose.
  • The file did exist in the location the program was looking, and the previous version of the client could read and write to it just fine.
  • The error messages stopped showing up when I deleted queue.sqlite3 and let the program regenerate the file, although I have kept the old queue.sqlite3 just in case. This means that the issue is solved for me, but I figured you might still want to know that this file isn't always compatible if you forget to update for a while and then go up by a couple versions at once.
#4619 outdated Timer Creation Failed... from version 3.2.5 to version 3.2.6 Jim

I got the message Timer Creation Failed when upgrading from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6. The forum ticket says this was reopened and reclosed because it cannot happen in 3.2.5. However, it did happen. The download was successful though and manually running the update worked fine. Now at 3.2.6.

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