Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (277 - 279 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#277 negative time left downloading symlink anonymous

When I was downloading a file via symlink the "time left" numbers (both minutes and seconds) in the queue area went negative after the first second (probably based on the size of the symlink itself?).

#278 Remote directory doesn't allow relative paths ffes

It is impossible to use a relative path as remote directory.

One homepage needs that files are places in the subdir WWW. But I can't change to that directory automaticly.

I tried ./ and I even tried to edit the .xml file, but that didn't help either, but there is ALWAYS a / added to the start of the remote directory.

#279 Could not retrieve directory listing anonymous

Connecting to a GuildFTP server v. 0.999.6, using a "real" id and password, logs in just fine and gets as far as the "LIST" command and then: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (2755 bytes). 425 Can't build data connection. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

Tried using Linux ftp (lukemftp which is originally bsd...) to connect instead and it worked fine...

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